Place Dryer Sheets In Your Mailbox, Here’s Why – Clever Uses For Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets

Jennifer Hillhouse | October 19, 2024 2:00 pm

Dryer sheets: not just for your wrinkly shirts anymore. If you're sitting on a 260-pack of dryer sheets that you've just bought at Costco and you're not confident you're ever going to use all of them for laundry don't worry, because dryer sheets are a much more versatile household product than you think.

Here are clever ways that you can transform your home with these simple sheets. You might be surprised how much this product can make a difference in your home's cleanliness, freshness, and functionality. These hacks will truly put a bounce in your step.

No Need To Buy Air Fresheners Any More

dryer sheets stuck to air freshener fan that's working
Photo Credit: Fake_Trades_XD / Reddit
Photo Credit: Fake_Trades_XD / Reddit

Dryer sheets smell fantastic, which is why we always stick our faces into our warm laundry when it comes fresh out of the dryer and take a big sniff. So why stop at freshening your clothes? Dryer sheets are the perfect replacement for air fresheners and all you need is a fan to do it.

Simply unfold and stick a few sheets to the back of a fan and you have an inexpensive air freshener that will last for weeks. This hack is especially good if you want to freshen up a basement or a room that gets little airflow.


Get Shiny Chrome Appliances

woman polishing chrome bumper with dryer sheet
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Reynolds / Pinterest
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Reynolds / Pinterest

The moisturizing part of dryer sheets can work on any stainless steel or chrome appliance. If you're sick of looking at handprints or smudges covering the metal then you can rely on a dryer sheet to get it sparkling again.


All you have to do is rub your metal down with a sheet and it should get any smudges right out. It's the perfect hack for anyone with a fridge and kids with hands that seem to leave prints everywhere.


De-Grease Your Pots And Pans

bounce dryer sheets cleaning a pot
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Reynolds / Pinterest
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Reynolds / Pinterest

Easily de-grease your kitchenware using only a little hot water and a dryer sheet. The sheet will pick up any errant grease that's sticking around long after the food scum has left. So ditch the scrubby pad because dryer sheets have you covered and will leave your cookery looking brand spanking new.


Dryer sheets are truly a mysterious household superhero because even though they don't disinfect anything, there's something in their chemical makeup that helps them stand up to grease on pots and pans.


Keep Your Scissors Sharp

scissors in a pile of tools
Photo Credit: @randomlies / Unsplash
Photo Credit: @randomlies / Unsplash

If you ever feel like you're living in a house filled with scissors that are just never sharp enough, don't go to the store and pick up an expensive sharpener. For a quick fix, reach for your handy dandy dryer sheets.


Simply wipe your scissors with a dryer sheet a couple of times on both blades and those puppies will sharpen right up. Be sure to wear protective gloves while you do it.


Get Those Pesky Mosquitoes To Stay Away

mosquito netting hung over bed
Photo Credit: @cwehrmeier / Unsplash
Photo Credit: @cwehrmeier / Unsplash

You or someone in your family may be one of those people who's constantly getting bitten any time they go outdoors in the summer. If you're tired of those itchy red lumps, those stinky citronella candles, and applying bug spray constantly, try out a dryer sheet.


All you have to do is stick a few in your pocket and mosquitoes will give you a wide berth. It's the less chemical-ridden, less stinky, and generally more discreet way to keep bugs at bay so you can enjoy the great outdoors.


Don't Let Deodorant Stains Demoralize You

woman wiping deodorant off shirt
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Reynolds / Pinterest
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Reynolds / Pinterest

Imagine this: it's morning, you've just started your morning routine and are getting dressed, you put on a black shirt and accidentally smeared a ton of white deodorant right around the hem and had to change. We've all been there and it's rough.


With dryer sheets, you don't have to change or work away at the deodorant stain for what feels like forever. Just rub a dryer sheet over it and the stain will be lifted almost instantly, so don't sweat it anymore.


Say Goodbye To Your Lint Roller

woman folding a pile of clothing
Photo Credit: @sarahdesignsco / Unsplash
Photo Credit: @sarahdesignsco / Unsplash

Most of us are already aware that dryer sheets are a clothing hero. They keep our threads smelling fresh and keep away static but they can also trick people into thinking that you don't have pets.


