Heartwarming Adoption Before And After Photos Show How Much These Pets Transformed

Being adopted by a family that loves them is a huge moment in a pet's life. It can often mean they escaped from leading a miserable life. It's crazy the amount of good that having a nurturing environment can have on a pet's behavior and happiness, but also on their appearance.

Check out these beloved family pets and actually see the difference that a forever home made in their lives. They're happier, healthier, and filled with a zest for life you just can't get anywhere else. After reading this go hug your pet.

This Poor Guy Wouldn't Eat, But His Owners Were Patient

link the dog before and after being adopted looking sad and then happy
Photo Credit: The_Greenweaver / Reddit
Photo Credit: The_Greenweaver / Reddit

Link the dog and his owners know a little something about perseverance. When Reddit user The_Greenweaver adopted him when he was 5 months old, the poor shelter pup wouldn't eat at all and had to be hospitalized 3 times to get IV fluids.

His owner's patience with him paid off because he soon was eating the turkey cold cuts his owners brought him. At the bottom, he's 9-years-old, loving life, and enjoying the beach like we all wish we were.


Her Owner Couldn't Take Care Of Her So They Took Her In

hunneee the dog before and after adoption playing in the water
Photo Credit: B_bbi / Reddit
Photo Credit: B_bbi / Reddit

Sometimes it's not always a case of shelter dogs finding a home - sometimes people bit off more than they can chew when they select their pet and they end up not being able to take care of it. That was the case with Hunnee the Shih Tzu Yorkie mix.


When her elderly owner adopted her, the lady was so sick that she couldn't walk her, bathe her, or help her be a pup. When her new owners took her in they showed her the canine ropes so now she can splash away in the sun to her heart's content.


You Don't Always Have To Adopt To Make A Huge Difference

cat with bacterial infection but looking a lot happier and healthier after adoption
Photo Credit: mobfamous / Reddit
Photo Credit: mobfamous / Reddit

It's hard for people who love and want to help animals, but circumstances make it hard for them to permanently adopt a furry creature. That's why it's so great that we can foster animals and still make a positive difference in their lives. This kitty named Kura can attest to that.


When Reddit user mobfamous began fostering him he had mange, worms, and a bacterial infection. But just 3 weeks later he's a kitty with a "mew" lease on life.


Mama Horse Was Rescued From An Abusive Situation

horse before and after adoption looking cute
Photo Credit: PaperPonies / Reddit
Photo Credit: PaperPonies / Reddit

Reddit user PaperPonies rescued Indie the pregnant mare from a dangerous living situation under the care of a long-haul truck driver who would leave her for long periods at a time without food, shelter, and minimal water. She shared the space with an aggressive stallion who would bite her mane off.


Her colt was born happy and healthy, and the two horses currently live together in a situation that lets them be the horses they were born to be. Yay for these good old happy neighs.


After They Adopted Rusty He Couldn't Stop Smiling

happy dog after adoption white poodle smiling
Photo Credit: k8marie_ / Reddit
Photo Credit: k8marie_ / Reddit

This photo is the reason you should always adopt. You're giving a creature a chance at a better life than the one they were living beforehand. Rusty was matted and droopy when his owners found him at the shelter. But that frown quickly turned upside down when he was brought home.


Look at how serene this smiling poodle is. He looks like a completely different breed now that he's cleaned up and gained a new "leash" on life. Keep that smile well-oiled Rusty!


This Dog Lost Their Worry Lines When They Were Able To Stop Worrying

dog looking stressed dog looking serene side by side
Photo Credit: tropicalspring / Reddit
Photo Credit: tropicalspring / Reddit

This poor pup came from such a hard background that he had the "11" lines that crinkled in between his eyes that normally us humans get when we're feeling stressed. He must've had a high-stress job on Wall St. to get wrinkles that bad. Poor little guy.


Look at how serene and happy he is in the next picture - there's no need to worry when he's with the ones he trusts! This is the kind of inside-out transformation that we all love to see.


