Always Stick These Foods In The Freezer (These Foods Taste The Best When They’re Frozen)

Temperature is a major factor when it comes to likeability for food. If a food item is prepared warm or cold it can change the tastes, textures, and aroma. Just think about vegetables: some people prefer cooked carrots and others prefer them raw. If a food item is meant to be served warm or at room temperature, others may prefer to eat it ice cold.

Many of these common foods are tasty no matter which way they are prepared, but it can be argued that the best way to eat them is right out of the freezer. You'll definitely want to taste-test all these frozen foods after reading this!

There's Actually Another Way To Eat An Avocado

avocado slices defrosting
Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images
Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images

Avocados taste great no matter the way they are served. They can be a tricky food to master though since they have a small window of ripeness before they start to turn brown and mushy.

While some prefer to have them at room temperature, some brave eaters are ditching the avocado norm and eating them frozen. One surefire way to bring out their taste when frozen is to serve with spices such as chili pepper, garlic, salt, or lime.


The Proper Way To Snack On Grapes

close-up of red grapes
Francis Dean/Corbis via Getty Images
Francis Dean/Corbis via Getty Images

Grapes are one of the most versatile foods out there. They can be dried out in the sun to make raisins or their juicy insides can be crafted into juice or wine. On their own they can be a tasty snack but their temperature can change what kind of snack.


When packed in the freezer their flavor is intensified and texture changes completely. Once you try frozen grapes—especially as a snack on a hot summer day—there's no going back.


The Heated Debate With Frozen Chocolate

a woman biting into a chocolate bar
Oliver Berg/picture alliance via Getty Images
Oliver Berg/picture alliance via Getty Images

The logical reason one might want to freeze chocolate is to prevent it from melting, but there are many other uses for it. Being frozen provides the eater with a completely new texture that can make it more enjoyable.


There's also some debate on whether it changes the taste. The best example of this is the debacle between room temperature and frozen Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Reese's knows about the debate so they created a special version that's meant to be frozen!


You Have Been Eating Gummy Bears All Wrong

a close-up of a child holding colorful gummy bears
Lisa Wiltse/Corbis via Getty Images
Lisa Wiltse/Corbis via Getty Images

This one may seem a bit out there, but frozen gummy bears are a cool alternative to the childhood treat. At room temperature, their flavors will burst when bitten but being frozen adds a new dimension.


The texture can be a bit tough to chew, so it's best to let the gummy bear melt in your mouth for a couple of seconds before biting down. One tasty tip is to dip them in some chocolate before freezing for a delicious chocolate and fruity combo.


Iceberg Lettuce Will Keep You Replenished And Satisfied

someone holding a miniature head of iceberg lettuce
Scott Olson/Getty Images
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Iceberg lettuce may seem like a boring snack to place in the freezer, but it can serve as a healthy pick-me-up. It can be used almost like a chip or cracker when it's frozen.


Some like to dip it into sauce or hummus. Others use it in place of room temperature or chilled lettuce in salads. It shouldn't stay in the freezer for too long though because the drop in temperature causes ice crystals to form in the plant cells. This can turn the lettuce into a slimy mess.


Give Peas A Chance

frozen peas on a metal tray with someone in rubber gloves separating them from the pod
Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS via Getty Images
Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS via Getty Images

Some picky kids would rather eat anything else than a green vegetable, but frozen peas might be a new solution to get kids to change their minds. The extremely cold temperature makes them taste less "pea-like" and actually brings out a surprising sweetness.


There are some serving steps though. When the peas are ripe submerge them in boiling water and then quickly transfer them to ice water. This gets rid of any unwanted microorganisms while maintaining the flavor and nutrients of fresh peas.


Skip The Campfire For Your Next Marshmallow Snack

a plate of marshmallows on a teal background
Natasha Breen/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
Natasha Breen/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Some of the most common uses for marshmallows are roasted over fire for s'mores or baked into a sweet dessert. Instead of consuming them above room temperature, eaters should be trying them frozen.


The amount of sugar in marshmallows serves as a preservative, which means they can last in the freezer for up to three months. Once they are frozen they will most likely be similar to the freeze-dried ones found in cereals such as Lucky Charms.


There Is Money In The (Frozen) Banana Stand

jason bateman, michael cera, and will arnett at the frozen banana stand in arrested development

Any avid fan of Arrested Development will remember that one of the most iconic set pieces is the Bluth's Original Frozen Banana stand where George Michael (Michael Cera) serves frozen bananas dipped in chocolate and nuts.


