Make Sure To Avoid All Of These Foods If You Have High Blood Pressure And Need To Keep It In Check
Those who have consistently high blood pressure suffer from hypertension, and they need to watch their salt and sugar intake. Over three-fourths of our salt consumption comes from sneaky sources.
From the type of cheese you buy to condiments, many foods sneak salt, sugar, and fats into your diet. Once you know about these foods, you can avoid them--and gradually lower your blood pressure. Did any of these common food picks surprise you?
Limit Your Cheeses (And Choose The Right Ones)
It's a myth that people with high blood pressure have to cut out cheese completely. You can eat cheese, but how much depends on the type of cheese. According to one study, some cheeses contain more sodium than seawater. These include feta, halloumi, Roquefort, and cheese singles.
If you want cheese with less saturated fat and salt, opt for mozzarella and cottage cheeses. And don't discount reduced-fat cheese. They have the same flavor as regular cheese with 25% less fat. As long as you limit your portion sizes, you can eat these cheeses without worry.
More Soda Equals Higher Blood Pressure
Research suggests that cutting back on your soda intake could save your blood pressure. In 2011, scientists from the Imperial College in London analyzed almost 2,700 soda drinkers. Participants who drank more than one sweetened beverage a day had high blood pressure. Even worse, it kept increasing the more they drank.
The research identified the culprits as glucose, fructose, and salt. These are the most common sweeteners and preservatives used in soda. Fortunately, diet soda doesn't cause the same effect, and cutting back on one soda per day does wonders for your blood pressure.
Don't Buy Deli Meat
Pre-sliced deli meats are like sodium bombs. An average two-ounce serving of delicatessen lunch meat offers upwards of 500 grams of sodium. Even a leaner option like turkey quickly adds up to 1000 mg with only three slices. On the worse end, a single serving of Genoa provides 910 mg of salt.
If you put these pre-sliced meats on a sandwich, you'll only load up on more salt. Mustard, pickles, cheese--even whole wheat bread averages between 200 mg and 400 mg of sodium. Save yourself the hassle by buying fresh meat or cooking it yourself.
Sugar Is Worse Than Salt
When it comes to hypertension, many people focus on sodium. But research from 2014 argues that sugar is worse for blood pressure than salt. Published in Open Heart, the study states that sugar increases insulin, which speeds up the heart and blood pressure.
According to the study, participants who ate high sugar meals for two weeks experienced a noticeable spike in blood pressure. The authors assert that because too little sodium harms peoples' health, people with hypertension should focus more on cutting out sugar.
Be Wary Of Canned Tomato Products
Most canned and bottled tomato sauces are preserved with sodium. According to the USDA, half a cup of classic marinara sauce has well over 400 mg of salt. A cup of tomato juice raises the sodium to 600 mg. If you don't measure your sauce, the salt will sneak its way into your diet.
Fortunately, a study in Food Science & Nutrition confirmed that unsalted tomato sauces lower hypertension and cholesterol.
How You Cook Red Meat Matters
Although many studies have pointed fingers at red meat, new research suggests that the cooking method has more to do with high blood pressure. In 2018, researchers presented a 16-year study about cooking red meat and fish. They concluded that high-temperature cooking, such as open flame, raised the risk of hypertension.
Participants who grilled their meat and fish were 17% more likely to develop hypertension than those who broiled or roasted their meat. Researchers believe that over-cooking increases the inflammatory response in the body, raising blood pressure. Also, restrict your red meat consumption to twice a week.
Condiments Are Sneaky Salt Sources
Salt sneaks into almost every condiment. For instance, ketchup supplies 160 mg of salt per tablespoon. Teriyaki sauce marinades have almost 700 mg of sodium.
Soy sauce is the worst: 1,500 mg of salt per one tablespoon! And many people glaze more than one tablespoon on their meals.
