How Jessica Alves Transformed From The Human Ken Doll To The Human Barbie Doll (The Photos Are Shocking)

These days, plastic surgery is more common than ever. In fact, there were more than 17.5 million cosmetic procedures performed in the United States alone. But while some people opt for Botox or a little nip and tuck here and there, others take it to the extreme, completely transforming their appearance in the process. Jessica Alves is the latter.

At 40-years-old, Alves has spent the last two decades transforming herself into what he considers the ideal person. She’s spent nearly one million dollars on cosmetic procedures and is often referred to as the “Human Barbie doll.”

The Road to Perfection Isn’t Easy

rodrigo alves road to perfection
Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk
Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk

With over 7.2 million Instagram followers, Alves’ life has become a spectacle — but her fame has come at a cost. She’s been diagnosed with body dysmorphia, a mental disorder where an individual can’t stop thinking about their appearance and has put himself at serious risk to undergo countless extensive surgeries.

Alves isn’t done yet either. She has plans for more plastic surgery sooner rather than later. Take a look at Rodrigo Alves the Human Barbie Doll’s journey to perfection.


Rodrigo Alves Didn’t Have the Easiest Childhood

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Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk
Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk

Rodrigo Alves, later Jessica, was born in São Paulo, Brazil on July 30, 1983. Growing up she had a relatively normal childhood, but everything changed when she hit puberty. Alves suffered from a hormonal dysfunction throughout his teenage years which caused her to developed chest tissue at the same rate of many of his female peers.


Alves was picked on incessantly for her chest. As the bullying escalated, her peers started making fun of her nose too. In an interview with Sun Online, she said, “I had my face pushed against the urinal because I had a wide nose.”


She Started Avoiding Social Situations

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Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk
Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk

Unsurprisingly, the bullying took its toll on Alves' self-esteem. The teen felt so isolated by her peers that he started avoiding any and all social situations. As a result, she started experiencing serious bouts of depression.


“Growing up I felt alone as nobody wanted to be friends with me,” Alves told Sun Online. “Because of my body image and the fact that I was shy, I avoided social situations.”


She Had Her First Plastic Surgery Procedure at 17 Years Old

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When Alves was just 17 years old, she had his first plastic surgery procedure. The procedure removed the excess tissue from her chest and cost around $3,000. Alves was so pleased with the results she started looking into other plastic surgeries he could have done.


Little did she know, this was the start of a decades-long addiction to plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures — a journey that would transform her face and body completely and cost her nearly $1 million.


She Got a Nose Job Soon After

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Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk
Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk

It wasn’t long before Alves was plotting her return to the plastic surgeon — this time to address her nose, which he had long been bullied for. At 19 years old, she got what would be her first of many rhinoplasties.


Unfortunately for Alves, once her nose healed, she wasn’t exactly happy with the results like he was with her chest. She couldn’t help but nitpick every single thing she considered an imperfection with her new mug. Soon enough, she was back at another plastic surgeon’s office.


Alves Couldn't Stay Away From the Plastic Surgeon

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Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk
Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk

Alves thought her new nose was an improvement, but she thought it could be better. So she went back to the plastic surgeon for a second rhinoplasty. Then a third, and a fourth, and a fifth. Each time, he would find something she was unhappy with.


She didn't stop at nose jobs either. Alves had various plastic surgeries and cosmetic procedures to enhance her looks including Botox and fillers, and eye lift, and a neck lift. In this photo, you can clearly see her face had taken on an entirely different look.


Determined to Look Like a Human Barbie Doll

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Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk
Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk

Alves continued to go under the knife and the plastic surgery procedures became increasingly extreme. She declared that he wanted to look like a human Barbie doll and made it clear she would do whatever it took to achieve her goal.


While in her late twenties, Alves had liposuction on her jawline to give it a sharper, more defined appearance. See even had painful surgery on his ears so they would be pinned back ever so slightly. In March 2014, she posted this side-by-side photo on her Instagram. Sure enough, she was looking more like a real-life version of a Barbie doll every day.


Instant Abs

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Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk
Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk

Of all of Alves' plastic surgeries, her abdominal and pectoral implants are perhaps the most shocking. In his effort to transform into a real-life Barbie Doll, Alves had a series of silicone implants surgically placed in her body to give the appearance of six-packs abs and defined pectoral muscles. Altogether, her 'muscles' cost her around $32,000.


