50 Of The Most Hilarious Photos That Shouldn’t Make People Laugh, But Definitely Do
Do you have a really dark sense of humor? Then you've stumbled onto the right article. Sometimes, no matter how bad we feel about it, we can't help but laugh, like when somebody gets upset or embarrassed or sprayed with a ton of printer toner (stay tuned for that one). It's tragic for them, but it's hilarious if you're not them. Keep reading to see some people who got themselves into unfortunate (but also very funny) situations.
Just try not to laugh at these photos. We dare you.
The Ink Cartridge Exploded
This ink cartridge exploded at the exact moment that a woman was trying to switch it out for a new one.
You can clearly see where she was standing when it all went down.
It's Not Meant For Adults
This guy managed to break an entire swing set. I would ask how this happened, but I mean, he's an adult on a child's swing set.
The picture kind of explains itself.
Nice Try
this cat seems to think that he can disguise himself as a bird feeder and get all of the birds to come to him.
It's a good theory, I just don't think that it's going to work.
That Car Must Be Really Smelly
Why does any one person need that many air fresheners in their car?
That just seems excessive to me, but I don't know, maybe their car is just really stinky.
Singed Whiskers
Let's stick with this cat theme for a little bit longer.
Who doesn't love a good cat? This cat got a little too close to the fireplace in his house. He might have some balance issues for a while...
Poor Grandpa
I have a lot of questions about this multiple choice situation. Who has a grandpa that's 500 years old?
None of these numbers seem like they could actually be the age of a grandfather.
No Flyers Please
There is a sign on this bulletin board that makes it clear that they don't want and flyers posted here.
They didn't say anything about fliers, though. That fly has definitely seen better days.
A Very True Statement
Well, you can't say that this is false advertising.
I can guarantee you that the neighbors across the street won't be making any noise any time soon (unless there's a zombie apocalypse).
A Terrible, Rotten, No Good, Very Bad Day
Reddit user rats_backwards01 posted this photo online along with the caption, "Fell asleep writing an essay and my laptop fell off the bed.
Now my computer can't charge, my essay is late, and I have to shell out $15 bucks to buy a new cord."
That's Not Dairy
The next time you say that you're just popping over to the store to get some milk, you might be totally justified in picking up a bottle of wine too.
It is listed under "dairy" after all.
Boneless Chicken
Well, the sign isn't entirely wrong.
Technically, an egg is just a baby boneless chicken. Thirty-five cents for boneless chicken isn't half bad, and what's not to like about eggs?
Well, That's Ominous
Fortune cookies are supposed to contain positive messages. They aren't supposed to remind us about the dark side of human nature.
Now I wonder if this fortune cookie factory is keeping any dark secrets.
Caught In The Door
This car parked in the wrong spot, evidently.
Either that or someone was practicing archery in the wrong spot. Although, is there really a right spot to practice archery? It seems dangerous wherever you do it.
What Being Self-Employed Looks Like
Where are all of my self-employed people at? Does this message sound familiar to you?
I'm sure people who are self-employed have meetings with human beings other than themselves most of the time.
Poor Chocolate Penguin
This guy taught his coworker how to make chocolate penguins, but then his coworker decided that he'd rather make chocolate penguins getting ripped in half instead.
Well, that escalated quickly.
What Legroom?
This guy was all excited to have a seat near the emergency exit so that he could have a bit of extra legroom.
It turns out the person sitting in front of him had the same idea.
A Sad-Looking Chocolate Bar
Chocolate is supposed to make you happy. This chocolate bar doesn't look very happy at all. Maybe that's because it's about to get eaten.
I wouldn't look very happy if I were about to get eaten.
In The Aftermath
This cat got shooed off of his owner's lap (because, you know, she had things to do and places to be).
He doesn't look very happy about it. This is his way of moping.
The Wrong Bottle To Steal
Well, this is what happens when you take food that doesn't belong to you. You don't know what's in that food or where it came from.
This person just poured breastmilk in their coffee.
Don't Wear A Brown Dress In The Water
This woman was trying to take an artistic photo of herself in a dress sitting in the water.
She didn't anticipate that the brown fabric of her dress would look like liquid you-know-what.
He Took The Wrong Cookie
This guy walked by a table at a Chinese restaurant and took a fortune cookie off of it.
After he read the fortune, he realized that he had made a huge mistake.
Poor Puppy
This woman was cleaning up her son's room and vacuum sealing some of his stuffed animals in plastic bags.
This dog looks like he's seen better days. It is kind of funny, though.
There's Misery In His Future
The correct answer to this question is just, "no."
Why did this kid have to assume that there would be misery in this guy's future? This kid must be pretty pessimistic.