Ditch your lint roller because dryer sheets are your new go-to for picking up lint off your clothing. All you have to do is wipe one over your body and voila, you can fool everyone into thinking you have an endless supply of lint rollers.


Stop Hat Hair At Its Root

girl with staticky hair
Photo Credit: ketobmugbbread / Pinterest
Photo Credit: ketobmugbbread / Pinterest

Winter is a great season filled with hot chocolate, beautiful snow, holiday decor, and staticky hair that just won't stop standing on end no matter what you do to it. If you're sick of removing your hat and being stuck with a head full of untamable hair all day then you need to invest in some dryer sheets.


Simply take a sheet and rub the inside of your hat to reduce static and that's it. It's the easy way to make sure that your hair looks as good as it did in the mirror that morning even after being outside.


Give Dusty Blinds The Boot

blinds closing light filtering through window
Photo Credit: @mattalaniz / Unsplash
Photo Credit: @mattalaniz / Unsplash

There is something magical in dryer sheets that repels dust and all you have to do is simply wipe down your blinds a couple of times with a sheet and it'll stop dust from accumulating.


Dryer sheets are probably one of the least repulsive things to us—they just smell so good and do so much good for our clothes that we're inclined to love everything about them. Dust, however, dust avoids dryer sheets avoid like they have the plague.


They Soften Clothes...And Your Feet?

family under covers feet
Photo Credit: @8moments / Unsplash
Photo Credit: @8moments / Unsplash

The chemical in dryer sheets that make your clothing soft is stearic acid, which isn't nearly as scary as it sounds. It's found in cocoa butter and many other lotions and moisturizers and it's what keeps your clothes soft. So it's only natural that something found in lotions can be used as a foot cream.


Hear me out, if you suffer from dry feet especially during those cold winter months but don't want to book a pedicure all you have to do is grab a dryer sheet. Simply wipe a sheet over the dry parts of your feet and they'll feel moisturized and soft all day long.


Use Dryer Sheets For Washing Your Child's Stuffed Animals

baby cuddling little stuffed animal
Photo Credit: @kellysikkema / Unsplash
Photo Credit: @kellysikkema / Unsplash

Is your kid's favorite stuffed animal looking a little sad and smelling a little tool-loved recently? But you don't want to wash it because that always brings the waterworks? Well, reach for dryer sheets instead of the starting the wash cycle.


Dryer sheets don't necessarily replace a good wash of your child's toy because they don't actually disinfect, but if all the stuffed animal needs is a little freshening up because it's looking a little tired after spending 24/7 with your toddler, then dryer sheets should be your go-to.


Keep Sewing Threads From Getting Tangled

seamstress sewing a garment
Photo Credit: @krisatomic / Unsplash
Photo Credit: @krisatomic / Unsplash

Clothing is made of threads and dryer sheets are used to, in part, keep our clothes from sticking together. So it makes sense that a dryer sheet can keep your sewing threads from getting all tangled up. If you're tired of digging through your sewing kit for a usable thread or spending a crazy amount of time digging your thumbs into a knot, then this is the hack for you.


All you have to do is put a dryer sheet into your sewing kit and your sewing threads will never get tangled again.


Keep Your Plant Soil In Hole-y Pots With A Dryer Sheet

dryer sheet in the bottom of a plant holder
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Reynolds / Pinterest
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Reynolds / Pinterest

While we've been talking about all the wonderful hacks that dryer sheet's chemical makeup can do around your home, we're kind of forgetting that their shape as a sheet is super handy as well. In fact, they can really help you out around the garden.


If you've got a planter outside that's having a hard time keeping the soil inside itself, don't throw it out. Instead, put a dryer sheet at the bottom of the pot to keep the plant happy and intact.


Shoo Away Stinky Shoes

Photo Credit: YouTube / HGTV
Photo Credit: YouTube / HGTV

We all know what it's like to slip off a pair of our favorite shoes and be greeted by the mother of all the worst smells in the world. You may have decided to never wear that pair again or maybe you're going to risk them falling apart by washing them. Save a pair of shoes the easy way by relying on dryer sheets.


All you have to do is stick a couple of sheets into your shoes and you'll be rid of that annoying shoe odor. Dorothy wishes she knew this for those used red heels!