To give her arms an equally-muscular appearance, Alves later went back to have silicone implants surgically placed in her arms. But while the surgery did make her arms appear bigger, she was left with an infection and paralysis in both. "It nearly got to the stage where they were talking about chopping my arm off," she said in an interview. Luckily, the infection cleared up and the feeling returned.


More Facial Implants and Fillers

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Alves' face started taking on a startling appearance after she got numerous facial implants, Botox, and fillers. Alves had many chin implant procedures done since he wasn't happy with the results of his first two surgeries. She also had a significant amount of filler injected into her cheeks and lips to give the appearance of sky-high cheekbones and a plump pout.


Around this time, her family really started to worry about her.


Hairy Business

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Alves has never been shy about sharing her journey, including the less-than-glamorous aspects of plastic surgery. In 2017, the plastic surgery addict underwent a grueling hair transplant in Los Angeles. During the procedure, she took to social media to share a picture of her blood-soaked hairline.


The hair transplant took eight hours and was her 59th procedure at the time. She had 3,000 follicles inserted in an attempt to look more feminine. She told Mail Online, "The aim, for now, is to make me look younger. I don't think that I look like a masculine guy, and once my new hair grows I will be more delicate looking.


Her Family Staged An Intervention

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While Alves was attending university in London, she underwent numerous plastic surgeries. By the time she came home to Brazil to visit her family, she was almost completely unrecognizable. In shock, her family allegedly staged an intervention.


Understandably, her loved ones were concerned with her rapidly changing appearance and insisted she see a psychiatrist. Although Alves assured them she was fine, she did agree to talk someone if it meant making her family happy.


She Was Diagnosed With Body Dysmorphia

plastic surgery neck

When Alves was in her late twenties, she was diagnosed with body dysmorphia. The mental health disorder causes individuals to frequently examine their appearance. Those who suffer from body dysmorphia constantly compare their appearance to others and typically avoid social situations and having their photo taken.


Unfortunately, there is no cure for body dysmorphia, but many who suffer from the disorder manage their emotions with antidepressants.


She Says She Was Born In the Wrong Body

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Despite being diagnosed with body dysmorphia, Alves says she’s not under any psychological strain. She even appeared on an episode of Loose Women where she told talk show host Anne Diamond, “I have all sorts of psychological treatment, [but] I don’t have body dysmorphia.” She continued, “I was born in the wrong body.”


While on the show, she also told the ladies that she’s happy with her looks but said she “does not accept the aging process.”


One of Her Nose Jobs Almost Cost Her Her Life

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Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk
Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk

In 2016, Jessica Alves went under the knife for her sixth nose job. By now, she was used to the procedure, but this time was different. Alves caught a severe infection which left her unable to breathe.


Her condition was far more serious than she could have ever imagined. Her body was rejecting her ‘new’ nose and had started going into necrosis — and infection that causes the skin tissues to essentially die and rot away. Alves was rushed to the hospital, where doctors were able to treat the infection. They warned Alves however that she should not continue to have plastic surgery on her nose.


Doctors Warned Her About Getting Another Nose Job, But She Did It Anyway

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Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk
Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk

After Alves’ nose job scare, doctors warned her that if she had her nose done again it “turn black and fall off.” So what did Alves do? She got another nose job. Her tenth to be exact.


In an Instagram post, she shared a photo of her latest nose, along with the caption, "It is my bday month and I have just gifted my self with a luxurious 7 star Holliday which will include another nose job and the change of my square chin implant for a V shape at a Luxurious destination why? Because I m worth it darling."


She Had Four Ribs Removed to Make Her Waist Smaller

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Marcus Hessenberg / Barcroft Images / Barcroft Media via Getty Images
Marcus Hessenberg / Barcroft Images / Barcroft Media via Getty Images

Alves' extensive plastic surgery history is already shocking to the average human, but perhaps his most disturbing procedure yet took place at the end of 2017. In an effort to achieve a thinner waistline, Alves had four of her ribs surgically removed.


Alves appeared on the talk show This Morning (bringing her ribs in a jar) where she said, “I had four ribs removed so I can do my blazers up without having to breathe in or have them altered.” She added that she wanted to have six ribs removed but she couldn’t find a surgeon to do it.


She's Had to Have Numerous Revision Surgeries

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Alves has been open and honest about her journey to perfection. In January 2019, she got real with her fans again when she issued a warning about certain facial procedures. After Alves noticed her cheeks, eyes, and nose were drooping, she went back to her surgeon for a facelift.