The Hard Work This Horse Owner Put In Is Worth It To See This Change

horse cleaned looking good and healthy
Photo CreditL turtley-awesome / Reddit
Photo CreditL turtley-awesome / Reddit

These before and after photos of this BLM Mustang prove just how worthwhile it is for us to take the time, energy, and care to invest in our pets' health. What was once an emancipated horse has grown into a gorgeous animal with a little human help.


Reddit user turtley-awesome is responsible for this change, saying they "fattened, cleaned, and muscled up" the little horse and took these photos a year apart. Nevermind a year apart, these photos look like two completely different horses! That's a change that's hot to trot.


He Gained A Home And A Brother

kitties cuddling before and after adoption
Photo Credit: afterandalasia / Reddit
Photo Credit: afterandalasia / Reddit

After his family found him on the street and took the before photo, this stray cat was thin, confused, and worried that he'd never find his place in the world. But after his family took him in and cared for him, he began to realize that life wasn't so bad after all.


It helps that this adorable cat has a brother to snuggle and hold him when he's feeling nervous. Guess you could call this a tangled mess of kitty limbs a "cat pile."


Sammy Has Never Looked And Felt Better

puppy before and after adoption smiling after adoption
Photo Credit: matozosa / Reddit
Photo Credit: matozosa / Reddit

6 months of TLC can make a huge difference in a dog's appearance! Just take Sammy, who just 6 months ago was living at a shelter feeling alone and neglected, but now is on top of the world.


Sammy traded in her sad puppy dog eyes for a face that says "suns out tongues out" and we couldn't be happier. You go out and put that doggy smile to good use Sammy and always make sure to turn on the charm when dinner is brought to the table.


These Two Photos Cannot Be Of The Same Dog

small dog big dog side by side photo guy in military holding him
Photo Credit: SuitingUncle620 / Reddit
Photo Credit: SuitingUncle620 / Reddit

Time flies when you're having floof! This giant snuggly poodle traded his puppy paws for a giant mass of hair that'll leave you questioning if this really is the same dog in both photos.


This man definitely shrunk - there's no way this tiny ball of fur turned into this enormous goof. This joyous transformation just shows what a big difference having a happy family around can have on a dog's life. He gains another tuft of fur every time he feels happy.


Blue The Dog Isn't Feeling So Blue Anymore

dog got a forever home happy to be alive posing with owner black and white dog
Photo Credit: Whizzle4 / Reddit
Photo Credit: Whizzle4 / Reddit

Each year approximately 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized, yet only 20% of dogs are rescued from shelters while 34% of them are bought from breeders. Help dogs like Blue find a home and stay out of harm's way by adopting from shelters.


Look at how tentative and unsure he is at whether or not his new owner is going to take him home. I think we can breathe a sigh of relief that he no longer looks so hesitant in the second picture. These photos were only taken minutes apart, but the pup already seems years happier and healthier!


Weathered A Storm To Win Their Hearts

before and after adoption dog white looks good in after photo
Photo Credit: MCKelly13 / Reddit
Photo Credit: MCKelly13 / Reddit

Someone just abandoned Sammy outside in a storm. He was neglected, matted, and extremely hungry with nowhere to go. That is until Reddit user MCKelly13 and their girlfriend took him in and gave him the love and care he needed.


After it took 4.5 hours to cut his fur and a couple of weeks of ample food and a doggie sister to play with, Sammy is living his best life and looking like it. He's gone from pauper to prince and he's not afraid to show it.


Rags To MilkBones Story

street dog to dog sitting by window looking at camera
Photo Credit: mariethebee / Reddit
Photo Credit: mariethebee / Reddit

When Reddit user mariethebee saw a meek dog covered with mange roaming the Tijuana streets she just knew she had to take the pooch in. Instead of just nursing the dog back to health, mariethebee turned this street urchin into a high-class San Francisco pup!


The life of luxury is well-deserved for this dog, especially after the start it had. Now it probably gets unlimited milk bones, daily tail scratches, and a whole lot of peanut butter. That's a life we all wouldn't mind living.


Smudge Finally Began To Heal Thanks To The Care Of Her Foster Mom

cat before and after adoption looking regal and looking scared before
Photo Credit: skr80 / Reddit
Photo Credit: skr80 / Reddit

Reddit user skr80's foster care truly saved Smudge the kitten's little life. When the shelter gave her Smudge she was just under a pound and their policy was to euthanize her - but they had hope. After skr80 took her home and put her on a high-calorie diet the kitten began to thrive.