White Potatoes, In Any Form, Increase Blood Pressure
Potato chips aren't the only type of potato that is bad for hypertension. In 2016, scientists reported their findings on potatoes from over 20 years of research. According to them, those who ate boiled, baked, or mashed potatoes four times a week were 11% more likely to develop high blood pressure.
When potatoes mix with sodium, the result rises. Participants who ate french fries four or more times a week were 17% more likely to develop high blood pressure. Although potatoes can help in moderation due to their potassium, they have such a high glycemic index that you should eat them sparingly.
Avoid Milk Chocolate And White Chocolate
The lighter the chocolate, the more sugar it has. One cup of milk chocolate chips contains over 86 grams of sugar, whereas the same amount of white chocolate supplies 100 grams of sugar. According to a study in Open Heart, excess sugar is worse for hypertension than salt.
But there is good news. During a 2017 Harvard study, researchers concluded that dark chocolate might decrease the risk of an irregular heartbeat. Because dark chocolate has 50% to 70% cocoa, it provides natural flavonoids that dilate blood vessels. But while dark chocolate has 50 mg of flavonoids, milk chocolate only contains 16 mg.
The Salt In Canned Beans Is Unavoidable
On their own, beans and legumes help lower blood pressure. But canned beans have added ingredients built to preserve them, namely salt. Many canned beans contain well over 1,000 mg of sodium. Although many people recommend rinsing the beans to get rid of salt, that doesn't help much for hypertension patients.
According to physicians from Pritikin, soaking beans for ten minutes and rinsing them only removes 30% of the salt. In a can with 1,000 mg of sodium, that leaves 700 mg. It's not a big enough difference to make canned beans healthy.
Don't Cook With Certain Vegetable Oils
Some vegetable oils are high in omega-6 fatty acids, which harm blood pressure levels. According to a study in Open Heart, omega-6's increase blood pressure through their high amounts of linoleic acid. Unfortunately, many of these high omega-6 oils slip into various foods.
During a 2011 study, rats who were fed palm and soy oils experienced a noticeable increase in blood pressure. Other oils with high omega-6s include sunflower, corn, and cottonseed oils. Opt for more healthy cooking oils such as olive, coconut, and avocado. Even canola has less harmful omega-6s than other options.
Substitute High-Fat Whole Milk
High-fat foods make blood pressure worse, and fatty milk is no exception. Whole milk has high saturated fat, with one cup containing eight grams of fat and 4.5 grams of saturated fat. The American Heart Association recommends avoiding these saturated fats since they build up in your artery walls.
On the other hand, drinking low-fat milk alleviates high blood pressure. After analyzing over 60,000 people in 2014, researchers determined that drinking two cups of low-fat milk a day lowers the risk of hypertension. The calcium, potassium, and magnesium help to reduce blood pressure.
Mind The Salt In Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut is a high-sodium fermented food. One cup of sauerkraut has well over 900 mg of sodium. The only low-sodium option is raw, naturally fermented sauerkraut, and it's not the same. Despite the salt, eating sauerkraut in moderation can benefit your blood pressure levels.
According to a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, participants who ate fermented foods daily (such as kimchi) experienced lower weight and blood pressure. Sauerkraut's high amount of potassium may help your blood pressure levels if you limit your portion sizes.
BPA Is A Big Risk In Canned Soups
It's no secret that canned soup has high amounts of salt. But 2014 research in Hypertension suggests a more dangerous culprit, bisphenol A (BPA). According to researchers, this chemical can raise blood pressure up to 16 times its normal level. BPA is found in plastics and can linings.
Compared to other canned foods, soup threatens to have most BPA. After measuring participants' urine, researchers noted that they had 1000% more BPA from eating canned soup for five days, as opposed to homemade soup. Don't risk this for a can of soup.
Donuts--Just Don't
Donuts are one of the least healthy pastries you can east, especially if you have high blood pressure. They combine frying with sugar, two of the worst ingredients for hypertension. According to 2014 research from New Zealand, the more sugar we eat, the higher our blood pressure rises. And donuts have between 10 to 20 grams of sugar on average.
