Studies Say Women Are Happier With Men Who Are Less Attractive Than Them — Here’s Why
If you're conventionally attractive, you probably get a lot of attention from the other sex. People who don't fit in with society's typical beauty standards are seen as generally less attractive because they are unconventionally attractive. And although lots of attractive people tend to find someone "on their level," that is not always the case.
For couples with mismatched attractiveness levels, what pairing makes the relationship stronger?
We All Know Looks Aren't Everything
Although some people are hyper-focused on looks when it comes to finding a partner, in fact, personality is the most important factor, hands down.
The reality is that men who are considered "less attractive" actually might be the best men out there. So, if you're still single, it may just be because you're too attractive. Mind = blown. And although people have different perceptions of what is attractive and what isn't, there are several traits that women find physically attractive in men and vice versa.
Pop Culture References
Penny and Leonard are one of the most iconic couples on TV. And the truth is, they work together so well, but Penny is generally considered to be WAY out of Leonard's league.
When Penny first met Leonard, she only thought of him as a neighbor and a friend, but when the two start to date, she realizes that Leonard is the only man who has ever truly cared about her.
Who Can Forget About Jay-Z And Beyoncé
Okay, enough about fiction. These two are one of the world's biggest and most iconic couples, but Jay-Z gets a lot of online hate for being unattractive, or "ugly."
Personally, I hate the word ugly and refuse to use it, but Beyoncé is known as one of the most beautiful women in the world, so it would be hard to live up to that for anyone.
The Florida State University Study
Back in 2017, a study was done at Florida State University.
And guess what? The people who conducted the study found that relationships are more likely to be successful when the woman is better-looking than the man.
Researchers Evaluated 113 Couples
Researchers spoke with 113 recently married couples in Texas in their late 20s. Evaluators rated couples by their attractiveness.
Couples were also given a questionnaire about their desire to remain in shape and attractive, in order to evaluate themselves.
He Is More Willing To Compensate
Researchers found that "in instances where the man was less attractive, he was likely to compensate with acts of kindness like presents, [intimate] favors, or extra housework."
Overall, they saw a pattern where women typically felt happier and feel more appreciated in this type of relationship, therefore strengthening the relationship.
They Go The Extra Mile
So, it can be inferred that less attractive men typically tend to go the "extra mile" to please their other half compared to more attractive men.
If I know one thing about women, it's that most of us love to be showered with love and little surprises or romantic getaways every once in a while. Also, you already know that actress and model Salma Hayek (pictured) is probably treated like a goddess by her hubby François-Henri Pinaulti.
When A Husband Is Rated As More Attractive
When a woman's husband was rated as more attractive, the results suggested the pressure they felt from having a hot husband made them more likely to be unhappy with their physical appearance.
There was a link to a woman having excessive exercise and diet obsessions if her husband was "hotter" than her. Dieting is not bad, but diet culture can be really toxic. Overall, the reason for dieting motivation shouldn't be fear that your man is better-looking than you.
Tania Reynolds Explains The Results
Researcher Tania Reynolds explained that the results reveal that having a physically attractive husband may have a negative effect on wives, especially if those wives are not particularly attractive.
But the research also suggests that "there might be social factors playing a role in women's disordered eating."
Let's Dive Into Some Other Reasons Why
So, it seems like when a woman is truly content and happy in a relationship, her other half isn't the better-looking one.
And there are a couple of other reasons as to why relationships where the man is better looking are less likely to work out.
Being Traditionally Attractive Can Make Your Partner More Suspicious Of You
Apparently, in a study done by researchers at the University of Western Australia, the impressions we make by analyzing someone's face sometimes "contain a kernel of truth."
In their study, women often used masculinity as a valid cue to unfaithfulness. This means that just by being attractive, women typically suspect that the man is more likely to cheat.
More Attractive Individuals Are More Likely To Divorce
Lastly, according to Psychology Today, "Recent research using a variety of different methods shows that more attractive individuals are more likely to divorce."
Attractive people are also less likely to choose not to pursue attractive alternative partners, which reinforces the idea that attractive people like to be with less attractive people. Do whatever you please with this information, but don't just rule out every hottie you see from here on out.
