Think You’re Intelligent? Then See How You Do With This Logic Quiz!

Jackson Sawa | April 3, 2024 9:45 pm

A cowboy rides into town on Friday. He stays three days, then rides out of town on Friday. How?

Retry Correct Incorrect Now that you know the horse’s name was Friday, re-reading the sentence makes perfect sense! What, did you think it was a time-traveling horse?
Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

A cowboy rides into town on Friday. He stays three days, then rides out of town on Friday. How?

  • The sun didn’t come up for four days
  • It took four days to ride through the town
  • He walked for the remaining four days
  • The horse’s name was Friday

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