Mother Gets Uninvited To Son’s Wedding For Saying Wife Was ‘Indecent’ For Getting Plastic Surgery

Mothers usually play a big role in all steps of a wedding. They help the bride chose her dress, they help make decorations and calm the nerves. However, this is all dependent on them having good relationships with both the bride and the groom.

Sarah and her partner (Reddit user aitamumuninvited) thought all was well until she decided to get plastic surgery to cover up some scars before her wedding. Her fiancé's mother thought that was "indecent" and got herself uninvited to the wedding.

The Stigma Around Plastic Surgery

woman with lines on her face drawn in blue
Photo Credit: Joey Lee / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Joey Lee / Unsplash

Even today there is a certain social stigma around plastic surgery. It's usually tied to religious or ethical beliefs. They feel as though plastic surgery messes with nature and biology.

There's still no denying that it's an increasingly popular choice. Some studies even show that it does wonders on raising self-esteem and overall happiness of individuals.


The Wife Had Been In a Car Accident

car looks broken from front
Photo Credit: clark Van Der Beken / Unsplash
Photo Credit: clark Van Der Beken / Unsplash

In the case of Sara and her partner of 11 years, the choice for plastic surgery partner was a hard one to make. Sarah had been in a car accident and had scars across her torso, left arm, and jaw.


For three years, she was covering them up with make-up. Still, she could feel their presence and they made her very self-conscious.


Six Million Car Accidents Per Year

ambulance rushing by
Photo Credit: Ian Taylor / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Ian Taylor / Unsplash

Did you know that statistics report about six million car accidents in the U.S every year? That's about 16,438 per day.


The reality is a lot of these accidents lead to injuries and scars that the victims shouldn't feel like they have to live with. In fact, some insurances cover reconstructive plastic surgeries following car accidents.


The Husband Used His Work Bonus To Pay For Her Plastic Surgery

hand taking out bills from wallet
Photo Credit: Allef Vincius / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Allef Vincius / Unsplash

Although Sarah wasn't planning to get her surgery until after they were married, her now-husband got an unexpected bonus for Christmas. He wanted her to use it for her scars.


"This went ahead and Sarah is now much happier with how she looks. She still wears a bit of makeup to hide a few small lines from the plastic surgery but they will fade to white with time and be less noticeable."


The Mother Noticed The Scars Now Looked Different

wedding dresses hung up
Photo Credit: Charisse Kenion / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Charisse Kenion / Unsplash

All seemed well until Sarah went dress shopping with her mother-in-law. While at the store, the MIL noticed that the scars looked different and pointed them out.


That's when Sarah explained that she covered them up with surgery. At the time, the MIL didn't say anything further.


The Mother Told Her Son It Was "Immoral" To Marry Someone Like Sarah

woman in wedding dress in front of chapel
Photo Credit: Wesner Rodrigues / Pexels
Photo Credit: Wesner Rodrigues / Pexels

It wasn't until the husband went for dinner at his mom's that she decided to let her opinion be known.


"She was telling me it was immoral to marry someone as indecent as Sarah and that it was disgusting that she had plastic surgery."


So, He Univited Her To His Wedding

RSVP Kit for wedding invitation
Photo Credit: Olya Kobruseva / Pexels
Photo Credit: Olya Kobruseva / Pexels

The two got into a big argument. It got to the point where the son had to threaten his mother that if she was going to bad mouth his wife to be, then she shouldn't come to the wedding at all.


The mother broke down in tears. The son ended up having to actually uninvite her but feels bad for it, especially because his whole family is mad at him for upsetting his mother. Now he's wondering if he's in the wrong.


Reddit Applauded Him Supporting His Wife's Choice of Surgery

woman wiping off lipstick in handheld mirror
Photo Credit: Septian Simon / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Septian Simon / Unsplash

Comments flooded in applauding this man for supporting his wife in doing what makes her feel good.


One comment mentioned, "it's clear that the scars didn't bother you at all. But you recognized how they are affecting Sarah and her self-esteem."


They Wonder If The Mother Was Just Looking For An Excuse

hands on hands with wedding bands
Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Some of the comments wondered if the mother was looking for an excuse to" jump on Sarah."


In fact, they didn't understand why his family was upset at his mother for saying some truly awful things about the woman he was about to marry. One person said it was a lack of self-awareness and that they should all get uninvited too.


They Say The Way He Stood Up For Her Shows How Much He Truly Loves Her

happy married couple walking
Photo Credit: Jakob Owens / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Jakob Owens / Unsplash

The comments were almost unanimously supportive of the husband with another saying "it's clear Sarah found herself a partner who truly loves all of her, including the parts about herself she doesn’t like, and her mental health."


All in all the Reddit community wished Sarah and her husband a lifetime of happiness.