Irritating Photos That Ruined Our Whole Day Just By Looking At Them (These Pics Really Angered People)
Sure, in life, there are little moments of devastation where things go terribly wrong, but those moments are (hopefully) few and far between. I find that it's normally the small, unexpected, irritating things that are behind a bad day.
These are photos of little things that are so irritating that just looking at them will make your day a little worse.
So Close, But So Far
I know nothing about how stovetops are made, but I do know that, if just about every brand can get the burner and the circle to line up, it cannot be that hard.
This Fork Is Useless Now
I would like to have a moment of silence for all of the forks, spoons, and knives that slid a little too low so that the handle got wet/sticky and was no longer useful.
Good Luck Passing Them
It's already bad enough when two large trucks are in side-by-side lanes, making passing hard, but this trio decided that no cars should be allowed to pass. The entire highway is the slow lane now.
This Is Grounds For An HR Complaint
The person who posted this explained that these three paintings are hung up in their office like this for no clear reason other than to increase employee dissatisfaction in the company.
This Is Anarchy
I am a firm believer that, in any given bathroom, there should only be one toilet paper roll in use at one time. Two is acceptable, but still not ideal. However, this is pure mania.
This Contractor Needs To Retire
At first, I didn't see what the problem was, but once my eyes focused in on that one post that is upside down, I couldn't notice anything else. It makes me so mad.
You Have To Eat All Three Now
I love bananas as a fruit, but they have a critical flaw: when you open the peel on one, you have to eat it immediately. At least this person won't be low on potassium!
Why Would Someone Do This?
There are some bad things that people do in their world that, despite their evil, at least make some logical sense. Butchering the butter stick like this, however, has no explanation.
What In The Fashion Is This?
You can wear your parents over the tops of tall boots or you can tuck the pant leg into the boot, but you should never ever try to do both at the same time.
Not The Reveal We Expected
There are plenty of ways to celebrate bringing a new human into the world, but a baby mama reveal might be the newest and most creative way to do that.
I can understand why this person wanted to take a break from the internet after seeing this.
Good Question
I don't know if they have internet surveys in the afterlife for people to fill out at their leisure, but I'm pretty sure that most people on the web have not been in a deadly accident.
The Plants Are Going To Die
I understand that, on any product for sale, there has to be a label stuck on it somewhere, but why would anyone ever put one over the holes on a watering can?
R.I.P. To This Donut
I can only imagine this person's disappointment when they tried to pull out the donut they were looking forward to only to see that the icing had left the pastry for the bag lining. A true tragedy.
This Gives Me A Headache
Most times, when making a bar graph, there's no real reason to designate colors to specific items, but this is the one time that the colors really would have made a difference.
That Is Not "Fixing It"
I understand that finding the exact same bricks in the exact same color might not be feasible for a repair job, but the crew on this job didn't even try.
Why, Though?
I understand why certain retailers might want to add anti-theft stickers onto their merchandise, but why would anyone ever put one in the middle of a page in the middle of a book?
They Are The Same Size
It would be one thing if they had even just said that it was extra-large, but they really went all the way to say it is extra-extra-large only for it to be the same size as the regular.
I Want To Yell At This Picture
Everyone has had to deal with this problem before: the seatbelt folds in the clip and is the wrong size to wear and also is pretty much impossible to get back to normal.
Disown Him At This Point
This mom went into her son's bathroom and saw this absolute monstrosity of a toothpaste tube. I don't understand how so much toothpaste can end up on the outside of the tube.
This Makes Me So Mad
Have you ever looked at a loaf of bread and thought, "What if we were to cut it horizontally rather than the normal way?"
I personally haven't, but this sick person did.
Was All That Really Necessary?
Ordering things online and getting them shipped to your house has a lot of advantages, but one of the worst things about it is the way that many companies use an unnecessary amount of packaging.
They Chose Evil
There are some transgressions that, while annoying, are forgivable, such as forgetting to put a new roll on the holder. However, choosing to do this rather than take off the empty one is truly evil.
