The Truth About Collin Gosselin’s Disappearance From Kate Plus 8

Corey Moylan | September 29, 2024 6:32 pm

On May 10, 2004, Jon and Kate Gosselin gave birth to sextuplets after already having one set of twins in 2000. It wasn't long before they were approached by TV producers to star in a show about their undoubtedly chaotic lives. After two one-hour specials, the show Jon & Kate Plus 8 aired on TLC. The show ran from 2007 to 2009 until Jon and Kate divorced. Kate then starred in her own show Kate Plus 8, which has been on and off the air from 2010 until today. But with all of the drama that goes on in a family of eight children, one thing sticks out. Over the years, the show began to see less and less of Collin, one of the sextuplets. Then, one day, he was completely gone. Learn about the story of Collin, what happened, and all of the drama behind his disappearance from the show.

Born As One Of The Sextuplets

Collin Gosselin was the fourth of the Gosselin sextuplets to be born on May 10, 2004. He was delivered by Caesarean section at the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center between 7:51 and 7:54 a.m.

He was the biggest of the sextuplets weighing 3 pounds 0.5 ounces and measured 15 inches. Collin grew up in front of the camera but there was one thing in particular that he couldn't escape.


He Hated The Cameras


As if living in a house with seven other kids wasn't chaotic enough, it didn't help that Collin didn't like being filmed. At one point, he had become so overwhelmed by the filming that he even refused to have his picture taken for the school yearbook.


Although the film crews tried to make life on the kids as stress-free as possible, there's only so much they could do while still getting their job done. It's assumed that constantly being filmed throughout his childhood was a contributing factor to his disappearance on the show.


A Tumultuous Home Life


At first, it may have appeared that Jon and Kate were happily married while trying to juggle the chaotic life of raising eight kids. However, during season 5 of Jon & Kate Plus 8, the two announced their decision to separate to the whole world. Supposedly, Jon was overwhelmed by the amount of responsibility that was forced on him.


On the divorce, Jon commented that his marriage was "very non-affectionate" and "just kind of like ten years of a business transaction." The separation took a toll on all the children, and especially Collin, who was beginning to show signs of misbehavior and other issues.


Collin Began To Misbehave At a Young Age


Apparently, Kate had always had her struggles with Collin, even from a young age. In her 2010 memoir, Just Want You To Know, Kate expressed her frustration.


She writes, "At two and a half, you began testing and trying my parenting at every chance. I called Daddy at work many days crying because you would not obey. I had to ask you every day, 'Who's in charge here: you or me?' You would reluctantly answer, 'You are.'" Little did anyone know that these problems early on would carry on and get worse as he grew up.


He Was Expelled From School


In November 2011, Collin and his sister Alexis were expelled from their school on account of numerous behavioral issues. Apparently, they physically harmed a teacher, fought with other students, and were known bullies. Ultimately, the school administration requested that the kids be taken out of the school.


Both Colin and Alexis were placed in a three-week intensive special treatment program to work on their behavior. However, Kate denied that anything was wrong with either of them at that she intended on enrolling them back into school as soon as possible. Although the problems may have ended here for Alexis, that was not the case for Collin.


Less And Less Of Collin


Over the years, audiences began to see less and less of Collin on Kate Plus 8. Although he would still be on the show occasionally, it was noticeable that he was missing more frequently than not. Eventually, he disappeared entirely. When he was on the show, people commented that he was very reserved and his siblings did most of the talking on the episodes.


Fans of the show began to question the whereabouts of Collin, and it wasn't long until Collin was completely absent from the show. Rumors began to spread about Collin's disappearance. See one of the worst rumors that began to circulate about Kate's treatment of Collin.


Kate Was Accused Of Abusing Collin


Kate Gosselin's life is a breeding ground for rumors. However, one of the worst one involved her and Collin. As we began seeing Collin less frequently and eventually not at all, a rumor began to spread that Kate had abused Collin. He had allegedly opened up to someone that his mother had physically abused him and Child Protective Services was called to investigate. Jon was also contacted and claimed that he worried for his son's safety every day.


