Hilarious Things That Kids Actually Did, Proving That Parents Definitely Have Their Hands Full
If you're a parent, you've probably seen your fair share of nonsense. If you're thinking about raising a kid, you might change your mind after this. Kids can be extremely cute and innocent, but they also make some head-scratching decisions.
That was your warning, so get ready for some funny kid action.
Boy Swallowed A Penny Showing His Brother How He Swallowed A Fob
He swallowed a fob the day before and proceeded to show his brother how he did so the next day.
Only this time, he used a penny for the magic trick.
Nice Strategy, Poor Execution
They had the right idea, but they could've done better with the fake Switch. That one is awful.
I'll cut them some slack because they could be really young kids.
He Needs Some Milk
It's okay; all he needs is some milk. His ear hurt so much that he couldn't think straight.
Still, maybe mom should start saving a little less for college if this is how her son acts.
"My 5-Year-Old Made A Cat Food Bath For His Sister"
I really hope the sister didn't tell him to make this bath. This is gross.
What possessed him to get so gnarly? What do you think that bathroom smells like?
Does He Think He Did Something?
Did this boy think he did something with this video? All he did was make himself look crazy.
His parents don't watch his YouTube channel? Someone send in some help.
Thinking He's Hiding
Another one bites the dust. He has to believe that they can't see him because he can't see them.
Still, that doesn't explain how well he understands transparent things yet.
"One Time My Uncle Put A Wig On My Cousin's Head And Told Him It Was Permanent"
Those are real tears of fear. I can safely say that kid thought that hair would last forever.
I wonder how long they let the joke run before telling the truth.
That's Wish Michael Jackson
I want to say that everyone should know what Michael Jackson looks like, even after the changes.
The only thing that resembles Jackson in this photo is the red jacket with the zippers.
They Were Dirty
Throwing away $400 for no reason is enough to make a parent pull out their hair.
It for sure contributes to dads going bald so soon. This kid is probably spoiled.
Should Have Put Up A Wet Cement Sign
Well, I'm sure she'll laugh at this when she sees this photo as an adult.
Look at Mom's face on the side. You know she deals with this stuff all the time.
He Wanted To Come Out Of Daddy
Wow, where do I begin here? I'll say that the kid must be in 1st grade if he doesn't know how birth works yet.
That, and he doesn't watch any TV.
What Are You Doing?
What was this kid trying to prove when she did this? Isn't the end of it hurting her cheeks?
Getting that out probably hurt more than I want to imagine.
Sharing The Wealth
Here's a kid who loves sharing the wealth, or at least tries. Did she cry once she learned she couldn't use the money anymore?
Kids will always do something irresponsible with money at a certain point.
It's For The Bears
Even when you convince a child something is wrong, they will still follow their rules just in case.
If a bear did show up, I know he would've loved that.
Future General Manager
As you can see, this kid is going to be the future general manager of a sports team.
How did he pull off getting a tablet from a single Oreo cookie?
They Might Be Cousins
I would like to know how old this boy is. Maybe he was too excited.
You can never know what's going on in these kids' heads, but in this case, they'll need to go back to lesson 1.
Sounds Like A Blast!
This sounds like a game all the kids can get behind, but everyone else will lose their mind's over.
The school should've had this under control before it got out of hand.
They Fooled Her!
Hey, kudos to these kids for not seeing race, but they need more common sense.
The intent is pure here, but the logic is out the window like the rest of these kids.