Impressive Ideas We’re Somehow Not Seeing Everywhere – These People Are Geniuses!
Have you ever looked at something and thought, "How is this not a thing?!" Well, you're going to think that a lot when you see all these brilliant ideas that should be widespread by now, but aren't.
Someone out there saw a problem and knew that a simple solution could save us all a ton of time and energy. We're still scratching our heads over a candy-free checkout aisle at the grocery store not being a thing yet.
Don't Worry About Parking Anymore
It doesn't matter if you're a new or experienced driver, parking can be pretty difficult. There's nothing worse than trying to be a show-off and back into a parking spot but having no idea how close you are to the cars next to you. Then you have to awkwardly open your drivers-side door to see if you're near the line and then adjust.
Overall, it's a bad experience that can easily be fixed if they just painted the parking lines up the wall like this parking garage.
Now You Don't Have To Awkwardly Tap Each Door
Is there any normal way to find an open stall in a busy bathroom? You either have to walk around bent over hoping you can see a stall without any feet, or you have to awkwardly push on each door to see if it will open. When you do that though you risk accidentally seeing through the crack in the door.
This bathroom decided to just hook up a simple light to the lock button to save everyone some time and dignity.
Finally, A Cast You Can Shower In
Anyone who has been seriously injured and has had to get a cast knows the two worst parts are the itch and not being able to shower. Technology has solved both those issues with this new 3D-printed cast.
Thanks to a company called ActivArmor, now, you can get your cast as wet as you want. Heck, you could even go swimming if it doesn't weigh you down. The best part is obviously that you can itch any angle, at any time.
Grocery Stores That Actually Put Their Wasted Food To Use
Getting the right bananas for banana bread is tricky. They have to be the perfect ripeness for baking but that means letting your bananas sit for at least 3-4 days. That means there is a waiting period from the time your craving banana bread to when you can actually make it.
This grocery store decided to put there older fruit to good use and give us the banana bread fix we all needed. The bags of ripe bananas even come with a recipe!
This Hallway Is Not For Daredevils
This genius school decided to paint their main hallway like this to stop kids from running and it absolutely worked. I'm getting dizzy just looking at this photo. Not only would think stop kids from running but it probably makes them walk in a single-file line on the left side of the hall to avoid to "dip" in the hallway.
Of course, this isn't exactly a good hallway if you suffer from something like vertigo.
An Evacuation Plan On The Floor
We're taught as little kids that if you're ever in a fire, drop to the ground. Heat and smoke rise so the fire will try and travel up to the ceiling. Even though we know this, sometimes you have to stand up to run or find out the evacuation plan.
This plan along the bottom of a hotel hallway allows you to crawl to safety and avoid extra smoke inhalation while you're doing so.
Avoid Getting Lost And Buying Junk Food
It feels like supermarkets are built to make us lost. There's no windows, no clocks, and all the items are constantly being moved around. It makes it difficult to run into the store for just a few items because you'll likely end up wandering aimlessly and accidentally buying six boxes of Pop-Tarts.
This supermarket map attached to the cart is what we all need. Get in, buy your healthy food for the week, and get out with minimal temptation.
Speak Your Mind
Have you ever wanted to thank a driver for letting you out or wanted to let them know you were ticked about being cut off? Then you need this LED sign, which offers several options for expressing your emotions. This is definitely a step up from rolling down the window and yelling.
The only concern we have is that this smiling face looks a little creepy. We just hope that drivers behind you understand that this is a friendly gesture.
So Long, Would-Be Peepers
The people who use this restroom no longer have to worry about people seeing them through the spaces in the stall, as bristles are installed on the bathroom doors to block the openings. This is so simple, so how is this not a thing everywhere?
Plus, the bristles might help to block out sounds and give restroom visitors the impression that they actually have some privacy while they're using the facilities. Keep reading for another awesome bathroom invention in a slide that's coming up soon.
