The Spiritual Meaning Behind Your Ears Ringing (Do You Hear It In The Right Or Left Ear?)

Have you ever had something happen in your body, and you're just at a loss as to where it could have come from? A strange shiver down your spine when it's not even cold outside, suddenly feeling dizzy when you haven't moved, or a ringing in your ears when you're sitting in silence.

Our nerves, brains, muscles, and other body-wide systems can do all sorts of strange things without us controlling them. Because they seem so strange, some believe these actions to be the work of something greater, something that's trying to communicate with us.

The most common way people receive messages from beyond our world is through the use of astrology, looking to the stars and determining what lies ahead. To learn all that astrology can teach you, you can get a full birth chart reading.

This reading can provide insight into your personality, your life's journey, and what lies ahead in areas like love, finance, and passion. See what the future has in store for you today!

Head To Toe

A woman stretching both her arms to the side.
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The human body is full of strange anomalies, of delicate systems that can be thrown off by even the smallest of imbalances. If you think about it, it's kind of a miracle that we exist at all, considering how many atom-small processes have to function to make us who we are.

Could all of these anomalies be caused by something physical? Or are there potentially spiritual elements at play that set off seemingly random behaviors? Some people do believe that our physical selves can receive messages from something beyond us, with one common belief being that a ringing in the ears is indicative of spiritual communication.

There are quite a few possible meanings behind ear ringing, it all depends on where you are along your path.


Awakening To Spiritual Energies

A man with his hand raised to his ear in a 'I'm listening' gesture.
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Frequent ringing in the ears is often considered a sign of a spiritual awakening. Of course, this is even more true if you're already on a spiritual path of some sort. No matter where you are in that path or how long you've been devoted to whatever spiritual practice you've chosen, this ringing is a sign that new doors have opened up for you, allowing for more messages from the divine.


Or, if you're not on a spiritual path of any kind, it could be a sign that someone or something from beyond is trying to communicate with you, perhaps a lost loved one. Keep an eye out for other signs of their presence in your life.


Reading The Vibrations

An artsy shot of the side of someone's head between their raised arms.
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Ear ringing could also be an indication that you're now becoming more aware of or sensitive to the energies around you, able to pick up on disturbances on a level that most people can't even begin to connect with.


To determine if this is the case, start to jot down when these bouts of ringing happen. Are there any common themes or consistent triggers you notice? This could be an indicator of what sets this ringing off for you.


Depends On The Sound

A doctor checking inside someone's ear with a scope.
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The type of ringing you're hearing could also have sway over the intended message aside from the opening of spiritual pathways and the recognizing of energies.


The most common type is the typical, high-pitched ringing you might hear after a loud sound. If unprovoked, this sound could be a sign that good luck is coming your way.

A lower, more buzzing-type sound is a warning that negative energies are about. It could be the environment you're in or energies building up within yourself, but it's a good idea to do a cleanse either way.


Ringing In Right Ear

A man putting an AirPod in his ear.
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The meaning behind ear ringing can change if that ringing is only happening in one ear, and is highly dependent on what ear it's happening in.


If you're experiencing a ringing in your right ear, this messaging has to do with the realm of spiritual interconnectedness. This call to attention is meant to draw focus to our drive, our motivations, and our desire for purpose. This pull of energy urges us to drum up our determination and light a fire under the areas of our lives that need it most.


Down To Business

Someone writing in a weekly planning journal, full of notes and color coding.
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Within the practical energy this right-ear ringing provides us lies traits like reasoning, self-assuredness, concentration, resilience, and the power to stand strong in the face of adversity. It's like having a compass guiding us towards not only stability, but the fulfillment of our aspirations. Seeing as ear ringing is generally seen as spiritual, this could all be with the hopes of you furthering your spiritual journey, encouraging you to water the seeds you've already planted.


So, if your ear ringing is focused on the right side, place your focus in your spiritual or emotional growth. You'll see plenty of tangible, meaningful growth if you do.


Ringing In Left Ear

A sepia image of a woman with a hand raised to her cheek, her ear highlighted.
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Meanwhile, a ringing in the left ear plays more into someone's intuitive side, urging them to listen to their heart, their emotions, and their soul's truest desires.


Someone's intuition is their guiding sense of love, comfort, and wonderment. While it does warn you against the bad things, it also encourages you to chase after the good things. Intuition is also what helps us give guidance and aid to friends in need, providing comfort to our loved ones when they need it most.


Let Your Heart Lead

A woman with her eyes closed, both hands over her heart.
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When you're experiencing frequent ringing in your left ear, the universe is asking you to look at what areas of your life need to be treated with kindness.


Maybe you're in a bit of a tense fight with a friend, or you've run into some money troubles, or you've fallen behind on maintaining your home so it has become a bit of a mess. These aren't things you should be angry at yourself for, they're likely not your fault (at least, not entirely). Things happen, life isn't perfect. By listening to your gentler side and guiding yourself with love, you can bring yourself back from these depths and rise again.


Ringing During Meditation

A woman meditating outside in a field, a hand over her chest.
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Though the title says during meditation specifically, this could apply to any time that you're alone with your thoughts, be it deliberate or not.


The important part is that you focus on when the ringing occurs. What was on your mind when it popped up? What emotions were you feeling? Where was the sensation in your body? Whatever specifics were present, the universe wants you to pay attention to those things, so delve into them further to see why your attention is being brought there.


Stay Tuned

A woman standing in front of a large window putting headphones on.
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A very important disclaimer here: if you're experiencing extremely frequent, or even constant ear ringing, it's more likely that this is a medical issue rather than a divine message. Do not forgo your physical health for spiritualism, if you think something is wrong then talk to a doctor about it!


That being said, a short ring here or there could be alerting us to something we've neglected to even realize is an issue or a blockage. By remaining in tune with our bodies and noticing when something new arises, we can find guidance where we least expect it, letting ourselves be nudged toward our truest purpose.

If you're struggling to find your purpose and need some help discovering your truest path, you can turn to the ancient art of Numerology to help. Using just your date of birth, numerology can provide endlessly valuable insight into your destiny.

Learn more about your future and present self that you never would have known before, click here to get started today!

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