Don't Park In Front Of Fire Hydrants
This is what could happen to your car if you park in front of a fire hydrant. Just don't do it.
It's against the rules and you could end up with a huge repair bill.
Parents, Take Note
This sign should exist at every amusement park in the world.
I remember being forced to go on rides that were way too fast for me when I was younger.
A Skeleton Surprise
This person had to open up a wall to redo his bathroom...
So he decided to seal a skeleton in the wall so that the next person who opens it up will get quite the surprise.
The Best Photographer
This guy took a picture of his wife and then started laughing hysterically. She didn't understand why until she saw the picture.
There's a tiny version of her face reflected in her glasses.
Rest In Peace To The Pizza
This poor man will wake up to a haunting realization and understand the true meaning of disappointment.
Kudos to him, however, for resisting the smell of pizza and falling asleep through it.
Revenge At Its Finest
"I split up with my boyfriend yesterday. I fell asleep while he was packing and he stole my toilet."
How did even carry that out? And what would he do with a toilet? Everywhere already comes with one.
Don't Skip The Sunscreen
As tempted as you might be to forgo the sunscreen either for tanning purposes or because you think your clothes will cover...
Think of this girl who got burned through her jeans with holes, and reconsider.
Talk About Bad Luck
"A bird flew in my window, pooped on my laptop, and decided to die right in front of me."
Many cultures actually use birds as omens, and I'm sure they would all agree this isn't a good sign.
A Friendly Reminder
In Gary's defense, Facebook seems to be dying in comparison to how popular it used to be.
Maybe Gary just has real-life friends that actually call him and see him on his birthday. Let's hope.
Destroying Confidence, One Passport At A Time
You know that feeling where you think you look great in the mirror and then you try to take a picture and you look like a potato?
That's what The State Department was also going for here.
Did You Know?
Did you know that MRIs are basically giant magnets?
It's okay if you didn't, but you'd think or at least hope that the people who work around it would know better.
His Face Says It All
No one likes empty promises.
The look on this kid's face should be the definition of the feeling when you act like everything is okay but you're about to break down from disappointment.
Taking Dry To A New Level
Well, it looks like the dryer's cycle is done...
Who knew that a dryer could get so hot that it could actually turn your clothes to ashes? It seems like overkill.
That's One Long Update
"It's been going for a week. I don't think it'll stop anytime soon."
The mathematics of this update don't even make sense. Maybe Windows is trying to go above and beyond, but going over 100% by this much just seems extra.
You Can't Count On Anyone
This was supposedly a French SWAT team. You know how they say when you want something done well, do it yourself.
Clearly, that also applies to saving your own life rather than depending on a SWAT team.
A Slight Security Breach
"Target sent me my order with a security alarm on it...and it's blinking."
What does the blinking mean? Are the Amazon police about to break through her door to arrest her?
Setting Himself Up For Failure
Poor Kyle shot himself in the foot on this one.
Obviously, now his girlfriend is going to be more intrigued than ever and won't let the night pass without hearing "certain stories."
Really Got Himself Into A Mess
This squirrel tried to fly too close to the sun and steal as much birdseed as possible, only to end up in a pretty disastrous situation.
You can see the panic in his eyes.
So Not Quite Right...
As a treat for his son, this dad decided to go to the drive-thru and pick up a chicken nugget meal for him.
When he got home, he saw that they'd given him this instead.
Always! Read! Labels!
So many of the containers and sauces that are used in the kitchen look very similar, so you have to check twice before pouring.
Otherwise, you might end up with a pot of useless rice.
Good Luck Reaching That!
I just know the person who stocks the shelves as this store has a sick sense of humor.
At this point, if you have severe back pain, do you even bother bending down to get this?
No One Is Sleeping Here Tonight
This person came home after a long day only to realize too late that they had left a window open during a snowstorm.
I'm honestly just kind of impressed by how much snow got inside.
This Is So Tragic
I genuinely hate myself for laughing at this because I know that this must have been such a horrible experience for her.
But, like, what are the odds that this would happen?
"Hey, Has Anyone Seen The Remote?"
One of the things in a house that has an uncanny knack for disappearing is the television remote.
I've found mine in a couple of odd places, but none so bizarre as inside of the washing machine.
The Bees Own The Backpack Now
While doing an event outdoors, one person decided to hang their backpack up off the ground.
When they were finishing up a couple of hours later, they came to find that bees had swarmed the bag for no clear reason.
The Person Who Designed This Is Evil
The whole point of this design is that it's environmentally friendly by sending the leftover sink water to be used in the toilet.
However, the slope of the design makes for a pretty perfect slide.
Kevin From The Office Feels Your Pain
This person was just trying to enjoy a hearty lunch of chili when they made the mistake of dropping it.
Now they're hungry and have to clean up their entire workspace.