You Move, You (Don't) Lose
Is there anything more annoying than a person who swoops up your seat the moment you get up to go to the bathroom? This can be prevented with the "Seat Saver" that looks like spilled food, so no one will bother your seat.
After all, no one in their right mind is going to want to sit in a sticky or wet mess. We have to wonder if you'd get dirty looks if anyone sees you picking this item up when you return to your seat.
Now You Know What's Actually In The Product
Consumers are starting to expect more from the brands they buy. Gone are the days when big companies could add whatever they wanted into a product and get away with it.
Proctor and Gamble have realized that and decided to add an ingredient list that shows why everything in their dish soap is actually there. This information will give consumers the ability to decide for themselves which ingredients they're willing to accept in their household products.
Watch Your Step
Every woman's worst fashion nightmare is stepping into a hole and breaking the heel on her designer shoes. The folks in this town are thinking smart by putting shoe print covers on their grates -- now women can see where it's safe to step and avoid the broken heel of doom.
Not to mention that this device has probably saved quite a few ankles from being twisted. It can hurt like crazy to get your shoe caught in a grate.
Do You Want To Be Annoyed Or Not?
These different colored baskets are such a simple solution to differentiate between two very different types of shoppers. Whether you've worked in retail and have had to ask everyone if they need help, or you're a shopper who hates getting badgered, these are a game-changer.
Now you can shop in peace without having to give an innocent 16-year-old part-time worker a dirty look. Or, if you prefer to be assisted, you can have it your way too.
A Pizza Redbox?!
Remember how amazing it was when Redbox first came out? Now imagine if instead of DVDs, it was pizza! This machine enables you to choose a type of pizza, pay for it, and then bakes it for you!
The best part is that the entire process takes less than three minutes. Just when you thought getting a pizza couldn't be any more convenient, a genius idea like this proves that it can be.
Big Hands Rejoice!
Unless you have tiny hands, you may have experienced the struggle of trying to reach the last chip in a cylinder-shaped can. This simple contraption fixes that little dilemma! The plastic device has a lip at the bottom so you can use the handle to pull up the entire stack.
There are even tabs on the side that lock onto the top of the can so you don't have to lift the stack every time you go in for a chip!
Gum Papers
If you're a big gum chewer, not knowing where to put your old piece of gum may be a common annoyance. Of course, there's always the gum wrapper, but those are incredibly easy to misplace, especially if you're chewing each piece for some time.
That's why one genius brand decided to create these gum wrappers. They come in a package so you can toss them into your pocket or purse along with your pack of gum.
Stop Breaking The Budget
We've all been there. You're at the grocery store and you have a very precise amount in mind that you're able to spend. But before you know it, you have no idea if you are way over or way under the price you had in mind.
That's what makes this shopping cart calculator such a gem. You can add the price of each item as you go so you are always on top of where you're at, price-wise.
Bring Your Dog Everywhere
For many dog lovers, they would take their pooch everywhere if they could. Due to safety and health hazards, though, many places won't allow dogs on their premises. That's why a company called Dog Dens is so genius.
They created kennels that can go outside businesses where people can keep their dogs safe without having to always leave them at home. Store owners could benefit from being one of the few places where a dog lover can bring their furry friend, driving up traffic.
These Roads Clean Themselves!
While street sweepers are valuable in terms of keeping the roads clear and nice-looking, they're a pain when it comes to ticketing. Plus, the massive trucks require a ton of gas, something that these self-cleaning streets do not need.
These street reflectors double as spouts that spread saltwater throughout the road. Not only do they help keep the asphalt squeaky clean, but they also serve to defrost the road in colder climates.
Coffee For Trash
This store knows how to motivate people to clean up their environment. They posted a sign that offers free coffee to anyone who collects a bucket full of trash off of the beach.
Of course, there's no way to know for sure if it came off the beach, the boardwalk, or somewhere else. Any trash is helpful, though, so long as it didn't come out of a trashcan! Best of all, you get to enjoy your coffee knowing you did a good deed.