These Body Language Signs Could Mean He’s Totally Into You (Check Out These Subtle Hints)
Everyone is so cagey with their feelings these days. I don't blame them, it's tough out there and dating seems to get worse and worse the more time goes on. But, how are you supposed to know someone likes you if people aren't always forthcoming?
There are a few easy to spot signs you can look for that will show that he's really feeling things.
He's Got Clammy Hands
This obviously sounds gross and unattractive, but it means that his nervous system is going crazy and making him sweat. He's nervous to be around you, and wants to impress you.
He Raises His Eyebrows
When people open their eyes wider, their eyebrows raise. So, if his eyebrows raise, especially when he sees you for the first time that day, it means he's trying to check you out big time.
He Gives You A Genuine Smile
Men tend to smile less as adults than women, so when he gives you a genuine smile, he's feeling things. We're talking about the kind of smile that makes his eyes wrinkle and show off his teeth.
He Leans Toward You When He Talks
This one might seem pretty obvious, but it's a good indicator that he's interested in what you have to say. Not only that, he subconsciously wants to be closer to you.
He Sits With His Legs Spread
There is the obvious reason this is happening, of course, but it's also a sign of vulnerability. He's opening himself up to you and feels like he can trust you not to be harmful.
He Points His Toes At You
Our feet are largely connected to our flight or fight response, so they're a great indicator of what is going on unconsciously. If you're relaxing and his feet are pointing toward you, it means this is a place he wants to be.
He Minimizes Interuptions And Distractions
When someone is into you, they want to give you their undivided attention. He'll put down his phone and turn off his video games or show so that he can pay attention to you and only you.
He Touches You A Lot
Whether it's intentionally doing cute things like holding your hand or brushing hair out of your face, or accidentally grazing your leg when he sits next to you, touching is a great sign that he is into you.
His Voice Changes
If his voice changes to a slower, sweeter tone than what you normally hear, it's another sign that he's trying to be vulnerable with you. It's also a good indicator that he's relaxed.
He Wets His Lips
But not in a creepy way! When you're attracted to someone, your mouth waters more, and since you're obviously looking like a snack, he's going to be licking his lips.
He Takes Deep Breathes
If you notice your man taking a deep breath around you, it could be a way of him trying to subconsciously impress you. Taking deep breathes puffs out their chest and makes their waist look smaller.
His Pupils Are Large
Our pupils dilate when we are engaging with someone we are attracted to — it's one of our body's subconscious responses. If you really want to get him going, make sure you maintain that eye contact.
He Walks Next To You
This is actually a bigger tell than people realize. If he walks next to you, it means that he's interested in your personality and invested in open communication. Of course, this isn't always possible, especially in tight places.
He Touches His Throat
Your throat is one of the most vulnerable parts of your body. So, if he's touching his throat when he's around you, or fiddling with his tie, it means that he's hoping he's coming across well and communicating properly.
He Laughs At What You Say
Guys who are into you are going to laugh at your jokes, even if they're terrible. It's a way they try to encourage confidence and encourage you to be more open.
He Compliments You
Things one pretty much goes without saying, but if he's attracted to you, he will tell you. He'll compliment things like your smile, or notice when you've worn an outfit he likes or styled your hair a certain way.
He's In Your Personal Space
Not so much so that it's creepy, but when he can be close to you, he is. If you notice him leaning toward you and you're liking him, lean in toward him too. That will help him know you're feeling it.
He Treats Your Belongings Respectfully
The amount of respect he shows your belongings is correlated with the amount of respect he has for you. Does he toss you your jacket or hand it to you? Did he hang it up for you in the first place?
He Tries To Fix His Appearance
Just like girls get nervous about the way they look, boys get self-conscious too. If you notice him fiddling with his clothes or touching his hair, he's trying to look nice for you.
He Starts Mirroring You
Mirroring someone is a huge sign of interest. It's a way of seeking approval, and you might even notice yourself doing it! Give it a test — do something like take a sip of water or unfold a napkin. If your date does the same, that's a good sign!