Actors Who Didn’t Want To Kiss Their Co-Star (Tobey Maguire Was Miserable Kissing Kirsten Dunst In Spider-Man)

Do you have a favorite scene in a movie in which two co-stars give a great kiss? A kissing scene may look terrific on screen, but not all actors are in the right state of mind when that electric moment occurs. Remember the kiss between Kirsten Dunst and Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man? It looked great from the audience's point of view, but what really happened when they touched lips as Peter Parker hung upside down?

We've rounded up this list of actors to find out what really went down when their lips connected with their co-stars.

Shailene Woodley and Miles Teller - The Spectacular Now

Herbal supplements are taken for a variety of reasons. Some folks need a little energy, and some people believe it improves their ability to fend off sickness. Miles Teller was taking a Chinese herbal supplement to boost his energy levels but for Shailene Woodley it made for a nasty smooch.

In June 2013, Woodley revealed to Vulture that her kissing scene with Miles Teller was an unpleasant experience. She said that she could taste Miles' Chinese herbal supplements on his lips and that she could barely kiss him. Miles would have to drink Gatorade before filming the kissing scene to get her into the mood.


Alyson Hannigan and Jason Segel - How I Met Your Mother


Nobody wants to kiss an ashtray. A few puffs on a cancer stick can leave a person's clothing with an awful stench that soon permeates throughout the rest of their body. Ultimately, the cigarette they just smoked lingers on their lips throughout the day, providing for a less than ideal smooching situation.


Alyson Hannigan can't stand the smell of cigarettes but her co-star, Jason Segel was a regular smoker during their time together on How I Met Your Mother. She played opposite Jason Segel as his girlfriend and then wife. In October 2014, Alyson Hannigan revealed to Elle that it was impossible to kiss her onscreen hubby because he reeked of nicotine. This turned out to be a good thing for Segel because it caused him to quit smoking for the sake of his co-star.


Tom Cruise and Thandie Newton - Mission Impossible 2


Tom Cruise has been the "top gun" in Hollywood for several decades now. Throughout his career, Cruise has managed to captivate audiences with his own mixture of action and romance. From Risky Business to Mission Impossible, he's never been afraid to go after his leading lady. We would love to assume the charm of his characters translated to awesome kissing abilities but we'd be wrong.


According to Thandie Newton, kissing Cruise was a mission impossible. In 2008, Thandie Newton revealed to Gawker that she became upset with each smooching scene because kissing Tom Cruise was "slightly icky." Newton said the scene had to be done over and over because of his wet doggy kisses.


Steve Carell and Dwayne Johnson - Get Smart


The best actors in the world understand how to jump out of their comfort zone when a touching, funny, or awkward scene is about to be filmed. For a straight guy in Hollywood, there's always the chance you're going to kiss another dude. Steve Carell and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson definitely had to jump out of their comfort zone for Get Smart.


How do two straight guys prepare for something like this? We probably don't want to know the answer to that question but in 2014, Dwayne Johnson told Elle that Carell's tongue felt like "kitty litter," and that his lips felt like the bottom of a cat's paw.


Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze - Dirty Dancing


Sometimes a bad kiss isn't about a person's smelly breath, their slobbery kisses, or their scratchy tongue. There are also those scenes when two people just don't get along and would rather be with anyone else. Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze shared what appeared to be a romantic kiss in Dirty Dancing but it was anything but amazing for the two co-stars.


Word got around very quickly about the onscreen friction between the two co-stars. Patrick Swayze wrote in his memoir about the horrible on-set experiences he had with Jennifer Grey. He said that she was overly emotional and would purposefully ruin scenes with her disruptive behavior.


Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst - Spider-Man


Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst went at it nose-to-chin for this memorable kissing scene in Spider-Man. Our fair share of Superheroes manage to find love. Superman has Lois Lane, Cyclops has Jean Grey, and Spidey found Mary Jane. Perhaps it was the young romantic in his, but in this version of Spider-Man's love story, he let the kiss go straight to his head, literally.


The Vancouver Sun interviewed Maguire in February 2014 about the iconic kissing scene, and Maguire said he knew it was going to be a bad experience. He said that hanging upside down was not the only bad part about the kiss. Along with the blood rushing to his head because he was upside down, rainwater also ran up his nose during the kissing scene. Now we know why Spider-Man wears a mask.