But during the procedure, what her doctors discovered was shocking. Alves had nearly 200 threads and fibroids within her face. The threads and fibroids, which are believed to be from previous facial surgery, had to be removed, along with five centimeters of her skin.


The Big Surgery She Might Get One Day

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Marcus Hessenberg / Barcroft Images / Barcroft Media via Getty Images
Marcus Hessenberg / Barcroft Images / Barcroft Media via Getty Images

Alves is no stranger to plastic surgery, but there is one big procedure she hasn't had. Alves has alluded that she may undergo gender reassignment surgery once she gets older.


While she hasn't shared too many details, she did tell Mail Online, "I will do what Caitlyn Jenner did." She added, "When I reach my late 50s, I would rather be a sexy old lady than a saggy old man." Jessica had the gender reassignment surgery in 2021.


She Says Perfection to Her Is ‘Symmetry’

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Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk
Instagram / @rodrigoalvesuk

While Alves will likely never be 100 percent happy with her appearance, she does have an idea of what ‘perfection’ means to her. “Male perfection is to me having symmetry,” she said in an interview with The Sun. “So a chiseled face, broad shoulders, a lean figure, a prominent jawline, defined abs and a chest in proportion."


While the surgery addict may know what perfection is to her, she continues to go under the knife, even after declaring she was done.


She Thinks She Deserves More Credit

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Maria Moratti/Contigo/Getty Images
Maria Moratti/Contigo/Getty Images

Most people don’t like admitting when they’ve had work done. That’s why so many celebrities arrive incognito to their plastic surgeon’s office or arrange a house call. Their looks are speculated upon, but you won’t hear a peep out of most of them. Not Alves though!


Alves is clearly open about her plastic surgeries and even told The Sun that she thinks people should give her credit for her “courage and bravery” for going under the knife so many times.


She Was Kicked Off of Celebrity Big Brother for Using a Racial Slur

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Instagram / @bbuk
Instagram / @bbuk

In August 2018, Alves joined the cast of the United Kingdom reality show Celebrity Big Brother as one of the celebrity housemates. During a conversation about her preferences in a romantic partner, Alves used a racial slur.


The producers of the show gave her a final warning and told her if she repeated the world she would be evicted from the house. Viewers were not happy about the light punishment and Alves received more than 1,000 complaints. She was involved in another incident not long after and was expelled from the show after being in the house for just over a week.


She Doesn't Recommend Others Follow Her Journey

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Alves has said numerous times that plastic surgery has changed her life for the better. Still, the 40-year-old doesn't recommend anyone follows her journey when it comes to plastic surgery.


"I don't recommend for anyone to follow my journey when it comes to [plastic surgery]. There have been complications and it has been a long journey," she admitted while in the Celebrity Big Brother House. Alves continued, "But you do empower people. In life you have the decision to be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to do, as long as you don't cause harm to other people."


She Has Fans All Over the World

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Ankur Dutta / Barcroft Images / Barcroft Media via Getty Images
Ankur Dutta / Barcroft Images / Barcroft Media via Getty Images

Alves' looks have garnered her lots of attention. While not everyone understands the choices she's made to alter her appearance, lots of people are in full support. Alves has a staggering 7.2 million Instagram followers. Take a look at the comments on her posts, and you'll see thousands of fans showing their admiration for her.


A frequent traveler, Alves also turns heads wherever she goes. In this photo, Alves poses with a group of fans who wanted a picture with her while she was visiting some of Delhi's tourist spots.


She Participated In a Five-Day 'Body Blitz' With Her Friend

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Bradley Secker / Barcroft Images / Barcroft Media via Getty Images
Bradley Secker / Barcroft Images / Barcroft Media via Getty Images

When most friends hang out they go out for a meal, grab drinks, or go shopping. But Alves and her friends like to get plastic surgery together. Alves and one of her closest friends, Pixee Fox, traveled to Turkey in early 2017 to undergo a series of extensive surgeries together. Fox is also well-known for having lots of plastic surgery.


In what was described as a 'five-day body blitz', the two pals met up and had more than $20,000 worth of cosmetic procedures done in less than a week.


She Has a Boyfriend

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In late 2018, Alves confirmed she is dating Giancomo Milano. Milano is an Italian singer who also just happens to be a plastic surgeon. In his home country, he is known for being a go-to plastic surgeon for celebrities. Sounds like a win-win for Alves.


Alves and Milano publicly confirmed their partnership and said they are planning to work on music together within the next few months. The lovebirds have been caught holding hands, kissing, and jet setting all over the world. The two have since split.

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