If that isn't enough, an average donut has well over 300 calories. Many are made of 42% fat and 54% carbs. And that's not even considering the fried component. In short: pick another pastry for your breakfast treat.
Energy Drinks Alter Your Heart Rate
Like other highly-caffeinated drinks, energy drinks affect your blood pressure. But according to 2019 research by the American Heart Association, it also changes your heart rate. During the study, people who drank 32 ounces of energy drinks raised blood pressure and heart rate after 30 minutes.
The researchers emphasize that those with high blood pressure should avoid energy drinks. Otherwise, they'll have a higher risk of ventricular arrhythmias, a fatal condition that causes abnormal heartbeats. If you have high blood pressure, get your caffeine fix elsewhere.
Why You Shouldn't Eat White Rice
Like bread, rice can help or harm blood pressure depending on the type you eat. Refined white rice is the most dangerous option. Stripped of bran and germ, white rice has none of the nutrients of whole wheat rice.
According to Harvard research, people who ate more than five servings of white rice per week have a 17% greater chance of type 2 diabetes.
Don't Pick Pickles
Although they're tasty, pickles are the epitome of "salty food." A medium-sized pickle supplies a max of 800 mg of salt, over half of your daily recommended dose on a low-sodium diet. A study by LiveStrong confirmed that eating pickles raises blood pressure.
As with all high-sodium foods, pickles are fine in moderation. But combined with other salty foods--deli meat sandwiches, cheeses, and hot dogs--will heighten your salt intake considerably. Salt places greater pressure on your blood vessels, which increases blood pressure. If you like pickles, restrict your serving sizes.
Watch Your Peanut Butter Servings
Peanut butter can work in a hypertensive diet. However, you'll need to monitor the peanut butter closely.
Many kinds of peanut butter contain added sugars and vegetable oils, both of which can clog arteries. Look out for nut butter with partially hydrogenated oils, palm oils, and soy oils.
Steer Clear Of Fried Meals
Corn dogs, chicken tenders, and fries are never the healthiest choice, but they're more dangerous for people with high blood pressure.
To the surprise of no one, a 2015 study confirmed that the more you eat, the worse your blood pressure becomes. Participants who ate fried food daily had a 14% greater chance of developing heart disease.
Easy-Made Ramen Is A Mistake
Although instant ramen noodles may make a quick meal, they also pose a health risk. According to a 2014 study, eating instant noodles more than two times a week raised the risk of high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. And that's excluding the potential for weight gain.
An average pack of instant ramen noodles supplies 1,820 mg of salt. That's two-thirds of the FDA's daily sodium recommendation. Plus, instant ramen is preserved with Tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ), which your body struggles to digest. It's an overall high blood pressure trap.
Frozen Pot Pies Are Both Salty And Fatty
Like many processed foods, frozen pot pies are packed with sodium. A single serving contains 1,400 mg of sodium. For reference, the American Heart Association recommends only 1,500 mg of salt per day for adults with high blood pressure. If you have two servings, you'll be way over your salt limit.
Frozen pot pies also supply over 40 grams of fat, including saturated and trans fats. You'd potentially ruin your day's diet with one serving of pot pie. The good news: if you bake a pot pie at home, you can cut down on sodium and fat.
Frozen Pizza Has Only Bad Ingredients
Tomato sauces and cheeses naturally have salt. Combine that with sodium preservatives, and you have an unhealthy meal.
Some frozen pizzas, such as Dr. Oetker's and Morrisons, have well over five grams of sodium. Remember that the daily recommended intake for people with hypertension is 2.3 grams maximum.
Butter Has Too Many Saturated Fats
Butter is filled with saturated fats. While a little saturated fat is okay and even healthy, more doesn't equal better. According to a study in the Iranian Journal of Neurology, a diet high in saturated fat results in high blood pressure across the board. Dairy butter has a whopping seven grams of saturated fat per serving.
