Museums Are In Competition To See Who Has The Creepiest Objects
Not too long ago, the Yorkshire Museum launched the #curatorbattle hashtag. It's a challenge that calls out other museum curators to showcase their best objects related to the theme set by Yorkshire.
They chose to go for more chilling items and started the #creepiestobject battle. If you have a light stomach, we suggest you brace yourself.
Tortured Man Used As A Sacrifice

Well, it's hard to say we've seen worse than this, but there's no telling how disgusting things we get in this article.
Why did they have to cut off his nipples?
Summoning Mayhem

This museum felt convinced they had the most gruesome display. We're half inclined to believe them after seeing this severed foot with more legs. Who even thought of doing this?
Something About Dolls

There's something about dolls that make them terrifying. It could be how the media portrays them in horror films, but even then, they have a certain look about them that gives you chills.
The Drunk Bear

There's no way someone put this on display and thought it wouldn't scare anyone. This is as creepy as it gets! How does this pass for a bear and not some soul-eating demon?
Great, A Smirking Mask...

This executioner's mask has a terrifying smirk to it. Okay, it's not actually an executioner's mask, really, it's a scold's bridle. We think it could pass for an executioner's mask because of the smirk.
Things Get Weirder

How gross can a contest get? I guess we'll find out the longer we go, but this one is pretty horrifying. Is his head covered with tentacles from an octopus? Or are those worms, eating him?
Does Anyone Like Crabs?

If you like crab, then you should love this creepy painting! It's nothing but figures playing cards and doing other activities, but they're not humans. This is nightmare fuel for sure.
The Cutest Cat Of Them All

This place isn't even a museum, but they wanted to contribute this "cute little kitty cat." It would be cute if the head wasn't floating and the arms weren't sticks.
The Big Oinker

If you look at the pig, you'll notice it has a sweet face. When you keep that mind, you should be able to look at this without getting freaked out by it that much.
Would You Put This In Your Bathroom?

We don't know about you, but we wouldn't keep this thing in our restroom. A half-human, half-skeleton towel holder doesn't seem like the best decor choice for any person looking to redecorate.
Did We Need To See This?

A pincushion with tiny children heads. If you had to read that before seeing it, you would probably not want to look at something with such a description. Now you know what it looks like.
A Hairy Fish Person???

We don't know what it looks like to you, but for us, this looks like a hairy fish person. Imagine catching this thing while fishing and it starts wagging its finger.
Take A Bite!

Leaving teeth marks like that only means the pain was on another level. We feel for whoever had to use this to handle their pain, but we hope it worked well.
A Tattered Sheep's Heart

Well, how else would you expect a sheep's heart with pins and nails going through it to look? If you have a weak stomach, this probably did it for you.
"Rat King"

This isn't what came to mind when we envisioned a "rat king." This is the last thing we expected! This museum should get rid of this display before more rats come and start a ceremony.
Not The Kitty!

We love cats, but not the mummified version of them. By our calculations, it looks like cats looked completely different back in the day. This one almost looks the size of a dog.
A Mummified Mermaid?!

Now, can we all agree that mermaids aren't fake? If they have a mummified version of one, that only indicates The Little Mermaid isn't that much of a stretch after all.
The Creepy Meter Just Reached New Heights

What you see here is a painted whale eardrum. Our best guess was an eardrum before we saw what it was, but this one looks a bit scarier for some reason...
How Creepy Can We Go?

We're pretty sure a fetus doll that looks like a strung-out Kermit the Frog is enough to creep out anyone. We don't know why they decided to submit this into the contest, but hey.
Sensational, A Burial Hair Bun...

You can call this gross, creepy, disgusting, or whatever you want because we agree. Keeping this piece of history helps us tell a better story, but really, a hair bun?
Ah, Yes, A Good-Luck Knuckle

This bone probably brought this man an insane amount of luck. If it didn't, who would carry around some finger bone from a human? We guess gamblers are a different breed...
Another Mermaid Enters The Mix

Okay, this is all the evidence we need for mermaids. This museum even provides further information about the little guy! Wait, it sounds like this isn't as real as we hoped...
Is It A Plague Mask Or Nightmare Entity?

The tweet says this is a plague mask from somewhere around 1650–1750, but we aren't buying that. This clearly is something used to horrify people before they went to sleep.
A Real-Life Vampire

Things keep getting creepier by the minute, and we don't appreciate it very much. Hopefully, you've enjoyed yourself thus far, as you've arrived at a real-life vampire with only half of his head.
The Toy That Moves By Itself

After finding something like this in the walls of a mansion, why would you want to bring it back? Then, you find out it moves by itself and continue to harbor it.
A Great Example Of Frostbite

We've only heard stories of people getting frostbite, but we have yet to see it in person. If this is what it looks like, then we don't ever want to get cold again.
The Monkey Mermaid?

This looks like a monkey and a mermaid had a child. The face resembles Curious George a lot. The kids surely won't be able to sleep right for at least one night after seeing this.
Who Put The Kids In These??

If the kids wanted to get inside of the costumes, then that's different. If someone older wanted to have them dress in these animal suits, then that person shouldn't have creative control anymore.
Wax Child From Germany

This museum joined Twitter for the sole purpose of sharing this image of a wax child mannequin from Germany. Due to so many entries, we can't say this is the winner, but it's up there.
Creepiest Diving Suit Ever

Is this for an alien or a diver? Because we can't tell. If this is what they used to dive in the 18th century, then thank you for all the advancements we've had so far.
Did It Work Though?

If I was a witch and someone was trying to punish me, I think I'd have enough magic to be able to overpower a few pins in the heart of a little bird.
Just What I Wanted: A Box Of Eyes

This is a box of eyes might look like a set of scary halloween cupcakes, but it's actually a collection of glass eyes for people who lost a real one. Don't worry, most don't look this terrifying.
This Is Straight Nightmare Fuel

This is an adult female mummified Porbeagle Shark, but I'm only going to know it as the evil figure that is going to haunt my nightmares for the next 2-3 weeks.
Apparently This Is A Good Character

This is a depiction of the Divine Insect (Shinchū). This creature from the Extermination of Evil (Hekija-e) paintings is actually a deity who drives away the demons & spirits that cause plagues—so he's just a good guy who looks evil.
The Head Of A Vampire

This is the severed head of the murderer Peter Kurten, the infamous Vampire of Dusseldorf. His head was bisected and mummified in 1931 so that scientists could try and study the workings of his mind.
The Cutest Baby Accessory Back In The Day!

Teething problems with your children? This tooth was used as a "medical tool"—parents used to hang a dead man's tooth around their kids' necks to prevent convulsions brought on by teething.
Two Dolls, But Both Terrify Me

The one on the left is a nearly destroyed doll head that was male on one side, with a mustache & female on the other. Other similar ones many had different expressions of the same character, like the one of the right.
Ugh, That Cloak Is So Passé!

This is the cloak of a professional executioner in the 1700s. It gives me chills to think that this is the last outfit that many people ever saw before they died.
Eye See You

This creepy eye was found staring out at the workers in the sludge that was dragged up from the bottom of the Thames river in London, England. The hills have eyes, but so do the rivers.
I'm Glad Humans Don't Make Babies Like This

A Suriname toad called Pipa Pipa keeps her eggs in these holes under her belly until the tadpoles have developed into tiny toads, but looks terrifying. This specimen is from Suriname from before 1835.
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