Kate Hudson and Dane Cook - My Best Friend’s Girl


Dan Cook says actress Kate Hudson loves to have fun on set and she made that fact abundantly clear when filming My Best Friend's Girl. The co-stars were preparing for a kissing scene but according to Cook, she complicated their big moment with some on-set antics.


Cook told ABC News in 2014 about the incident, revealing that Kate Hudson ate some onions before they kissed and it caused the moment to lose its gravity. Cook said it was "the worst onscreen kiss ever." Kate Hudson made no apologies for the kiss but Cook admits it was all in fun and wasn't directed at him personally.


Kirsten Dunst and Brad Pitt - Interview with the Vampire


Kirsten Dunst seems so innocent in this photo. As she leaned in to give Brad Pitt a kiss there were likely many women in the audience who wished they could replace her for this scene. Notice we highlighted the word "women" and for good reason!


Dunst revealed to Fox 411 the details about her experience with kissing Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire. The A-list actress was only 11-years-old when she completed this kissing scene. She said that it was "disgusting" kissing Brad Pitt because he was much older than she was. She also revealed that this was her very first kiss. This is pretty icky.


Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio – Romeo + Juliet


The well-known classic story of fatal love, Romeo + Julie took a modern-day turn that thrilled audiences. Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio shared a memorable kissing scene in the movie that really came down to great acting. The tone of Shakespeare's work is very serious and these two definitely had to keep their composure to pull off the tension of the moment.


During filming, rumors began to spread about Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio's working relationship. It was said that Danes was repulsed by DiCaprio's preposterous behavior and that he was tired of her "prudish" nature.


Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried - Jennifer’s Body


Sometimes you just have to "take one for the team" and this is exactly what happened when Amanda Seyfried agreed to take on a role opposite Megan Fox in the movie Jennifer's Body.


Both actresses had to get out of their comfort zones in order to perform an intimate act together for the film. It was said that although Seyfried enjoyed looking at the kissing scene between her and Fox, she did not like filming the actual scene. “We knew that it was going to play a really big role in publicizing the movie. We kind of rolled our eyes at the idea of having to make out,' Seyfried later commented on the awkward moment she shared with Megan Fox.


Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth - The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1


Bad breath is a part of life. Sometimes dental hygiene may not be enough to fight off someone's stinky mouth. The moment you're hit with a whiff of stinky mouth odor it can immediately kill the mood. That's exactly what happened between Liam Hemsworth and co-star Jennifer Lawrence.


Hemsworth broke the news to US Weekly in 2014 about a scene that he shared with his co-star in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1. Liam said that Jennifer had the worst-smelling breath he has ever experienced and that kissing her was "gross."


Angelina Jolie and James McAvoy - Wanted


Angelina Jolie routinely makes the cover of magazines as the world's hottest female. Millions of guys fantasize about the Hollywood star so you would think kissing her would be a wonderful experience. Actor James McAvoy says his scene with Jolie was awkward because it ended so quickly.


In a July 2008 article in The Huffington Post, James McAvoy reportedly said that there was a brief introduction to Angelina Jolie and then the kissing scene started immediately afterward. It went something like this according to McAvoy: “Hey, how are you doing? I’m James, nice to meet you. Ok let’s do this scene.”


Carey Mulligan and Johnny Depp - Public Enemies


And here we have yet another young actress who was intimidated beyond her wits with an older hot guy. Carey Mulligan got the opportunity to play opposite Johnny Depp in Public Enemies and a scene they were attempting to film got scrapped because she became so "star struck by just being in Depp's presence.


Carey Mulligan spilled the beans on the Graham Norton Show and said that she was awed by Depp. She became nervous because of several factors and the scene was scrapped after 16 unlucky takes: "It was 16 times, but it was cut out of the film because I looked so uncomfortable. I was kissing Johnny Depp and I got really nervous."


Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper - Silver Linings Playbook


We already learned that J-Law purposely sabotaged her kissed with her Hunger Games co-stars, but apparently it wasn't just Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson she had a problem locking lips with. The actress apparently doesn't like kissing anyone for the cameras!


When filming the drama Silver Linings Playbook Lawrence was especially judgemental the first time she had to kiss her co-star Bradley Cooper. Cooper revealed on The Graham Norton Show that the actress totally called him out when they first kissed: "After the second take she said, 'You're a wet kisser.' You don't want to hear that. It was not a compliment."