Of course, Kate has denied these claims and told Good Morning America that "I'm in the public eye. I have been investigated many times … It's always unfounded obviously,"


He Has Unidentified Special Needs


In 2016, Kate revealed that Collin has special needs. She told People Magazine that immediately asked why. "Collin has special needs. [There's] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things. This has been a struggle we've had for a very long time, and it's one I've dealt with on my own. I've felt very alone in this."


Kate also refused to share what his exact diagnosis is, but it explains his erratic behavior while growing up and on the show.


Where Is Collin?


Kate also notified the public that Collin no longer lives at home and instead remains in a live-in facility near the family's home in Pennsylvania. He is enrolled in a program which Kate describes as "helping him learn the skills he needs to be the best him that he can be."


She continued saying that “I don’t know what the road ahead entails, but I’m very happy with the care that he’s getting, and am still completely comforted by the fact that he is so clearly exactly where he needs to be.” However, not everyone supports Kate's decision to send her son away.


Jon Steps In And Files For Custody


In October 2018, Jon Gosselin filed for full legal and physical custody of 14-year-old Collin. When Collin is released from the special needs program he's currently in, he'll join his sister Hannah at his dad's house. Hannah has already been living with Jon for a year.


After Collin completed the program he was enrolled in at the facility, he was to move in with Jon and Hannah. Jon didn't doubt his son's learning skills. "Collin is very intelligent," Jon told Us. "He was always questioning Kate and talking back. Kate doesn't like that."


Reasons For Keeping Him Away


Kate definitely has her reasons for keeping Collin out of the public eye and away from the cameras. She thinks that the cameras and everything that goes into the show might be too much stimulation for him which might be overwhelming.


A friend close to Kate commented to Hollywood Life that "He definitely finds it easier to function and cope better without all the chaos that his home life entails." As much as that may make sense, believe it or not, the public didn't take too kindly to Kate's decision on how to handle Collin.


Public Outrage


Although the show's fans are happy that Collin is receiving help, it became painfully apparent to most that Collin was purposefully left out of family events. Kate frequently posts pictures of family outings, celebrations, and holidays of all her kids except Collin.


This has lead to people commenting #wherescollin and even claiming that she treats her dogs better than her son with special needs. People have also claimed that she makes it appear as though Collin is present when he's probably not. They believe she does this in order to try and prove to the public that she's a good mother.


Absence On Social Media


While some people understand that Collin's treatment might get in the way of family time, others point out that Kate doesn't even mention him at all anymore. On her Instagram, she posts pictures of her kids together or by themselves, but never anything of Collin.


Although every once in a while there will be a throwback picture of all the kids together, she never even comments about Collin or how much she misses him. This raises some eyebrows and has people questioning everything about Collin's "treatment."


Questioning Everything


Kate's decision to send Collin away and her supposed lack of effort to include him has some people questioning the whole situation. Kate has been open to the public about her struggles with Collin in the past, and has even said that his behavior "is not something that has only impacted me or him – our entire family has been impacted.”


So, to some, this sounds like Kate was dealing with a problematic child and her solution was to exile him from the family under the disguise of something else. For Kate, the public wasn't the only thing she had to worry about regarding Collin's situation.


Jon Didn't Know Where He Was


With everything that happened between Jon and Kate, Collin's situation was the icing on the cake. In November 2016, Jon came out to claim that Kate wouldn't tell him where Collin's facility is. He told Entertainment Tonight that, "I have an idea where he is, but I don't really know where he is. I mean, I ask, but she doesn't tell me. She doesn't answer any of my texts."


Kate responded to her ex-husband's claims that "We are both court ordered not to speak about the care and custody of our children in detail."


His Siblings Miss Him


Of course, Collin's siblings miss him immensely. The sextuplets grew up together and to have one of them missing has really taken a toll on them. Specific sextuplet occasions such as their birthday have been described as particularly emotional for the bunch.


On May 10, 2017, on the sextuplet's 13th birthday Kate opened up saying "It's a bittersweet moment [and] we've had many of them. You can't do anything without realizing he's missing. So we may not say it, but it's always there." However, she comforts herself and her other children by saying that he's where he needs to be right now, and I can feel good about that."


