What Your Facial Features Say About Your Personality (What Is Face Reading & Can It Tell All About You?)

Our faces tell the story of our lives. They're an insight into the generations that came before us, the traits we inherited from our parents, and sometimes a look into our experiences if we're sporting something unique like a scar.

Faces can be much more than that, too, if you know how to pick them apart correctly. Enter the concept of face reading, the art of identifying someone's core personality and values solely by looking at them.

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Immediate Observations

A woman shaking a man's hand as she meets him for the first time.
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Have you ever heard of face reading? It's a branch of divination similar to palm reading, technically believed to be under the realm of astrology, in which someone's general personality and outlook on life can be determined simply by the specific features of their face.

Everything from your ears to your side profile can give away a lot about who you are, but only if you know what to look for.

Here, we'll be breaking down all the areas of the face that carry meaning and what exactly that meaning is, so you can get a beat on every new person you meet right away.



A closeup of a woman's eyes and forehead as seen from a 3/4 angle.
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Someone with a straight, flat forehead is seen as an unconventional but forward thinker. They're sometimes misunderstood as they have a tendency to buckle under stress, but are true visionaries, even if the sheer amount of ideas they have clogs them up sometimes.


Those with sloped foreheads are quick-witted and excellent at making smart, informed decisions. They use their unique experiences to offer eye-opening perspectives, shining a light on all situations that reveal things their peers might not have considered.

Finally, a curved forehead indicates high levels of creativity. They're pure artistic types with vivid imaginations and big dreams to create the art they wish to see in the world, no matter what that looks like or what medium it takes.



A closeup of a woman's closed eye, showing her eyebrow.
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Someone having curved, thick eyebrows usually means that they're the social type. They have great people skills, are generally well-liked, and have a magnetic personality that draws people to them naturally, meaning they also have high social status.


Straight, thinner eyebrows indicate a more practical-minded individual. They think rationally and always do their best to maintain a clear head. They've spent years perfecting the skill of remaining calm under pressure, and use that to stay one step ahead.

Angled eyebrows mean that person is a natural-born leader. They're ambitious (sometimes a bit too ambitious), causing them to stumble over their own goals as they run too fast toward them. They always catch themselves, though, and never let a failure get them down.



Two people with their faces pressed into one another, a closeup of their side by side eyes.
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Those with wide-set eyes are thought to be more naturally curious. They're always asking questions and wanting to take in as much of the world as they can within their means. They're also very welcoming and accommodating, wanting their friends to feel as comfortable as possible around them.


Close-set eyes are indicative of an intense focus on one's goals and a very to-the-point nature. They're practical, they're blunt, and they're realists at heart. They do not take their goals lightly and are always looking for new ways to improve.

A few quick ones now, uneven eyes mean that someone is able to understand and appreciate other perspectives easily, upturned eyes mean that person is an overthinker, while very prominent eyes are known to be exceptionally creative.



A closeup of a woman's mouth in pink lipstick, biting her bottom lip.
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Those with larger mouths, often paired with wider or thicker lips, are kind-hearted. They have a gentleness about their soul that invites warmth and comfort. They care deeply for their loved ones and are willing to do anything to make them happy.


Smaller mouths, often paired with thin, shorter lips, tend to be less expressive of their feelings. They're a little more guarded, keeping defenses high lest they get burned in the process. They're fiercely independent, but with a cost, often yearning for closer bonds with their own loved ones.



A closeup of a woman's ear, three small diamond earrings in the lobe.
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Smaller, more narrow ears indicate that someone is very concerned with honor and integrity. They care very much about their reputation and refuse to let anyone get in the way of that, very confident that they're the masters of their own destiny.


Vertically longer ears tend to denote shyness. These people prefer to keep to themselves, valuing their privacy and time spent alone. However, they also carry with them a silent strength, an admirable resilience that others look up to.

Those with larger ears are often more assertive, but not in a bad way. They're just very self-assured, having gone on a long journey of self-love and acceptance that they now express outwards, not letting the opinions of others get them down.



A woman in yellow eye makeup looking off to the right, showing her side profile.
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The collection of one's traits into a side profile can also say things about them and their personality.


If someone's profile is convex, categorized by a larger nose, prominent browbone, and a slanted forehead, they're believed to be the stubborn type. Set in their ways and strong in their conviction, these types forge their own trail and are happy to do so alone if need be.

A concave profile, categorized by a prominent forehead, a smaller, downward-turned nose, and a chin that angles outwards, is very empathetic. They can feel the emotions present in a room the second they walk in, and thus are very good at reading people.

Those with a flat profile are thought to be perfectly balanced. They're a beacon of peacefulness, able to diffuse any situation and mediate any argument. They have a calming presence, happy to act as a grounding force for anyone who needs it.


Face Shape

A portrait of a woman with a round face.
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Lastly, there's general face shape.


Those with round faces and softer features are more emotional, carrying a sensitive nature that leaves them easily affected by the troubles of the world. They're also driven by pure, untainted love, love that they share with those they care about most.

A square face is yet another sign of a natural, fierce leader. These people love to take charge and have a situation go their way, but they're not completely unable to compromise. They're analytical, and take lessons learned from failures very seriously.


More Face Shapes

A closeup of a woman's face who has a more square face shape.
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An oval face is an indicator of high levels of confidence and self-esteem. They're incredibly hardworking, sure to prove themselves in whatever endeavor they get caught up in so people know their confidence is not unfounded.


Triangular faces indicate wit, intelligence, and creativity. They're the type who loves to quip back at their friends, an amicable sort of teasing that doesn't actually hurt anyone's feelings. They're clever, if not a bit short-tempered, but still fun to be around.

And finally, there are those with more rectangular faces, who are believed to have well-balanced personalities. They're honest, they're sincere, and they're pragmatic, looking for the most realistic way to reach their goals without getting too in over their heads.


Beneath The Facade

A man and woman meeting for the first time.
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Now, it's worth remembering that people are more than just the sum of their parts, literally in this case! There is a lot that can be told by the features of someone's face, but everyone is also shaped by much more than that, namely their upbringing and the unique experiences they've endured.


While face reading is alright as a first impression, don't let your knowledge of their features cloud your true judgment. You can only truly know someone after learning their inner self, which is far more important than physical appearance anyway.

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