Jennifer Aniston and Alec Baldwin - 30 Rock

Ruckas Pictures
Ruckas Pictures

We're surprised that this actress is even on this list, but apparently, Jennifer Aniston is not the greatest co-star to be kissing. The actress guest starred on some episodes of 30 Rock, where she played Liz Lemon's (Tina Fey) "Crazy Putty" friend. Aniston character spends a considerable amount of time pursuing Alec Baldwin's character Jack Donaghy.


However, Baldwin was less than impressed with the Friends alum that so many men wish they could kiss. Baldwin told New York Magazine, "It was painful. I mean, every man who's had to make out with her in TV and movies — I don't know how they do it."


Emma Watson and Rupert Grint - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2


Rupert Grint seems ready and willing to give Emma Watson a smooch across the lips and she seems pleasantly surprised by his romantic gesture. In reality, the lack of chemistry between these two actors was well known among the rest of the movies cast and crew.


The Huffington Post revealed in 2011 that there were many on-the-set tensions that occurred between Rupert Grint and Emma Watson. The on-screen couple was not in good spirits during filming and they reportedly didn't get along off-screen. There was apparently a lot of friction between the pair leading up to this famous kiss. Being the good actors they are the scene was believable but likely left a bad taste in their mouths — quite literally.


Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman - Australia


Australian actors Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman were co-stars for Baz Luhrmann's Australia and of course, they had plenty of on-screen kisses to share. But despite how gorgeous his co-star Kidman was, Jackman admits that kissing her wasn't the greatest thing in the world—and it was especially awkward since they were both married to other people!


The two actors, who are more like good friends, had to set guidelines for themselves. In a 2008 press conference, Jackman said, "[It's] never particularly comfortable making out with someone in front of 70 people. That's really not something that turns me on... [Nicole] and I talked about it separately... We said, 'Okay, we need to really take this seriously.'"


Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie - The Tourist

Fame Pictures, Inc.
Fame Pictures, Inc.

Sorry ladies, Johnny Depp is on this list yet again. But apparently this time, he and Angelina Jolie, his co-star in The Tourist, had issues with kissing each other. Supposedly Jolie was disturbed by Depp's alleged odor and she not only required him to rinse with Listerine before kissing scenes, he was also to have breath mints on hand at all times.


But Depp wasn't too keen on the scenes either, telling Mirror, "Wow. I've had more difficult days at work, definitely. Those kind of things are always awkward, so you just laugh your way through."


Helena Bonham Carter and Woody Allen - Mighty Aphrodite


In Woody Allen's 1995 film Mighty Aphrodite, he and actress Helena Bonham Carter play a husband and wife in a somewhat strained marriage. Both the actress and the director are known for their idiosyncracies—Bonham Carter for her eclectic, gothic characters and Allen for his neuroticism—but even she knows when an on-screen kiss is bad.


Granted, Allen is the one who directed the film so he does have a say in how the kisses are portrayed, but Bonham Carter still admitted she was a bit disturbed: "He tells you up front certain ways of kissing he does not want. No exchange of liquid is permitted. It can be a bit offensive because he makes no effort at all. It's like kissing the Berlin Wall."


Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson - The Hunger Games: Catching Fire


So far, the guys seem to be the ones on the losing end of these kisses. But it's not just the most handsome men in filmdom today who have delivered bad kisses to their co-stars. There are a handful of guys who have had some not-so-pleasant experiences with kissing their female co-stars on the silver screen.


There were no onion pranks involved in the kissing scene between Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Lawrence in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, but according to Hutcherson, he ended up receiving a slobbery doggy kiss. In an October 2014 article in Elle, Hutcherson said Lawrence was a "slobbery" kisser. He also said that she had some dribbling problems. At least she saved a bunch of lives in the movie.


Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson - Water For Elephants


Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson are two of the hottest actors on the planet. With their good lucks and on-screen charm, it was easy to watch them kiss on Water For Elephants. It turns out that the scene wasn't as easy for the co-stars to perform as their electric performance would suggest.


Hollywood Life revealed some details about the kissing scene between Witherspoon and Pattison in April 2011. Witherspoon said that she was disgusted because Pattison was working with a terrible cold. Witherspoon said he was sniffling and had mucus dangling out of his nose the entire time.