Jon Doesn't Approve Of Collin's Situation


Even though Kate and Jon are no longer married and spend as much time apart as possible, there's still some severe animosity in their relationship. They are in constant disagreement over their children, and especially Collin. After Kate shared a Halloween photo of all the kids except Collin, he broke down.


He told Hollywood Life that "The way Kate is handling things with Collin breaks Jon's heart, but he has no say." He feels that Kate isn't actually giving Collin what he needs and has put him on the back burner. See what Jon has to say about Kate's parenting strategies.


Kate's Way Or The Highway


When dealing with Collin, Jon explains that he feels powerless to do anything about it. He didn't even know where Collin was for a while because Kate wouldn't tell him.


A friend of Jon's told Hollywood Life that "She controls everything, it's her way or the highway when it comes to the kids, including Collin. When he saw that Kate left Collin out of Halloween, that his son was missing yet another family celebration Jon broke down and cried. He hates that she's doing this to Collin and feels so helpless to stop her…"


Jon Shares A Picture Of Collin For Worried Fans


Since Collin entered the treatment facility in 2016, no one knew where he was or if he was okay. This was incredibly concerning to a lot of fans that one of the Plus 8 kids had just fallen off of the face of the earth. Also, Kate not giving any updates on social media wasn't any help. But then, in May 2018, Jon shocked fans when he posted a picture on Instagram with Collin and his sister for his 14th birthday.


The caption read: "Glad I could celebrate my son Collin's 14th birthday with him and his sister." This picture brought the attention of the media back on the Gosselins, and Collin was a topic of conversation once again.


This Was A Relief To Everyone


This picture set Jon's followers and the kid's fans on an absolute frenzy. Jon was receiving endless positive comments about how thrilled they were to see that Collin was okay and that he was with his father.


Everyone was wondering what had happened to Collin and if what Kate was saying was true. However, considering how hard Kate has tried to hide Collin from the world, we wonder what she thinks about it.


It's Unclear What The Future Holds


Now that the public has seen Collin for the first time in almost two years, people are starting to ask when he will be coming back home. However, Kate isn't sure what's next for Collin and the family. She says "I don't know what the road ahead entails, but I'm very happy with the care that he's getting, and am still completely comforted by the fact that he is so clearly exactly where he needs to be, getting precisely what he needs."


It looks like we aren't going to be seeing Collin back in the mix anytime soon, but his fans are happy to know that he's okay.


What Are The Rest of The Gosselins Doing Today?


It’s hard to believe that Jon & Kate Plus 8 started over a decade ago. To say the family of 10 has been through a lot would be an understatement. The truth is, the last decade hasn’t been easy on any of the Gosselins. From a nasty divorce to Collins mysterious whereabouts, there has been no shortage of drama. Take a look at some of the highs and lows of Jon & Kate and their eight have gone through throughout the years.


Kate Gosselin Is a Proud Mom

Kateplusmy8 / Instagram
Kateplusmy8 / Instagram

These days, the Gosselin sextuplets are no longer little kids and the proof is laid out on Kate’s social media channels. On August 24, 2018, Kate took to Instagram to share the Gosselin six’s newest milestone: 8th grade! The Gosselin twins had another big milestone — they started their senior year.


Kate posted two heartwarming photos to her Instagram account, along with this short but sweet caption: “This was yesterday! Feels like school never ended…and they’re already back! #EighthGrade #ProudMom.”

Still, despite sweet snapshot, people couldn’t resist but leave comments questioning the whereabouts of Hannah and Collin.


Jon and Kate Are Still In a Bitter Custody Battle


Jon and Kate Gosselin’s divorce was finalized in 2009, but nearly 10 years later, the bitter custody battle rages on. In August 2017, things got heated when Hannah refused to leave her dad’s house to go back to Kate’s. A fight ensued which eventually led to an emergency custody hearing.


During the hearing, the judge granted Jon equal custody of Hannah until he and Kate go to trial. While Kate still has full custody of the couple’s remaining children, a new trial will determine if Jon gets 50/50 custody of the other sextuplets.


Jon Claims He Won Full Custody of Hannah

jongosselin1 / Instagram
jongosselin1 / Instagram

While Jon and Kate Gosselin keep lots of their private life under wraps, it’s hard for fans not to speculate. So when Kate posted of picture of six of the Gosselin kids, many couldn’t help but wonder where the other two were.