While there are numerous ways to enjoy a frozen banana, the Bluth way sounds the tastiest. For those who would rather dip the banana in something other than chocolate, peanut butter is another delicious alternative. Also, the potassium in the banana remains unaffected when it's frozen so you're still being healthy.


Freezing Soda Can Be Seriously Dangerous

a can of frozen diet coke cut down the middle
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Soda isn't only for sipping. It can make the perfect frozen treat while keeping the same heightened flavor as when it was a liquid. Frozen soda closely matches a Slurpee from 7-Eleven, but this way people can choose their favorite soda to create their own personalized slushy.


Freezing the soda can be tough because it expands as it freezes, which can break the can or bottle. Remember to keep a close eye on it because there's a chance it could explode!


Try Not To Eat A Whole Box Of Girl Scout Cookies In One Sitting

a girl scout with four boxes of girl scout cookies
Mark Leffingwell/Digital First Media/Boulder Daily Camera via Getty Images
Mark Leffingwell/Digital First Media/Boulder Daily Camera via Getty Images

For the last 20 years, Girl Scout cookies have brought in over $700 million in revenue. These delightfully sweet cookies have been around since 1917, with Thin Mints being the most popular choice. They all are so good straight out of the box, but their flavors are taken up a notch when frozen.


Each box has a best by date, but it's recommended to not leave them in the freezer for longer than three months. Many Girl Scout cookie fans admitted it's hard for them not to eat the entire box, especially with frozen Thin Mints.


The Incredible Versatility Of Peanut Butter

a dollop of peanut butter on a plate
Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images
Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images

Peanut butter might be known for being the creamy surprise inside a sandwich or dessert, but it is also a top choice for foods that taste better in the freezer. When peanut butter is frozen it changes into a velvety snack packed with a crunch.


Some unique ways to prepare it are to scoop it onto wax or parchment paper or on top of a banana or chocolate. Also, it's a great treat for dogs that will keep them occupied on a hot day.


Why Cake Thrives in the Freezer

a panda bear with its birthday cake
Yang Chengchen/China News Service/VCG via Getty Images
Yang Chengchen/China News Service/VCG via Getty Images

Similar to this panda bear, it's hard not to get excited about birthday cake. One of the best ways to preserve a cake is to keep it in the freezer. Instead of letting it thaw, try it while it is still frozen.


Cakes are one of the few foods that can last a long time in the freezer. Some are even okay to eat after over a decade! One type of cake that people should try frozen is cheesecake thanks to its rich flavor and smooth texture.


Frozen Coffee Beans Are A Quick Energy Booster

coffee beans
EyesWideOpen/Getty Images
EyesWideOpen/Getty Images

People have discovered that coffee beans aren't just for a hot cup coffee, but they can be eaten as they are. Eight beans are considered the equivalent of one cup of coffee. Eating the beans straight can help with an energy boost and increase your body's antioxidants. Another added bonus is that they are really low in calories!


Before freezing you can try dipping them in some melted chocolate or caramel. It's also recommended to buy ones that are already roasted because the raw ones will taste very bitter.


Cool Off With Some Frozen Applesauce

an orangutan mom and daughter eating frozen applesauce
Bernd Wüstneck/picture alliance via Getty Images
Bernd Wüstneck/picture alliance via Getty Images

This orangutan mother-daughter duo understands how delicious frozen applesauce can be. Frozen applesauce can serve as an alternative to sugary Popsicles and can easily be prepped at home. For a bite-sized version try scooping it into an ice cube tray and wait a few hours. You can also try a sprinkle of cinnamon on it as well.


Applesauce still tastes good either room temperature or a bit chilled in the refrigerator, but being frozen adds something extra.


Time To Break Out The Frozen Melon

a lemur eating an ice cake with frozen watermelon
Hauke-Christian Dittrich/AFP/Getty Images
Hauke-Christian Dittrich/AFP/Getty Images

Snacking just got a whole lot more delicious with frozen melon. When served in slices the melon can be substituted as a sweet Popsicle. Also, frozen melon tastes great when blended into a cold, fruity beverage.


Adventurous eaters can copy what the lemur in the photo is doing by filling a large tub or bowl with water and placing cut up watermelon slices inside. This is known as an "ice cake" and is perfect for a hot summer day.