Dane Cook and Kate Hudson - My Best Friend's Girl


After finishing My Best Friend's Girl, Dane Cook said that kissing his co-star Kate Hudson was his "worst on-screen kiss" EVER. Ouch. According to ABC News, Cook was on an episode of E!'s Watch What Happens Live, where he was asked to name his worst on-screen kiss.


Without hesitation, Cook gave that title to Kate Hudson. He said, "I did a movie with her... and I think she purposely ate like a feast of onions before our scene. I had to burn her on that one!" Hmm, sounds like another actress from earlier in this list. But this is probably where J-Law got the idea.


Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner - The Twilight Saga: Eclipse


This may come as no surprise to some, considering Kristen Steward's reputation for being incredibly awkward both on and off the screen. But the actress admitted in a 2010 press conference while promoting the third Twilight installment that the kissing scenes with her co-star Taylor Lautner were "hard" to shoot.


Stewart, who at the time was dating her other co-star Robert Pattinson in real life and was more like friends with Lautner, said, "Taylor [and I] have so much fun with this stuff because our intimate moments are so few and far between -- and weird." She has also admitted it was uncomfortable because she knows that kissing Lautner isn't necessarily true to either of their characters in the movies.


Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte - I Love Trouble


Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte play rivals in the 1994 flick I Love Trouble, but apparently, the two actors are rivals in real life. The two reportedly have an on-going feud with each other and hated each other so much, they had to film their scenes separately and use stand-ins for intimate scenes.


At the time, Roberts told The New York Times that while Nolte can be "charming and nice, he's also completely disgusting." When Nolte got word of the diss, he publicly said, "It's not nice to call someone 'disgusting.' But she's not a nice person. Everyone knows that." You can definitely see why these two actors did not want to kiss each other!


Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt - Passengers


Get it together J-Law! This girl clearly has opinions about kissing her co-stars but when it came time to kiss Chris Pratt, her co-star in the sci-fi drama Passengers, she was actually uncomfortable with the whole idea and this time it was because she knew that Pratt was a married man (Pratt, at the time, was married to actress Anna Faris, with whom he shares a son but they have since divorced).


Lawrence told The Hollywood Reporter that in order to get through the intimate scenes, "I got really, really drunk. But then that led to more anxiety when I got home because I was like, 'What have I done?' I don't know.' And he was married. And it was going to be my first time kissing a married man, and guilt is the worst feeling in your stomach."


Harrison Ford and Sean Young - Blade Runner


Harrison Ford and Sean Young had to kiss for Blade Runner which apparently was a bad idea since the two actors allegedly hated each other! According to sources, their love scene was dubbed by the crew as "the hate scene" since that's how the two actors actually felt about each other. But like true professionals, they powered through it for the movie.


Young supposedly had issues with Ford's facial hair, which most girls tend to have issues with when kissing a guy. However, it must have felt all the more uncomfortable just because of her feelings towards him.


Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams - The Notebook


We know what you're thinking, there's no way that Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams could have hated their kissing in The Notebook... It's iconic! Well, believe it or not, the two co-star probably were not too keen on the idea of kissing one another during filming and it's probably attributed to the fact that they hated each other while cameras weren't rolling.


Director Nick Cassavetes once said that Gosling even asked McAdams to be replaced by someone else, saying, "I can't. I can't do it with her. I'm just not getting anything from this." Well, the actors got through filming despite their feud and the results are obviously magnificent. It was all probably water under the bridge by the end because after the movie came out, the two actors briefly dated.


Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen - Scary Movie 5


This may come as no surprise by Lindsay Lohan allegedly was not keen on kissing Charlie Sheen during a bed scene in Scary Movie 5 and reportedly refused on numerous accounts to at least try. TMZ reported that Lohan had told producers ahead of time her qualms about the kissing scenes, but no changes were made until the day actually came to film them. Both Lohan and Sheen reportedly also had to sign waivers that they didn't have cold sores! Yikes!


Sheen apparently wasn't offended by Lohan's convictions and even supposedly even gave the Mean Girls star $100,000 to help pay off her taxes after all the drama has settled.


Julia Roberts and Denzel Washington - The Pelican Brief


Apparently, no one wants to kiss the actress who has continuously been named "the most beautiful woman in the world." Even though Julia Roberts personally requested Denzel Washington as her co-star for The Pelican Brief, a legal thriller where they play a law student and a reporter, respectively, Washington still refused to kiss Roberts for the film. This time, it was based on morals.