Save The Bees And Your Backyard Bashes

dude BBQing at grill
Photo Credit: @vincent_keiman_ni / Unsplash
Photo Credit: @vincent_keiman_ni / Unsplash

We all love bees and want to save them, however, we also probably know someone who's scared of them or allergic. To avoid ruining your outdoor BBQ bash while still respecting the most important organism on the planet, all you have to do is stash a couple of dryer sheets in the area.


You can place them under the patio cushions, under chairs, or really in any concealed place that guests and food will be. The smell repels bees so you can eat and bee merry.


Don't Panic Over Crayon Doodles On Walls

girl doodling on wall with crayon
Photo Credit: Julie McNay / Pinterest
Photo Credit: Julie McNay / Pinterest

Crayons, walls, and children mix well together. A little too well. Kids just take to walls with their crayons like moths to a flame and they're little Picassos when they do it. Unfortunately, you and your walls probably don't appreciate the art as much as they do.


To keep the doodling on the page and off the walls, all you have to do is take a dryer sheet and rub away at the crayon marks. They'll come right off with only a few wipes.


Let Your Inner Artist Out With Clean Paint Brushes

dirty paint brushes together
Photo Credit: @jovanaliovac / Unsplash
Photo Credit: @jovanaliovac / Unsplash

Anyone who's painted for any length of time knows that the biggest hassle to deal with are those paintbrushes that you have to clean when you're done. It sometimes can hours of you scrubbing with your hands under the tap before you can really get them clean. Save yourself some work and trust in dryer sheets instead.


All you have to do is soak your dirty brushes in a container of warm water with a dryer sheet and the paint will magically come right off and you can get painting again.


Say Goodbye To Gum Stuck In The Dryer

inside shot of a dryer clothes in there
Photo Credit: @sanasaidi / Unsplash
Photo Credit: @sanasaidi / Unsplash

If someone in your family is guilty of forgetting to take things out of their pockets before putting their clothes in the dryer then this is the hack for you. Sure, picking up little things like bobby pins or coins is annoying, but the real hair-puller is melted gum stuck to the inside of your dryer.


To get rid of that gross and sticky clingy gum, all you have to do is wet a dryer sheet and get to work on that gum. It'll come right off and hopefully won't happen again.


Don't Let The Diaper Trash Stink Up The Place

trashcan outside green
Photo Credit: @jilburr / Unsplash
Photo Credit: @jilburr / Unsplash

If you've ever had kids you know exactly how bonkers that diaper trashcan can start to smell. It'll start to stink to high heaven with all the diapers in it and there's not much you can do except hold your breath when you get within a few feet of it. Unless you grab a dryer sheet of course.


All you have to do is place a dryer sheet on the bottom of the trashcan and it'll help eliminate the odor that diapers cause. So save your coin and don't buy a deodorizer trashcan and, instead, just rely on dryer sheets.


Keep The Deer Away, Dear

deer eating apples off ground
Photo Credit: @ditakesphotos / Unsplash
Photo Credit: @ditakesphotos / Unsplash

If you live out in a rural area, you know how magical it can be to look out into your backyard and see a deer walking through it. They're really amazing creatures and we're fortunate to have them, but sometimes you don't want them walking through your property if you have dogs, small children, or are constantly using vehicles.


Deter deer by cutting up small strips of dryer sheets and hanging them around your property. They're not hazardous, but the smell will repel any deer that come near.


No More Soap Scum!

Dirty bathroom floor

Over time, soap scum building up on your shower walls is practically inevitable. Not only is it unattractive, but most people want their showers to be as clean as possible or else it defeats the purpose of taking a shower! So take a dryer sheet to it.


Just rub it against the afflicted area and it will come out looking as good as ever. However, if you really want to get rid of the build-up clean first with bathroom cleaner, then polish with the dryer sheet.


Make Sure Your Clothing Iron Is Sparkling Clean

Iron in laundry room
Bob Chamberlin/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images
Bob Chamberlin/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

The more you use your clothing iron, the more it will get dirty from picking up starches, laundry detergent, and other substances. To get your iron back to its former glory, heat up the iron and carefully go over it with a dryer sheet until it's as clean as it should be.


By doing this, it helps prevent getting any of the grime from the iron from getting on your nice clean clothes.


Do An Even Better Job Vacuuming

Dreyer sheet in front of vacuum
Pinterest/T Barr Jr
Pinterest/T Barr Jr

If you've ever vacuumed, you know that lugging around a piece of machinery full of dust and dirt can sometimes create more problems than it solves. Not only is there the possibility of dust escaping from the vacuum, but it can leave a room smelling unpleasant.