Although some people have praised dairy butter for protein, the truth is that one serving of butter only supplies 0.1 grams of protein. It's not enough to make a difference, especially not in your blood pressure.
Pre-Made Banana Bread Isn't Healthy
Depending on where you get your banana bread, it can work for or against you. If you buy one from the store, chances are that one serving will give you 20 grams of sugar and nine grams of fat, mostly trans fats. Both of these ingredients are discouraged by the American Heart Association for patients with high blood pressure.
However, you can enjoy banana bread if you make it yourself. According to Nutritionist and Dietitian Megan Ware, bananas contribute to lower blood pressure. Use less sugar and whole-grain bread for a healthy banana bread recipe.
White Bread Is Salty
Believe it or not, many types of store-bought white bread contain salt. For instance, a slice of Sara Lee white bread provides 130 mg of salt per slice, which is 6% of your daily recommended sodium.
While this sounds low in theory, combine two slices with deli meat, pickles, and condiments, and you'll have a blood pressure-raising sodium explosion.
Watch The Chinese Take-Out
It's no secret that Chinese restaurant food is filled with sodium, but many people don't know how much.
According to Fox News, a standard entrée of beef and broccoli has over 3,000 mg of salt. The American Heart Association recommends 1,500 mg of sodium for patients with hypertension.
A Single Hot Dog Packs A Lot Of Sodium
A single hot dog might not seem like a lot of sodium and fat, but don't be fooled. "People think 'it's low-fat and not bad for me,’" says Dr. Martha Gulati, the chief of cardiology at the University of Arizona. In reality, a single hot dog has 567 mg of sodium!
When people eat hot dogs, most people add condiments such as relish, ketchup, and mustard. These only add sodium to an already salty meal.
Check The Ingredients On Rotisserie Chicken
Premade rotisserie chickens seem like a healthy, convenient meal to pick up from the supermarket. Nutritionist Jessica Mantell told Today to scan the sodium content before picking one up. Some of them contain a surprising amount of salt, especially in the skin. "Sometimes, it could be as much as 1/2 of your daily recommended sodium intake," she said.
And that's not the whole chicken. A three-ounce serving (about the size of a deck of cards) could have 600 mg of salt. If you're watching your blood pressure, you're better off cooking chicken yourself.
Artificial Sweeteners Are Not Better Than Sugar
Many people consume artificial sweeteners to cut down on sugar or lose weight. However, studies show that these sweeteners are not as healthy as they seem. In 2017, research from Canadian Medical Association Journal determined that artificial sweeteners can heighten blood pressure. They are also linked to heart disease, stroke, obesity, and diabetes.
Researchers explain that people who eat artificial sweeteners tend to gain weight, not lose it. Chemicals such as aspartame are bad news for people with high blood pressure.
The Long Debate Over Coffee, Answered
The studies equating blood pressure and coffee are conflicting, according to Harvard Health Publishing. But after studying all the research, Swiss scientists discovered that espresso spikes blood pressure more than plain caffeine. Strangely, noncaffeinated espresso did not cause this spike.
On the flip side, Harvard researchers have found no link between heart disease and coffee, even in heavy drinkers. What's the takeaway? It varies by person. If you feel fine after drinking coffee, you can continue to enjoy it in moderation. If you're sensitive to caffeine, you may want to cut it out of your diet.
Buy Fresh Vegetables, Not Canned
Canned vegetables are inexpensive and last much longer than fresh ones. However, they contain more sodium and BPA. For instance, half a can of preserved green beans contains 200 mg of salt, compared to the 6 mg from fresh green beans.
Despite this, few people get sodium spikes from canned vegetables. The Journal of the American Dietetic Association reports that only one percent of Americans' sodium intake comes from canned vegetables. Still, you should not eat them all the time. Always go fresh whenever you can.