Washington has said, "Black women are not often seen as objects of desire on film. And they have always been my core audience." So, Washington pretty much wouldn't kiss Roberts because she's white, but not because he is racist. He simply would rather see more women of color equally represented on film.


Martin Lawrence and Tisha Campbell - Martin


They may have played on-screen husband and wife, but by the fifth season, the two actors were apparently living in unholy matrimony when cameras weren't rolling. You can bet that Campbell was the one who refused to kiss her co-star because by the time the fifth and final season came around, she was done with Martin Lawrence.


1997 court documents will reveal that Campbell went so far as to file a lawsuit against the titular actor of the show on the grounds that he waged "an obsessive campaign of physical and emotional abuse against her," according to the Los Angeles Times. The lawsuit alleges that "Martin would grope her, kiss her, force his tongue into her mouth and simulate intercourse with her on the set in front of the cast and crew during moments when they were not rehearsing or filming scenes."


Eric Stonestreet and Jesse Tyler Ferguson - Modern Family


Modern Family's Eric Stonestreet came under fire in 2010 during a fierce campaign by fans to finally see Stonestreet's character Cam finally kiss his on-screen husband Mitch, played by Jesse Tyler Ferguson. There was much speculation over the fact that producers never had the characters kiss because a "gay kiss" would make viewers uncomfortable.


Stonestreet, who is straight in real life, was criticized after he allegedly called the fans' campaign "wasted energy" and said, "Unfortunately, I've been tweeted and sent messages saying that because I'm straight, I don't get to have an opinion on that, which really disappoints me. I play the character and I think I get to have an opinion on it."


Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren - The Mosquito Coast


Actress Helen Mirren is another actress who can attest to the fact that nobody really wants to be kissing Harrison Ford. The two starred together in 1986's The Mosquito Coast, but almost a decade later, the actress appeared on a BBC radio show and revealed that Harrison wasn't a great kisser.


Mirren said in 1997, "[Harrison is] the nicest, sweetest guy you could want to meet. But he can't kiss--he finds it impossible to kiss on screen... He's probably not very good off screen either. It's not just me--other actresses agree... we come to the same conclusion: 'He couldn't do it with me either!'"


James Franco and Sienna Miller - Camille


James Franco starred alongside Sienna Miller in the 2008 romantic comedy Camille, about a newlywed who quickly becomes widowed after his wife dies on the way to their honeymoon. Many people noted how Franco must have been thrilled to be the love interest of Miller, who was a popular model and actress at the time.


However, Franco would say that that is far from the truth and that filming kissing scenes with her was not ideal. He has once said, "I think we kissed once in that film and it wasn't at all intense - no rolling around or anything. Sienna's molar was giving her pain so she called the dentist!"


Selena Gomez and Dylan Sprouse - The Suite Life of Zack and Cody


Former Disney Channel stars Selena Gomez and Dylan Sprouse shared a kiss when Gomez guest-starred on The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. Gomez may not have wanted this kiss to happen at all because not only was it her first on-screen kiss, it was also her first real-life kiss!


Gomez told BOP and Tiger Beat, "I actually leaned in to kiss him and I had my eyes closed a little too early and I ended up missing like half of his lip. So it ended up being the most awkward kiss in the world."


Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom - Pirates of the Caribbean


As Elizabeth Swann, actress Keira Knightly had the opportunity to kiss both Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp in the two Pirates of the Caribbean movies she starred in. This is total speculation, but Miss Knightley may not have preferred kissing co-star Orlando Bloom for some crazy reason.


In an interview with InStyle, Knightley was asked whether she preferred kissing Bloom or Depp and she coyly responded, "Johnny Depp certainly wasn't bad." What? No comment for how Bloom kisses? What could he have possibly done wrong? We're not sure what to make of this, but the fact she doesn't address Bloom at all tells us the experience wasn't the greatest.


Marilyn Monroe and Tony Curtis - Some Like It Hot


After filming 1958's Some Like It Hot, actor Tony Curtis allegedly said that kissing Marilyn Monroe was like "kissing Hitler." This came as a huge shock to the public who couldn't imagine that anyone would hate kissing the woman of every man's dreams at the time.


