Celebrities Who Got Angry During An Interview And Were Ready To Get Up And Leave

It's important to remember that giving interviews isn't always a celebrity's favorite past time. Having people continuously asking you questions about your life can become a little irritating, especially if the questions go too far. While most of the time interviews go smoothly without a hitch, it's not always a guarantee. Sometimes, an interviewer will overstep their bounds and in the process really annoy the person they are interviewing. It's a reminder that celebrities are people too and that not every aspect of their lives is for our consumption. Here are some of those celebrities that became fed up during an interview and made it very clear that they weren't happy.

Don't Ask Tom Hardy About His Sexuality

Anthony Harvey/Getty Images
Anthony Harvey/Getty Images

In 2015, Tom Hardy was promoting his film Legend, where he plays as bisexual gangster twins Ronnie and Reggie Cray. While at the Toronto International Film Festival, Hardy encountered an interviewer who asked Hardy the wrong question. After being called on, the interviewer asked,"Do you find it hard for celebrities to talk to the media about their sexuality?"

Caught off-guard, Hardy was confused and asked if the interviewer "what on earth are you talking about... are you asking me about my sexuality?". The interviewer replied with "sure." That was enough for Hardy and he cut him off instantly replying "thank you" and moved on to the next question.


Scarlett Joahansson Doesn't Want To Talk About Her Undergarments

Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images
Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

On Extra, Jerry Penacoli had a rough interview with Scarlett Johansson alongside Jeremy Renner while they were promoting their 2012 film The Avengers. He made a crucial error on his first question when he asked Johansonn, "Were you able to wear undergarment?" regarding her costume.


Without hesitation, Johansson snapped "You're like, the fifth person who's asked me that today," she said. "What is going on? Since when do people just start asking each other in interviews about their underwear?"Penacoli then spent some time backstepping in order to not look like some creep. Luckily for him, Renner stepped in and explained to Johansonn what Penacoli meant by the question.


Jerry Seinfeld Went Off On Larry King

Craig Barritt/Getty Images for The New Yorker
Craig Barritt/Getty Images for The New Yorker

In a 2007 interview between Larry King and Jerry Seinfeld, things got a little heated when King said the wrong thing about the show. While discussing why the show went off the air, King asked: "They didn't cancel you, you canceled them?"


In total disbelief, Seinfeld snapped back "You think I got canceled?" Seinfeld said. "Are you under the impression that I got canceled? I thought that was pretty well-documented. Is this real CNN? I was the No. 1 show on television, Larry! Do you know who I am? Seventy-five million viewers last episode!" King attempted to calm Seinfeld down but he wasn't having any of it, clearly offended by what David had suggested.


Mike Tyson Snapped On Live TV

Alex Menendez/Getty Images
Alex Menendez/Getty Images

During a 2014 interview with CPTV24, anchor Nathan Downer asked about Mike Tyson's meeting with Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. He went on to say that some of his critics say that there's a race for mayor. He continues saying, "We know you're a convicted rapist. This could hurt [Ford's] campaign [...] How would you respond to that?"


Obviously, Tyson didn't take it too lightly and responded by saying, "You're the only one I heard say that … I don't have [a] comment to that because it's negative and you're being negative [...] It's interesting, because you come off as a nice guy, but you're actually a piece of [expletive] . [expletive] you, that was a piece of [expletive]." When Downer tried to change the subject, Tyson didn't let him and continued to insult him.


Anne Hathaway Doesn't Appreciate Getting Grilled About Her Body

Theo Wargo/FilmMagic
Theo Wargo/FilmMagic

While promoting The Dark Knight Rises in 2012, Anne Hathaway came across an interviewer who couldn't seem to get off the subject of her body. Unsurprisingly, the interviewer wasExtra'sJerry Penacoli, who asked "You're in phenomenal shape. You're always in great shape, but you had to make sure you were in perfect shape for this one, didn't you?" Hathaway responded that the most important thing was getting the stuntsperfect, not necessarily her body.


Penacoli continued, commenting on how "form-fitting" her Catwoman suit was and asking what her regiment was like getting into shape. Hathaway finally asked, "Are you trying to lose weight? What's the deal man, you look great! No, seriously. We have to talk about this. What do you want? Are you trying to fit into a catsuit?"


Tony Danza Didn't Know He Was Live On TV

Gilbert Carrasquillo/GC Images
Gilbert Carrasquillo/GC Images

In 1998, Tony Danza was preparing to talk about his new movie on a news station. However, he didn't know he was already live as he mocked the types of shows that he was about to be on. He said, "And those news shows are terrible [...], "I'm having second thoughts about this. Right after murder and mayhem and the rescue in California, Tony Danza. I'm so excited."


All the while, the interviewer was trying to get his attention. When they finally do, Danza appears unfazed that everything he just said was on live TV. After saying "Oh, you heard me, huh?" he continued to talk down about the show and tells the interviewer that he knows he's not the only person that feels that way.