To put an end to this, throw a dryer sheet into the vacuum cleaner bag or dust container. Not only will it help to contain the dust, but it will leave the room smelling fresh as well.


Clean Up Powdery Messes

Cleaning up flour
Pinterest/Kim Jackson Bailey
Pinterest/Kim Jackson Bailey

Let's say you're baking something and spill flour on the floor or accidentally spill some of the dust from the vacuum bag. Have no fear! instead of reaching for the broom and dustpan (which usually doesn't get everything), grab a dryer sheet!


The sheet will help to cling onto the powdery substance better than a dry towel. Also, this way, you won't have to clean a damp rag afterward! It also helps to use them to get the last bits into a dustpan for a larger mess.


Keep Your Clothes Smelling Fresh On Trips

Dryer sheet in suitcase
Pinterest/Cedar Rest Resort
Pinterest/Cedar Rest Resort

Even if your clothes are already clean, it can't hurt to throw a few dryer sheets into your suitcase for safe measure, especially if you're putting your shoes in the same bag. And it's also important to bring dryer sheets on a trip for your dirty clothes.


If you're using a clean trash bag or another type of bag to store your dirty clothes, throw some dryer sheets in there too so that the smell is minimized and you're not carrying around a foul-smelling bag.


Pet Hair, Be Gone!

Woman cleaning up cat hair
Pinterest/Kawaii Kitty
Pinterest/Kawaii Kitty

If you own a pet with fur, whether it be a dog, cat, rabbit, or whatever, you know the pain of dealing with the shedding. There's nothing worse than sitting on your couch or laying on your bed only to get up looking like you have a coat of fur of your own.


Luckily, dryer sheets can take care of this excess hair with ease on your clothes or furniture. Maybe now, people won't be afraid to sit on your couch!


Clean Your Electronic Screens

Cleaning laptop with dryer sheet
Pinterest/Country Living
Pinterest/Country Living

If your computer or smartphone screen becomes dusty or is covered in fingerprints, there's no need to go out and spend money on special cloths or cleaning products. Just grab a dryer sheet and slowly and gently rub the surface of whatever screen you are cleaning.


Not only will it help to eliminate any smudges, but it will also cling to any other particles that may be distorting your vision. It's a quick, cheap, and easy solution to a dirty screen!


Make Your Oven Racks Good As New

Dryer sheet on top of an oven rack
Pinterest/Jill Nystul
Pinterest/Jill Nystul

Unless you're one of the few people that frequently undertakes the task of cleaning your oven, the chances are your oven isn't the cleanest appliance in your house, especially the racks. Most likely, there are years of grease and food-build up that can be daunting to clean.


Instead of spending forever trying to scrub everything off, throw the racks in the sink with some hot water and use a dryer sheet on them. After soaking for about an hour, the sheet will take everything right off.


Get The Bugs Off Your Car

Getting off bugs with dryer sheet

If you take a road trip or drive for an extended amount of time, it's likely that the front of your car will be covered with dead insects. Although it might not seem like a big deal and a car wash will fix everything, that isn't always the case.


They can be tough little buggers to get off, and nobody wants to be driving around with dead bugs all over their car. Before washing, rub off the dead insects with a dryer sheet and repeat.


Keep Your Gym Bag Smelling Bearable

Dryer sheet in gym bag
Pinterest/Deborah George
Pinterest/Deborah George

Even if you wash your gym bag regularly or make sure that you don't leave your sweaty clothes in it, it's bound to smell. That is, unless you have some magical bag, but we doubt that.


Although it won't solve the whole problem, placing (and frequently replacing) dryer sheets in your gym will make your bag at least smell bearable. Don't be that person in the locker room who's known for having a horribly smelling bag.


Tackle Tree Sap Like A Champ

Sap on a tree
Paula Bronstein/Getty Images
Paula Bronstein/Getty Images

There are few things more annoying than parking under a tree without thinking only to discover that your car is covered in tree sap, which is easily one of the hardest things to get off. If you experience this problem grab a dryer sheet or two and dampen them.


Place them over the sap and let them sit for five minutes. This will help loosen the sap so you can wipe it right off after. Plus, this won't harm the windows or paint!