Didn't Rise To The Occasion, I Guess
Since store-bought sliced bread is so easy to acquire, I never really thought about how difficult it is to actually bake your own. It really is a finicky item to get to rise properly and bake consistently.
Every. Single. Time.
Considering that they make these safety seals specifically so that they are "easy to remove," it's pretty nuts that I am almost never able to get it off right in one go.
Why Is It So Irritating?
Objectively, I know that the kitchen is a communal space in a house, and other people need to come in and out, but it really makes me feel a lot of rage.
This Is An Ad, Not A Fortune
While it is a silly tradition to have in Chinese restaurants, I still find a lot of fun in reading my fortune at the end of a meal. I would be so mad if it was ruined by an ad.
The Invisible Husband
Sometimes the best thing to do when someone catches you in a lie is to just admit it.
Unfortunately, this woman did the opposite and doubled down. Shadows don't lie.
How Do You Even Cook It?
I get that a machine made the mistake of putting the cardboard between the toppings and the crust, but I genuinely want to know what a person could do? Dump the toppings onto the crust and hope it works out okay?
No One Wins In This Situation
Poor Julie barely had any of her drink before mistakenly leaving it on a shelf. Now some poor store employee has to deal with it. It's a lose-lose kind of situation.
Grade School Me Is So Angry
I have so many vivid memories of spending several minutes trying to sharpen a pencil with an off-center lead that simply cannot get the lead to form at the point.
Why Would You Ever Do This?
It's perfectly fine to have a machine full of gumballs, and it is perfectly fine to have a machine full of bouncing balls, but there should never be both in one.
This Is Why Kids Hate School
It's one thing to get an answer wrong on a test because you simply did the work incorrectly, but there's a special type of pain in getting the right answer and having it still count as incorrect.
A Dangerous Game
It's already a dangerous game to be two-timing someone, but doing it right in front of your partner? Not cool.
I have a feeling if there's a fly ball coming his way she's not going to be catching it to save him.
These Peas Are Upsetting Me
At first glance, this plate of food looks just fine, and then you focus on the peas. Every time I look at them, I shudder.
This restaurant should fire their photoshop designer immediately.
Why Didn't They Purchase The Property Across The Street?
Someone in a boardroom was looking at new available properties, and saw that there were vacancies on this road.
They had the choice of buildings, and thought to themselves, "You know what the perfect address would be? 712."
One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others
If you're going to go out of your way to install identical control knobs, you have to go all the way and replace all of them.
You can't just leave the fourth as an inverted version.
This Door Is Activating My Fight Or Flight Instinct
This is the most upsetting thing that I have seen all week, and I want to take an ax to this door.
Whoever designed this and whoever lives here are both sickos.
That One Yellow Piece In The Grey Side Is Driving Me Nuts
If you love to color code things and organize things by their properties, this is bound to piss you off.
The fact that the yellow one out of place is right in the corner somehow makes it worse.
Those Two Tiles Will Haunt Me Forever
Can you imagine putting in hours of work to create the perfect tile pattern only to ruin it with two tiles that face the wrong way?
How did this happen without someone noticing?
That's Too Many Icons
This person didn't have enough space on one desktop for all of his icons, so he had to add another screen.
If you need this many icons, you may have some other problems.
The Worst Kind Of Clock
This clock really drives home just how annoying those price tags are that say $4.99 instead of $5.
Imagine if all of the numbers we used every day were like that.
It's Still Closed
This person went to open a sealed container only to discover that they had removed the foil top while leaving the thin plastic film behind.
This container is still very much closed.
Asking For A Mix-Up
Why would this company put pepper in a white shaker and salt in a black shaker?
I understand that the writing is in the inverse color, but if I'm holding a mostly white shaker, I'm going to think that it's salt.
Fingerprints Everywhere
This computer does not have a touch screen, and yet, it's totally covered in fingerprints. Why was somebody continuously touching this screen?
Did they think that it was a touchscreen?
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