One reason why Hannah may have been noticeably absent is because she is currently living with Jon. While this hasn’t been confirmed, Jon did post a strange Instagram live video on August 16th revealing Hannah is now living with him full time. In the video, Hannah can be seen in the background playing music. The exes continue to be in a bitter custody battle, but Jon and Hannah are frequently seen together.


Mady and Cara Revealed They’re Not On Speaking Terms With Their Dad


Although Jon and Hannah seem to have a healthy relationship, the same can’t be said for his two oldest daughters. In an interview with People, twins Mady and Cara revealed that they are estranged from their dad and haven’t talked to him in a long time.


"He makes it seem like we're being kept from him, which is insane," Mady told People. "He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don't want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on TV is not the way to make that happen."


Jon Has Tried His Hand at a Number of Jobs

Steve Mack / Contributor and SOPA Images / Contributor
Steve Mack / Contributor and SOPA Images / Contributor

Since his divorce from Kate, Jon has tried his hand at a number of different jobs. In 2016, he turned heads when it was revealed he was working at a T.G.I.Friday’s. But after another employee posted a photo of him, he quit, eventually telling Dallas radio station 103.7 KVIL FM, “Thanks a lot, man! Now I gotta go through all of this stuff and now I gotta leave a job that I was passionate about.”


Jon is no longer working at the restaurant chain, but he has found another gig he is passionate about.


Jon Gosselin Filed a $5 Million Lawsuit Against TLC


While it was no secret that the father of eight was having trouble finding employment, he thought of one way to come up with some serious money. In September of 2016, he filed a $5 million claim against the network, stating that the television show and network had damaged his reputation and is preventing him from making a living by working with other media outlets.


Rather than banning him from working with other networks, Jon claims the producers have contacted other media and persuaded them not to sign a deal with him. The lawsuit is a counter to a lawsuit that TLC filed against Jon in 2009, claiming his work doing paid TV appearances without permission from the network violates their contract agreement.


Jon Is Currently Working As a DJ


When Jon Gosselin was a new dad, he was an established professional working in IT. But over the last few years, the former reality star has left the world of information technology for other ventures. After his stint at T.G.I.Friday's, Jon started working as a DJ.


Currently, he's a DJ at Dusk Nightclub in Atlantic City, New Jersey. He's also a member of the Senate DJ group and helps with promotion. In March 2018, he told Entertainment Tonight, "I DJ at the club sometimes, but I find promotion is more rewarding both financially and emotionally. I like taking care of people and making others feel welcome.”


Jon’s Bank Account Doesn’t Match His Celeb Status


At one point, it was reported that Jon and Kate Gosselin were making around $22,500 per episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8 — which is no chump change! But in the midst of their bitter custody battle, the couple has had to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, spousal support, and the like.


While Kate is pulling in a cool $40,000 for each episode of Kate Plus 8, Jon isn’t so lucky. Apparently, the former reality star is now struggling to make ends meet thanks to his legal bills — which explains why he has been taking on a slew of seemingly random jobs.

In September 2017, Gosselin’s girlfriend, Colleen Conrad, even went as far as to set up a GoFundMe to help him get back on his feet.


Jon’s Girlfriend Set Up a GoFundMe Account To Help Him Pay His Legal Fees

Dave Kotinsky / Contributor
Dave Kotinsky / Contributor

In September 2017, Gosselin’s girlfriend, Colleen Conrad, set up a GoFundMe to help him get back on his feet. The website is popular with people who need some support when going through a hard time, such as paying for medical bills.


Jon's campaign included sweet photos of the single dad with his kids alongside this text: “The family and friends of Jon Gosselin know the loving, caring, devoted father that he is, and they understand his desire to do what is best for his children.


It Wasn't Successful


It continued, "Like many divorced parents, Jon works hard each day and most weekends, wanting nothing more than to spend quality time with his kids. For Jon, it’s been an eight-year battle in family court, one that pits him against media and financial forces that far exceed his own.”


The GoFundMe was created on September 2, 2017, but due to backlash only received 66 donations totaling $3,301, although the set goal was $30,000. The page is still up but no longer accepting donations.