That Being Said, One Partner Being More Attractive Than The Other Can Cause Issues In The Relationship
This one can apply to everyone, but if you've ever been with someone who is far more attractive than you, you may feel like you're always in their shadow.
Like, if you always have to watch the waiter or other people hit on them. Going out and knowing that you are in the shadow of your partner can make you feel insecure and inferior. From personal experience, I know that this can end up creating tension in the relationship.
The Heart Wants What It Wants
Deciding whether or not you should date someone purely based on their looks isn't the best idea. There are so many factors that go into being compatible with someone, so it's best not to jump to conclusions if your man is really hot.
Although it's okay to have a type, if your relationships aren't working out, it's probably best to branch out a little bit.
Study Shows That Dating A Man 6 Years Older Than Her Can Make A Woman Happier
In fact, it's more common for a male partner to be older than his female counterpart in a heterosexual relationship than the opposite.
It just seems that many women prefer to date an older man.
They Have Their Reasons
Some women choose to date older men because they find them to be closer to their level of maturity than their peers.
Older men tend to be more straightforward in their intentions and more ready to settle down.
Sometimes It's Just The Stability That's Attractive
Some women prefer to date older men because they're more settled in life.
They know what they want in the long term—career, lifestyle, location—so it's easier to see if you're a good match.
Age Gaps Are Pretty Normalized On The Whole
In movies, books, and television shows, it's normal for female characters to date a much older man.
However, a study suggests that the ideal age gap is not that large.
Someone Decided To Look Into The Data is an online dating platform where people are able to buy and sell first dates.
Recently, they conducted a study with their users, gathering data from over 100,000 people.
Six Years Seems To Be The Best For Women
What the site found was that women were most attracted to men who were six years older than them.
Now you might ask: why exactly is this age probably pretty ideal?
I Guess It's Good For Lifestyle
The CEO of, Brandon Wade, suggested that women tend to mature faster than men.
It makes sense that a woman would not want to date someone her age or younger if she's looking for a partner who is on her level.
So Why Not Much Older?
If women crave maturity in a partner, why not go much older?
One could say that women also want a partner who is in a similar life stage as them and has a similar lifestyle. For example, a 30-year-old woman might find herself pressed to find a much older husband who wants to do rigorous outdoor activities like snowboarding or hiking.
Of Course, There Are No Right Answers
Just because a lot of women seek to date men who are six years older than them, that doesn't mean it's the right match.
In the end, it really does come down to compatibility rather than age.
Men Say They Like Smart Women, But Research Says Otherwise
Each man individually took a test and received their "grade" on it.
After being told their results, the men were informed that another woman in the room had scored higher than him on the test.
They Were Still Pretty Into It
When later interviewed regarding their feelings toward this unseen woman who had done better than him on the test, they said that they found it attractive that she was intelligent.
Sounds like this shows that men do like intelligent women, right? Well, hold on.
...And Then Things Got Murky
In another part of the study, men took a test in the same room as a conventionally attractive woman.
Following the test, they were each informed that they didn't perform as well as that woman in the room.
Suddenly, Being Smart Wasn't All That Hot
When interviewed following the experience about how they felt about the woman who had outperformed them, almost all of the men said they found her to be unattractive and held no romantic interest in her.
"Surely," you might be thinking, "this woman just wasn't their type." Well, they controlled for that.
Think That She Just Wasn't That Hot? Think Again
The study was also run inversely so that a group of the men was told that the woman (the same as before) has scored lower than them on the test.
Almost all of them answered that they found her attractive and they would be romantically interested in her.
What Did This Mean?
The psychologists involved in the study concluded that men perceive a more intelligent woman at a distance when she's more of an idea, but when directly faced with a woman who was objectively smarter than them, they were disinterested.
So they like smart women in the abstract, but the second a smart woman is more than just an idea, they lose interest.
It Also Shows Why Accomplished Women Often Are Single
Have you ever met a woman who is incredibly smart, interesting, and accomplished only for her to say she has trouble finding a male romantic partner?
The likelihood is that male egos can't handle the reality that they might date someone who is smarter than them.