Laverne Cox Stepped In For Carmen Carrera

Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for Los Angeles Condfidential
Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for Los Angeles Condfidential

During a 2014 interview, daytime talk show how host Katie Couric asked transgender model Carmen Carrera, "Was the whole process painful, physically, for you?" and "Your private parts are different now, aren't they?" Carrera was accompanied by Laverne Cox, who took the reigns and answered the question herself.


She proceeded to go on a lengthy rant about all of the atrocities that people in the LGBTQ community are subjected to and how nobody focuses on the issues that people are fighting for. She closed by saying: "If we focus on transition, we don't actually get to talk about those things." Couric later apologized about the episode in an interview with the Daily Beast.


Emma Thompson Could Care Less About The Royal Wedding

Mike Marsland/Mike Marsland/WireImage
Mike Marsland/Mike Marsland/WireImage

British actress and screenwriter Emma Thompson was having none of it when she was asked by a Sky TV interviewer about her thoughts on the upcoming Royal Wedding in Spring 2018. She responded frankly by saying " [There's] not a single thought about it in my head to share with you, I'm so sorry [...] I haven't even … it doesn't occur to me actually, my son is getting married next year so I am much more sort of dealing with that but really I have nothing to say about it."


When the interview pushed the subject, Thompson irritatingly said "Stop it, just stop it, OK? Stop doing the 'Let's talk about the royal wedding.' … Just give the poor kids a break."


Helen Mirren Was Openly Insulted And Fought Back

Isa Foltin/WireImage
Isa Foltin/WireImage

In 1975, renown actress Helen Mirren was involved in potentially one of the most cutthroat interviews ever aired. Interviewer Michael Parkinson referred to her as a "sex queen," used air quotes when calling her a "serious actress." He also asked if her physical attributes made acting difficult. He continued to ask if her chest distracted people from paying attention to her acting which finally set Mirren off.


Finally, when Parkinson asked why she had said she liked the bad boy image, she snapped, saying "It's not so much that I like men who look like that — but I strongly dislike men who look in another way [...] Like men who wear very nicely cut suits," as she stared directly at him.


Mariah Carey Made It Clear That She Doesn't Know Where Her Ex-Husband Is


In 2017, Mariah Carey's former fiance James Packer was being investigated by Israeli police for some information about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and illegal gift giving. That same month, Carey was in Tel Aviv, Israel promoting a skin care line when she was interrogated by a reporter about her ex-fiance's whereabouts. Carey said that they went to dinner with Netanyahu and that was about it.


When he kept prying, Carey finally said "Please, darling, please! I don't [know] where the [expletive] is. How am I supposed to know? I don't know, for real … I don't know, he's somewhere doing something, whatever. I have no idea."


Rashida Jones Had To Explain That She Was Biracial

JP Yim/WireImage
JP Yim/WireImage

At the Screen Actors Guild Actors Awards in 2015, TNT red carpet reporter Danielle Demski came up to interview Rashida Jones. The interview started off typical and cordial, complimenting her on her stunning looks and Emmanuelle Ungaro dress. Then, things started to get a little uncomfortable. Demski continued with the compliments saying "You look amazing — gorgeous! You look like you've just come off an island or something [...] You're very tan, very tropical."


Jones was a little flabbergasted considering that most people know she is biracial, daughter of African American musician Quincey Jones and Caucasian actress Peggy Lipton. Politely, but a little peeved, Jones replied: "I mean, you know, I'm ethnic." Definitely a little bit more than awkward.


Don't Show Kanye West Videos During An Interview

Edward Berthelot/GC Images
Edward Berthelot/GC Images

After Kanye West's statement that George W. Bush "Doesn't like black people," he was interviewed by Matt Lauer to discuss Bush's response. At first, West was saying good things about the former president, until Lauer showed West a video of Bush's statement. Kanye responded by saying, "You know, I didn't need you guys to show me the tape to prompt my emotions or whatever."


Next, Lauer prodded him about the issue with Taylor Swift at the VMAs. Once again, Kanye was calm and conversational until Lauer played a video of the incident while he was speaking. Kanye didn't like this and complained, "How am I supposed to talk if you're gonna run this thing in the middle while I'm talking? I'm hearing it while I'm trying to talk," he said. "Please don't let that happen again. It's ridiculous."


Matt Damon Stuck Up For Teachers

Kevin Winter/Getty Images
Kevin Winter/Getty Images

In 2011, Matt Damon was attending a Save Our Schools rally with his mother who is a teacher in Washington D.C. Reason.tv asked Damon if he works harder than teachers because he isn't guaranteed job security as an actor. With his mother standing right next to him, Damon went on a rant about the unfair views on teachers.