Avoid Shocking Your Pets

Petting cat
Marka/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
Marka/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

In the colder months, you might notice that you find yourself accidentally shocking yourself and your pet when you go to touch them. To help avoid this, keep a dryer sheet around and rub your hands with it in order to decrease the likelihood of producing a shock.


However, it's important to remember to use unscented ones for this situation. Otherwise, this could cause your pet to sneeze or have an allergic reaction which is the last thing you want.


Clean Out Your Lint Trap

Cleaning lint trap with dryer sheet
Pinterest/Peggy Butcher
Pinterest/Peggy Butcher

Although dryer sheets are commonly used for your clothes in the dryer, that's not the only way they can use on the appliance. If it's time to clean out the lint trap on your dryer, take a dryer sheet that you just used and use it to wipe the screen clean!


Not only will this help to collect all the lint, but you're recycling a sheet! It's important to use a linty one, however, because a fresh one might leave behind a residue.


Make Your Hair Appliances Good As New

Woman getting hair straightened

If you consistently use hair appliances such as curlers and straighteners, you may notice that over time, they can look like they've been through a lot. This is caused by a build-up from gunk usually from shampoo, hair spray, dandruff, and more.


Not only does this make them look gross and old, but it can seriously affect how they work. All you have to do is turn the appliance on to its lowest setting and run a dryer sheet through it to clean everything off!


Get A Fire Going With Ease!

Dryer sheet in toilet roll
Pinterest/Anne Rupiper Cole
Pinterest/Anne Rupiper Cole

Starting a fire, either indoors or outdoors, can prove to be a challenging task at times. Things don't always light up in an instant, and if you don't have any fire starter on-hand, it can really be an issue.


Luckily, dryer sheets work as a perfect substitute for a fire starter and can get a blaze going in no time. The trick is to put dryer sheets and lint from the dryer inside of an empty paper towel or toilet roll and set each end on fire. Enjoy!


An Alternative For Swiffer Pads

Dryer sheets as Swiffer pads
Pinterest/Ann Rastorfer
Pinterest/Ann Rastorfer

If you're like most people, you've probably finally convinced yourself that it's time to Swiffer the floor, only to discover that you've run out of pads! Now, you can either make a trip to the store and buy some, or you can pull out a few dryer sheets for a make a simple one that works just fine!


Judge how many you'll need to cover the surface area at the bottom of the Swiffer and get to work. It will get the job done if you're in a pinch!


Don't Let Your Books Smell Ancient

Dryer sheet in books
Pinterest/Real Simple
Pinterest/Real Simple

Unless you're into your books smelling like they've been sitting in a cellar for years, you can keep them smelling fresh from the bookstore using with the help of a dryer sheet. Just insert a sheet anywhere in the book, and every time you open it, you'll be hit with a wave of freshness.


On top of that, you can use it as a bookmark too so it serves more than one purpose. Reading a book that smells like a dryer sheet might even help put you to sleep!


De-Squeak Those New Shoes!

Rubbing dryer sheet on shoes
Pinterest/Samantha Sexton
Pinterest/Samantha Sexton

If you've ever bought a new pair of sneakers, you know how annoying it can be when the squeak whenever you walk, especially if you're on tile or hardwood flooring. It can be so annoying at times that you might even opt for your old pair of shoes instead.


Luckily, by using a dryer sheet and rubbing it on the bottom of your shoes, it can help to eliminate that almost painful sound whenever you walk.


A Sneaky Way For Keeping Your Bathroom Smelling Fresh

Dryer sheet in toilet roll
Pinterest/Brandi G
Pinterest/Brandi G

Considering what they're used for, bathrooms aren't always the best-smelling rooms of a house. Well, to help with this issue, there's a simple way to make it smell better without the use of sprays or candles, and it's hidden.


Take a dryer sheet and fold it into a little square. Then, place it inside of the roll of toilet paper so it's out of sight. Now, your bathroom will be smelling nice and fresh and no one will be able to tell where it's coming from!


Protect Your Ornaments

Ornaments wrapped in dryer sheets

Something a lot of people experience when the holiday season comes around is that when they take out their ornaments, they find that some of them have been damaged. Now, this is no good, because ornaments are sentimental to a lot of people and are kept for years on end.


To protect them as best as possible, wrap them in dryer leaves. Not only will this provide some extra cushioning, but it will also keep them from getting dusty and keep them smelling nice.