Kate Is Ready For a New Relationship...and Her Kids Want Her To Date Too


With her divorce almost 10 years behind her, it’s no surprise that Kate Gosselin is ready for a new relationship — and apparently, her kids are ready for Mom to find love again too.


In an interview with People, Kate opened up saying that her kids are ready for her to date again. “Now that they're older and talking about dating and how they're all gonna get married someday…it became apparent: they want someone for me," she told People. "They want me to have somebody in my life.”


Kate’s Plus Date Focuses On Her Love Life


To kickstart Kate’s search for love, she’ll be starring in TLC’s most-anticipated reality show in the fall of 2018 — Kate Plus Date. In April 2018, TLC revealed its first teaser for the upcoming series, which will document the reality star’s dating journey.


Kate, who says she is excited to “force” herself to do this, says that her daughters helped her realize it was time to get back out there.


Her Daughters Want Her To Date


Kate said, “As we’re talking about Mady and Cara going off to college which is becoming more and more of a reality, it’s gonna happen, it almost became like a worry for them, too, like ‘Mommy, you’re gonna be all alone soon,'” she told People.


“But it was very apparent, now that they’re older and talking about dating and how they’re all gonna get married someday … it became apparent: they want someone for me. They want me to have somebody in my life.”


Hannah Deletes Her Instagram Account


In August 2018, the same month that she headed back to school, 14-year-old Hannah deleted her Instagram account. Most kids her age are glued to Instagram, especially heading into a new school year, they want to make a good impression and show off everything they did over the summer break.


It seemed like weird timing, especially since she was previously active on social media. It appears that there was some disagreements between Jon and Kate over the kids' use of social media.


Kate Doesn't Want The Kids On Social Media


Like many moms, Kate is worried about her kids interacting with strangers and posting photos on social media. Her kids being famous and nationally recognized adds another layer of concern.


Kate's concerns were soon validated when she caught someone on Instagram impresonating her daughter Alexis. Kate posted a video to her social media, warning people of the fake account.


Jon Allowed Hannah To Use It, And Threw It In Kate's Face


It was clear that Kate didn't want the kids to be on social media. Not only did Jon disrespect her wishes, he threw it out there for everyone to see. Jon went ahead and promoted Hannah's Instagram on his page in May 2018.


"Thank you to everyone for all the love and support this week!!! Hannah and I forgot to take a pic. She is doing her in video @itsmehjg check it out!!! Have awesome Holiday, Happy Memorial Day and let's get summer started!!!! Thanks again!"


Kate Is Already Insecure About Not Seeing Hannah More


While the majority of the children live at Kate's household, Kate doesn't spend the same time with her daughter Hannah, who lives with Jon.


A source told Life & Style, "Kate is trying to be supportive of the situation, but the truth is, she hates that Hannah chose Jon over her," they said. "The problem is that the kids are getting older and they're starting to ask questions. Some are still Team Mom, but Team Dad is growing. It's a very divided household."


Unfortunately, Kate Faces Backlash Online


The term "mom-shaming" has sadly become a thing on social media. It happens when social media users comment on a mother's photos or status with harsh, unsolicited judgments. Often times its other mothers who harass them.


When Kate posted a photo of the family dog kissing one of her daughters, people were quick to comment. One user said, "For someone who was such a germaphobe, I'm surprised you allow your dogs to lick your kids' mouths."


At The End Of The Day, Everyone Is Family


Kate and Jon's family were one of the first to be featured on reality TV. They helped pioneer the type of shoes that TLC would continue to produce. But no one could have predicted how popular the small town family would become, and how much fame they all would receive as a result of it.


While their entire lives are out there for everyone to see, at the end of the day, they're just another American family enjoying time together and doing the best they can for each member of the family.


Allegations Came Out Against Jon In 2020

Jon and Collin

There was shocking news from the family in September of 2020, as Collin revealed in a now-deleted Instagram post that Jon had punched and kicked him. An investigation was launched into the incident, which allegedly took place earlier in the month.


"My dad is a liar," wrote Collin. "Yesterday he beat me up and thought nothing of it, he punched me in the face and gave me a swollen nose and I started bleeding. He then continued to kick me in the ribs after I was on the floor. He is a liar."