Smudge needed major eye-surgery, so the goal was just to foster her long enough until she was strong enough for that. However, by the time the surgery rolled around, these two were inseparable and skr80 decided to keep Smudge. What a purr-fect end.


She's A Big Bald Baby

dog and boyfriend cuddling dog has a skin condition
Photo Credit: msheriff98 / Reddit
Photo Credit: msheriff98 / Reddit

These photos are taken immediately after they adopted this adorable and affectionate dog that doesn't seem to know how big she is. Guess it's true when they say once a lap dog, always a lap dog - even if that lapdog is 70 lbs.


This sweetheart has a skin condition called Demodex where her fur falls out and leaves scabs on her skin. This family is journeying together on her medical journey, but also together in general. She's definitely not letting go of her new dad soon.


Teddy Looks Like His Cuddly Namesake Now

very thin dog looking healthier in top photo
Photo Credit: vitriolpoisoned / Reddit
Photo Credit: vitriolpoisoned / Reddit

Rescuing a shelter dog is never easy, and the sweet and loveable Teddy was no exception. When his parents rescued him from the shelter he was suffering and starving immensely and had heartworms to boot.


Instead of laying down with the odds stacked against him, Teddy and his new family fought hard for him to get healthy. When the heartworm treatment made his fur fall out and made him very ill, his forever family stuck by his side. Now Teddy looks just as cuddly and soft as his name suggests.


In Only A Year This Cat Went From Starving To Sophisticated

cat looking sad and skinny to cat looking happy and fat side by side
Photo Credit: stormyb / Reddit
Photo Credit: stormyb / Reddit

It's crazy what a difference a year can make in a cat's life. Every year about 3.2 million cats enter American shelters and about 1.6 million cats are adopted. That's about half the number. Let's hope next year the number of kitties adopted skyrockets past the number that are taken in.


This poor girl started off looking like the cat version of the Crypt Keeper but quickly turned into an elegant lady reclining on her chaise lounge. Just make sure you clean the couch, she's been there for a while. Nobody's ever too elegant to shed.


Steve Knew They Would Help Him So He Followed Them Home

steve the cute cuddly dog looking at camera being adorable
Photo Credit: shanster925 / Reddit
Photo Credit: shanster925 / Reddit

The dogs get that feeling just like us where they know you're the family for them. Steve's story proves this, as he followed these people home as an overgrown, emancipated, and overheated pup. Good on ya, Steve!


If this was our dog, we would've changed Steve's name to Stevie Wonder just because of his incredible story and perseverance. Or maybe Steve Jobs because he definitely found a creative way to find his forever home.


You Can Tell A Lot About A Person By Their Shoes, Or A Bunny By Its Foot Fur

bunny laying down feet towards camera the first photo they're stained brownish
Photo Credit: sayyyge / Reddit
Photo Credit: sayyyge / Reddit

Reddit user and bunny guru sayyyge adopted a rabbit named Chester who wasn't treated with the love and attention he deserved. Chester's living conditions were bad enough that he was often hopping around in his own urine - which stained his white rear fur brown.


On the right is Chester now, a happy and healthy bunny just 5 months later. Sayyge shares that they trained him to use a litter box, which made a world of difference and lets him live in a clean environment. Chester's transformation is sure to put a little hop in your step today.


Bijou's Goofy Grin Just Keeps On Giving

dog sleeping looking peaceful he's got a missing jaw so he's got a goofy grin
Photo Credit: raccoonempress / Reddit
Photo Credit: raccoonempress / Reddit

After his previous owners mistreated him so terribly that he was left without a jaw, Bijou was scared he would never find his fur-ever home. Luckily, his goofy grin caught the attention of Reddit user raccoonempress and she fell in love.


This sweet little guy can only eat wet food from a flat surface because of his condition. It's awful to see an animal mistreated to this extent, but it's a good thing there are people in the world ready to help these sweet pups. We all just want to see Bijou's toothy smile.

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