The Perfect Time To Indulge In Frozen Lemonade

frozen lemonade at a baseball game
Mark Cunningham/MLB Photos via Getty Images
Mark Cunningham/MLB Photos via Getty Images

There are a few treats that define summer, but one favorite is frozen lemonade. It's sweet, sour, tangy, and refreshing all at once. Some fruit juice brands have made their own versions that they sell in grocery stores, amusement parks, and sporting events.


Packaged frozen lemonade may be convenient, but it's also quite easy to make it at home. All someone would need is water, lemons, and just a touch of sugar or sugar substitute.


The Hidden Ingredient Inside Frozen Strawberries

a carton of frozen strawberries
Deb Lindsey For The Washington Post via Getty Images
Deb Lindsey For The Washington Post via Getty Images

There's more to frozen strawberries than meets the eye. First, it's important to know if they are sweetened or not. Unsweetened strawberries have the most nutrients, whereas sweetened ones may have too much sugar when digested.


Both versions taste delicious when frozen and contain about five grams of fiber and only 77 calories per cup. If you're buying them pre-packaged make sure to check the ingredients because they tend to add large amounts of sugar.


Bite Into Some Frozen Pecans

a close-up of a bowl of pecans
Deb Lindsey/For The Washington Post via Getty Images
Deb Lindsey/For The Washington Post via Getty Images

Pecans may be an acquired taste, but that doesn't stop them from being a delicious frozen snack. When frozen right, they can last a long time and be a perfect protein-packed snack. They should be stored in a freezer-safe bag or container, which will keep them fresh for up to two years.


Their texture completely changes once they are frozen, but people should make sure their teeth are up for the challenge. Try sprinkling them with salt or brown sugar or placing them in some ice cream.


What Ever Happened To Pudding Pops?

frozen pudding with popsicle sticks in a bucket of ice
FIRST for Women Magazine/Pinterest
FIRST for Women Magazine/Pinterest

Pudding is one of the most versatile desserts. It can be bought in individually packaged cups with various flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, banana, and lemon. In the 1980s, pudding took over as one of the most popular frozen desserts with Jell-O Pudding Pops.


Pudding Pops basically took Jell-O brand pudding and froze them on a stick. While those aren't as common anymore it's still very easy to insert a wooden stick in a cup of pudding and place it in the freezer.


Orange You Glad You Froze Some Oranges?

oranges covered in ice
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Oranges are one of the most flavorful fruits in the world. Whether they are in a liquid or solid form they are busting with flavor. That high citrus content makes them an excellent choice for freezing.


Before putting them in the freezer cut them into wedges. Once they are frozen, you'll notice that their taste will be similar to an orange-flavored Popsicle. The only difference is that the homemade frozen oranges won't have high amounts of sugar or artificial ingredients.


Frozen Mango Is The Perfect Dessert

Frozen Mango Is The Perfect Dessert
Fairfax Media via Getty Images via Getty Images
Fairfax Media via Getty Images via Getty Images

If you're craving something sweet after dinner or even on a hot summer afternoon, look no further than your own freezer: frozen mango! All you have to do is cut a fresh mango into cubes or even slices, stick them in a baggie, and place them in the freezer.


Then, whenever you're in need of something sweet and cool, you have frozen slices ready to go! Pro tip: drizzle some lime juice on top of the fresh slices before putting them in the freezer for an extra kick! It's like a sorbet!


Frozen York Peppermint Patties Are A Cool Breath Of Fresh Air

Frozen York Peppermint Patties Are A Cool Breath Of Fresh Air
Lee Ann Vehstedt/Pinterest
Lee Ann Vehstedt/Pinterest

If there is anything better than a refreshing York Peppermint Pattie, it's one that's been sitting in the freezer for a long time. Not only is frozen chocolate fantastic, but adding in the mint brings the candy to a whole new level of delicious.


Eating one of these patties frozen literally takes your breath away with its cool minty flavor. And the best part is that because the candy is frozen solid, you won't finish it in two bites!


Watermelon Wedges Make The Perfect Summer Treat

Watermelon Wedges Make The Perfect Summer Treat
Cynthia Monaghan/Getty Images
Cynthia Monaghan/Getty Images

Another fruit that is perfect as a frozen treat is watermelon. Not only is freezing it a great way to "trick" kids into eating something healthy, since the frozen fruit tastes like a Popsicle, but there are many fun recipes to try.