However, it was just a rumor and Curtis himself went so far as to say later on, "She would play Jack Lemmon off against me or me against him, and Billy Wilder against both of us. But I never said kissing her was like kissing Hitler! I don't know where that came from."


Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher - No Strings Attached


Kissing is a very personal matter for many people. It doesn't matter if the person you're kissing is famous and hot or not, that doesn't mean you're going to enjoy it. That was the case for Natalie Portman when she teamed up with Ashton Kutcher in 2011 for No Strings Attached.


The two seem like a perfect combination (other than Kutcher and Mila Kunis) but it wasn't all perfect with Portman. "It's awkward!" Portman told E!. "It's always awkward. It's just weird to kiss someone that you wouldn't choose to kiss in your personal life."


Debra Winger and Richard Gere - An Officer and a Gentleman


It's one thing for something to be awkward as Natalie Portman just revealed but to do something with someone you are not very fond of for the entertainment of others is all bad and a part of the business. Debra Winger was Richard Gere's love interest in the 1982 film An Officer and a Gentleman but she had some choice words about Gere and the film's director.


She supposedly called Gere a "brick wall" and the director "an animal". Now simple deductive skills would lead anyone to the conclusion that she was not a fan of any intimate scene that she was involved in while shooting that film.


Jennifer Lawrence and Christian Bale - American Hustle


We've seen Jennifer Lawrence pop up numerous times on this list so it's a little less surprising that she wouldn't have liked her lip-locking scene with actor Christian Bale. And the thing is, the kiss might not have been a bad kiss, it's the circumstances that fueled the dislike from Lawrence.


In American Hustle, Christian Bale was not in his Dark Knight form at all. He appeared to be the fat knight instead and that is where the turn off lies. "I finally get to make out with Christian Bale," Lawrence started., "and he's a really fat guy."


Jason Lee and Shannen Doherty - Mallrats


Have you ever been in that relationship that is about to end and it's the most horrible thing ever? The chemistry is gone and the manners are out the window so either she isn't as nice as she used to be or he is oddly rude in preparation for the end. Jason Lee described Shannen Doherty as being this way while working with her on the comedy Mallrats.


His words to describe here were "abrasive, brattish and generally unpleasant to work alongside." That's a nightmare in a real relationship so we can't imagine what it was having to force yourself to like her.


Kevin Hart - Any Man on Man Scene


Kevin Hart has been blazing the scene these past few years as far as entertainment goes and it helps that he's funny. Being that he is in comedy, that comes with unorthodox actions such as playing gay characters. Chris Tucker and even Chris Rock have done it but Hart isn't really a fan of it.


"In my defense -- first of all, before I say this, I'm politically correct. To the gay community, I respect and appreciate you for everything y'all do, and as people, I love you," he started. "I don't think I'm really going to dive into that role 100 percent because of insecurities about myself trying to play that part," he said in regards to a gay role he was offered to play.


Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder - Vampire Diaries


Dealing with a breakup can be the worst. Of all the little things that come with it, being in the presence of your ex-lover might be the worst aspect attached to breakups. It is even worse when you are forced to be around that person. Running into them randomly isn't as bad.


For Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder, they were an off-screen couple during Vampire Diaries but had a nasty split and made it a mission not to be around one another. Unfortunately, they had to be forced to do one more on-screen kiss.


Fawad Khan - Any Co-Star


Fawad Khan is one of the hunkiest to come out of the Bollywood scene. He has good hair, an amazing smile and a beard of a king, they call him the Bollywood heartthrob. You would imagine that women wouldn't mind having to share DNA with Khan but the problem is, it's not them it's him.


Khan has refused to kiss on screen because he didn't want his wholesome image to be tarnished. We're not exactly sure of all the women he has turned down for this cause but we wonder if that would change if he got to kiss someone of rare beauty and high stature.


Candance Cameron Bure Is Over It


The Fuller House star who've we've seen blossom from an adorable young girl in the Full House days to the amazing woman she is today is getting fed up with kissing men on camera. The emphasis is on the word "men" as she says it's about the quantity.


“I’ll be honest, I’m, like, I’m kind of over it in the sense that I don’t like that I keep kissing two different men! I’d like to stick with one guy,” she said of her character arc on Fuller House. Can you blame the actress?