He argued, "It's like saying a teacher is going to get lazy when they have tenure. A teacher wants to teach. I mean, why else would you take a [expletive] salary and really long hours and do that job unless you really love to do it?" When the cameraman piped in saying that 10% of teachers are bad, Damon fired back, "Then maybe you're a [expletive] cameraman, I don't know."


Mayim Bialik Doesn't Like Her Intelligence Questioned

Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images
Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images

In 2014, Big Bang Theory star Mayim Bialik was on the red carpet at the Screen Actors Guild Awards when she was approached for a quick interview. When the reporter asked if she was wicked smart like her character Amy Farrah Fowler and could do calculus, Bialik was a little insulted.


As it turns out, Bialik is as smart as her character, she has a Ph.D. in neuroscience. She responded by explaining "Um, I actually was trained in calculus for several years [...] yeah, I'm a neuroscientist, so … you may not have known that. I can do calculus." It's clear that Bialik doesn't appreciate her academic achievements being overlooked by her television character.


Mel Gibson Gets Annoyed When All People Talk About Is His Past


It's well known that some of Mel Gibson's actions in the past have been more than questionable. However, over the last years, he's proven that he's been turning his life around. In 2010, Gibson gave an interview with WGN TV's Dean Richard who discussed Gibson's drinking problem, anti-Semitic rants and other dark parts of Gibson's past.


Clearly losing his patience Gibson replies "That's almost four years ago, dude [...] I've moved on. I guess you haven't." Richard continued to press him and Mel Gibson tried to keep his cool. The interview ended peacefully until Gibson snuck in a profanity before the cameras stopped rolling.


Jennifer Lawrence Came Off As Extremely Rude

Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images
Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

At the 2017 Golden Globes, Jennifer Lawrence got rather snippy with a reporter that was apparently looking at his phone while talking to her. She snapped,"You can't live your whole life behind your phone, bro, you can't do that, you've got to live in the now." The reporter apologized and asked "How do you see yourself for Oscar night?"


Annoyed, she responded "We're at the Golden Globes. If you put your phone down, you'd know that." However, Lawrence's behavior wasn't condoned by all because it was possible that the reporter was looking at his phone for English translations because he was clearly foreign with a thick accent. Others came to her defense saying he was taking pictures.


Mila Kunis Defended Justin Timberlake


Being fluent in Russian came in handy while Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake were promoting their movie Friends With Benefitsin Russia. At the Russian conference, a reporter asked Timberlake, "Many showbiz people move to movies and sometimes it's for the better, but why is Justin in movies?" Before Justin could receive the translation into English, Kunis was answering the question, visibly angry.


In Russian, Kunis snapped, "Wait, you're asking why he wants to be in movies? Well, what you rather have him do?" When Justin tried to speak for himself Mila told him to "hold on" and continued to dig into the reporter. She ended her defense when she said, "Well, if he wants to make movies, and he can, why shouldn't he? What kind of question is that? Why are you here?"


Justin Bieber Wouldn't Stand For People Talking About His Mother

James Devaney/GC Images
James Devaney/GC Images

During an interview with Mojo in the Morning, there were a number of things that made the interview go south. The first thing that went wrong was when other performers were mentioned. Bieber began to become annoyed after the interview said that the first time he heard Bieber's song "Boyfriend" he thought it was Justin Timberlake and not Bieber.


Bieber responded saying "That's crazy our voices sound nothing alike." Things really took a turn for the worst when the interviewer asked if Bieber was worried about Harry Styles being around his mom since Styles was known to like older women. Bieber told him to worry about his own mom, and when the interviewer said his mom was dead, Bieber hung up the phone.


Robert Downey Jr. Walks Out Of An Interview

Jared Siskin/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
Jared Siskin/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images

In 2015, Robert Downey Jr. was doing a promotional circuit for his new film Avengers: Age of Ultron.In an interview with Channel 4 News, the interview seemed to be going as planned. Downey was calmly answering questions about his career as well as the upcoming film. However, things started to deteriorate when the interviewer began to look increasingly nervous.


It was then clear to Downey that he was going to be asked some delicate questions. The interviewer then began to ask about the dark moments in his past involving his father and struggles with alcohol and drugs. Downey asked, "What is this?" Then, he stood up, walked out, and called the interviewer a "schmuck."


Selena Gomez Laughed In An Interviewer's Face Before Her Live Feed Is Cut


Like most normal people after a breakup, Selena Gomez didn't particularly enjoy the media investigating her recent breakup with Justin Bieber. In a radio interview with video, the pop star was very cordial when answering questions until the interviewer went too far. Although it was only a matter of time, Selena couldn't believe it when the interviewer brought up her breakup.


They ask, "Is there something about him we don't get or we don't understand? I mean there is one story after another of pretty outrageous behavior we're reading about." Selena Gomez looked down and began to laugh. Immediately, the live feed cuts out and Gomez never returned to the interview.