You can try using frozen watermelon in smoothies, or even homemade Popsicles (since we're on the subject anyway!). All that's needed is a blender to puree the frozen fruit, a Popsicle mold, and some sticks. Trust us; you'll be the "coolest" family on the block with this summer treat!


Cold Milano Cookies Are Great With After-Dinner Coffee

Cold Milano Cookies Are Great With After-Dinner Coffee
Richard Levine/Corbis via Getty Images
Richard Levine/Corbis via Getty Images

Like Girl Scout Cookies, Pepperidge Farms Milano Cookies are amazing when placed in the freezer. No matter what flavor you get, have it be chocolate, double chocolate, dark chocolate, or even mint, the frozen treat will have your taste buds doing a happy dance in your mouth.


This is the perfect dessert to have after dinner with a bit of coffee. Honestly, there is nothing quite like taking a delicious frozen cookie and dipping it into a steaming mug of coffee.


Turn Yogurt Cups Into Tasty Frozen Treats

Turn Yogurt Cups Into Tasty Frozen Treats
Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for POPSUGAR
Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for POPSUGAR

If you're a yogurt lover, then you're going to want to try placing it in the freezer. Hear us out. Take a yogurt cup, peel off the lid, grab a Popsicle stick, and place it in the yogurt. Then, place the cup in the freezer.


Once the yogurt is frozen, peel off the cup for a frozen yogurt bar! Or, if you feel like getting fancy, try mixing together your own flavors in a Popsicle mold.


Frozen Pomegranate Seeds Will Have Your Taste Buds Buzzing

Frozen Pomegranate Seeds Will Have Your Taste Buds Buzzing
Mohssen Assanimoghaddam/picture alliance via Getty Images
Mohssen Assanimoghaddam/picture alliance via Getty Images

Chocolate covered, in yogurt, or sprinkled on top of a salad; there's more than one delicious way to eat pomegranate seeds. So, what's one more way? Take it from us and try freezing these juicy little seeds.


Think about it, running in from a hot day and going straight to the freezer, knowing you have this sweet little treat waiting for you in a bowl. Frozen, these seeds are packed with flavor and have a nice crunch to go along with it!


Mint Leaves In An Ice Tray Are A Game Changer

Mint Leaves In An Ice Tray Are A Game Changer
Anjelika Gretskaia/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
Anjelika Gretskaia/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

If you want to spice up your water, try freezing some mint leaves! Yes, we meant spicing up your water in the literal sense of the word. All you're going to need to do is get some yummy fresh mint, an ice cube tray, stick one leaf in each of the tray's cubes, add some water, and freeze!


Once the cubes are frozen solid, you'll have some nice mint cubes to add to your water! Talk about refreshing.


Blueberries Make For The Best Frozen Treat

Blueberries Make For The Best Frozen Treat
Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images
Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images

If there is one thing that is definitely fantastic frozen, it's blueberries. The tasty little berries are already packed full of sweet flavor that freezing them does nothing but enhance each bite.


You can either but these in a bowl to pick at as you please or stick them in a baggie with other fruits. The latter is almost like a smoothie prep baggie, filled with various fresh fruits that you were smart enough to freeze ahead of time for a creamier drink.


Frozen Cheesecake Slices Melt In Your Mouth

Frozen Cheesecake Slices Melt In Your Mouth
Deb Lindsey for The Washington Post via Getty Images
Deb Lindsey for The Washington Post via Getty Images

Cheesecake is great at room temperature or even heated up a bit, but one thing people never think about doing with the dessert is freezing it. Bear with us here. If you freeze the cake, not only does it last longer, but it actually tastes better!


While many would think the cake would harden, it actually gets creamier! Don't get us wrong, the cheesecake will definitely get harder than before, but after you bite into it, you'll see what we mean by the extra creaminess!


Mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Are Frozen Perfection

Mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Are Frozen Perfection
Victor Spinelli/Getty Images
Victor Spinelli/Getty Images

One of the best ways to eat Reese's Peanut Butter Cups is to stick them in the freezer until they are frozen solid. Think about it! Not only is chocolate on this list, but peanut better is as well. So, why not put two and two together and make the ultimate frozen treat?!


Our recommendation would be to use the mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, though. Not only are they awesome bite-sized snacks, but it will help with portion control, hopefully.

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