Kirk Cameron - Fireproof


When you're a man of high faith, there could be serious problems being in show business. Christian Kirk Cameron had to kiss a woman that wasn't his wife and this was a problem for him. “I have a commitment not to kiss any other woman,” the former child star of Growing Pains told Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford Monday on TODAY in New York.


The studio had to dress up his wife as the lead character and shot the scene in silhouette to make it look like Cameron was kissing his actual co-star.


Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic - Castle


Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic play in ABC's Castle and are one of TV's favorites couples. They started off not liking each other during the show but eventually come to terms with the fact they have feelings for each other (don't you love when that happens).


Behind closed doors, these two have a disruptive relationship. "Stana would cry on set because Nathan was such a bully to her," one source tells Us. A second insider adds: "Stana would go in her dressing room and cry. A lot of people who work on the show don’t like Nathan. It’s not just her."


Meryl Streep and Dustin - Kramer vs. Kramer


This was a story of a power struggle. Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman were at odds while filming this movie and it made for a ridiculous sequence between the two. You can forget about either of them wanting to kiss at all.


“On the second day, they continued shooting the opening scene, when Ted follows the hysterical Joanna into the hallway. They shot the bulk of it in the morning and, after lunch, set up for some reaction shots,” Schulman writes in the book. “Dustin and Meryl took their positions on the other side of the apartment door. Then something happened that shocked not just Meryl but everyone on set. Right before their entrance, Dustin slapped her hard across the cheek, leaving a red mark.”


Peirce Brosnan and Teri Hatcher - Die Another Day


Kissing many gorgeous women comes with the territory of playing the slickest agent, James Bond. The prestige list of women who have had the opportunity of playing a Bond girl features some of the most beautiful women to ever be filmed. That doesn't mean it's all peaches and cream for Bond. Pierce Brosnan had an issue with Teri Hatcher. Can you believe it?


"I got very upset with her... she was always keeping me waiting for hours," he said. "I must admit I let slip a few words that weren't very nice. It came out one morning that Teri was pregnant and she hadn't been feeling very well. Stil, these things happen."


Samuel Jackson Says He Will Never Kiss A Man


Samuel Jackson has played in more movies than you can imagine and he does a wide range of roles. From helping superheroes to fighting snakes that happen to get loose on a plane, he's done it. One thing he won't do, kiss a man on screen or in real life.


In an interview with Playboy years back, Jackson said that he would never dress up as a woman or kiss another man. He still supports gay rights but that doesn't mean he's going to play it out on screen. Don't even send him the script if that's in store for him.


Brendan Fehr - The Night Shift


Brendan Fehr played a gay character in The Night Shift but come to find out, he was not really into it and it caused problems for him. It even hurt his career more than it improved it. He said that the risks outweighed the rewards for playing such a role as he was forced to step out his comfort zone.


So you can probably bet that he won't be taking any more roles where he has to play a character that isn't completely straight. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and actions.


Luke Grimes - True Blood


Clearly, we have actors who do not want to kiss the same sex and those who don't mind. Well, Luke Grimes falls into the former category. Before the last season of True Blood, Grimes quit the series claiming his reason for leaving was due to "scheduling issues".


In today's day and age, if you aren't telling the truth, it will be revealed—especially if you're a celeb! It turns out Grimes was fibbing. He didn't want to play a gay character and didn't take things well when the producers told him the deal. Grimes took serious backlash from the cast, crew and his fans but he stood firm in his convictions.


Emraan Hashmi Says No To Gay Roles


We had to include some more Bollywood actors because why not? Emraan Hashmi is a well-liked Indian actor known for playing in Hindi language films (worth watching with subtitles if you don't understand the language!). Hashmi's career was booming until he was thrown a curveball.


Hashmi was given the opportunity to play a homosexual serial killer but ended up turning the role down—but not for religious reasons as one may think. Hashmi turned the role down because he felt that it would have been a drastic change for his fans and it would do him no good for his image.


Chris Engen - Young and the Restless


You know someone is upset when they storm off a set. Something must have ticked off former Young and the Restless actor Chris Engen for him to walk off the during filming. What happened was something similar to that of Luke Grimes situation—Engan was asked to transform into a gay character.


Engen was asked to kiss his co-star and didn't like the "dark" change for his character. As you've seen with other actors on this list who have been in similar situations, this could have hurt his career in the long run. Engen stuck with his decision.


Carrie Fisher and Jabba the Hutt - Star Wars


First things first: rest in peace Princess Leia. Now, on the list of things that one would not like to participate in—let's think of a few...Paying taxes is up there. Saying goodbye to close friends. Oh, and going to the dentist. Oh wait, we forgot about kissing Jabba the Hutt!


Sadly, Fisher was forcibly put in a position where Mr. Hutt had her powerless and attempted to take full advantage. Whatever species Jabba the Hutt is, we think not even they like kissing each other so we bet Fisher wasn't too fond of this scene, even if it was fake.


Tamannah Bhatia - No Kissing On Screen


The beautiful actress Tamannah Bhatia must be old-fashioned. Not only does she not want to be seen in a bikini on-screen but she also holds her reservations about kissing her co-stars too. Of course, she isn't the first to feel this way— but we bet her male co-stars aren't too happy about this.


"I have always maintained that I will not wear a bikini and will not do kissing scene on-screen. This is something that I have maintained, and I intend to keep that. I am not comfortable (with it) at all," Tamannaah told IANS.


Tyrese and Taraji P. Henson - Baby Boy


Baby Boy was Tyrese's breakout role—and with new roles come new experiences. In Baby Boy specifically, there a handful of erotic lovemaking scenes and a bunch of kissing overall. Tyrese shares an infamous, steamy scene with Taraji P. Henson but while it may look good on camera, Tyrese says it was anything but on his end.


Before they were set to shoot the scene, Tyrese was a mess. "So I had to deal with Taraji’s stuff the night before, Tyrese did not, however," said Henson. "He was great, but he was in the corner basically crying. ‘I don’t want to do this’. I’m in the robe like ‘Tyrese, ok babe, we have to get through this scene.’"


Vanessa Hudgens and James Franco - Spring Breakers

Next: he's a nice guy, but...
Next: he's a nice guy, but...

Vanessa Hudgens kissed James Franco during the filming of Spring Breakers. During the movies pool scene there was some three-way kissing action going on between Franco, Hudgens, and co-star Ashley Benson. Hudges had no problem sharing what her preference would have been if the scene could have been shot differently.


Hudgens didn't exactly give up all the juicy details about the Spring Breakers kissing scene but she did open up a little bit with Yahoo Movies in March 2013. She was quoted as saying, “Eeeew! I don’t want to kiss James! I’d rather kiss a girl than James Franco.” Hudgens said that this was by far her worst onscreen kiss ever.


Leonardo DiCaprio and Virginie Ledoyen - The Beach


Actress Virgine Ledoyen landed a dream job when she starred opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in the 2000 film The Beach. DiCaprio was in his prime and taking Hollywood by storm when the film debuted and the scene shown above seemed to prove once against that DiCaprio has what it takes to play the romantic lead. Unfortunately for Ledoyen, that kiss wasn't a magical experience.


During an interview with Elle in October 2014 she shared her experience of working with DiCaprio. Apparently, The Beach was an unexpected hit but that's where all of the excitement stopped. Leydoyen said that DiCaprio is a nice guy, but “there was no honest passion…I can’t even remember his kiss.”


Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan - 50 Shades of Grey


Thanks to the Daily Mail, fans got an insiders’ look on all of those intense, sometimes raunchy, sex scenes throughout the film 50 Shades of Grey, starring Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan. Dornan, who stars as the mysterious Christian Grey, talks about how uncomfortable the scenes were to shoot. It was soon revealed that there was absolutely no chemistry between Dornan and Johnson.


It has been suggested that neither actor was enthusiastic about their on-screen romance and filming the fantasy-filled intimacy. The movie did incredibly well but the romance between these co-stars was non-existent.


Sharon Stone and William Baldwin - Sliver


Who would not want to kiss Sharon Stone? She became a hot topic due to a scene in the 1992 film Basic Instinct which involved some serious leg movement and she was still on a hot stream when she appeared opposite William Baldwin in the film Sliver in 1993. William Baldwin is fun to look at but apparently horrible to kiss.


Joe Eszterhas, the screenwriter who wrote a book called American Rhapsody, spoke with Sharon Stone about the kissing scene she had with Baldwin. Stone revealed that he bit her tongue during their make-out on screen. She was said to have run off to find some mouthwash after her kissing sessions with Baldwin.
