Take This Challenging Black And White Movie Quiz And Find Out If You’re A True Cinephile

Mason Zimmer | November 7, 2023 4:39 pm

Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:


Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:

Retry You’re taking your first steps into film history We’re going to guess that this is the oldest movie you’ve seen since it was one of the first to show audiences the vibrancy of color filmmaking. But while it’s a timeless classic, you’ll expose yourself to so many more if you check out more films with a more limited color palette. Happy hunting! You’ve seen a decent number of these Sure, it can be a little tricky to tell some black-and-white movies apart. Even if you recognize the people involved, that doesn’t always mean you’ve got a fix for what movie they were in. As such, it’s a great compliment to the filmmakers whose work you’ve correctly identified that they stood out so much among the rest. And maybe soon, you’ll find that “the rest” isn’t so bad either. You’re well on your way Congratulations on gaining enough knowledge of some of the biggest classics in cinema that you can identify more of them than you can’t! Seriously, it takes some cultured character to look at media released before you were born, and you’ve made some serious effort to give even the most far-flung classics a chance. And you’re definitely prepared for when a modern filmmaker tries black-and-white. You are 100% film buff While this doesn’t necessarily mean you were around when all of these movies were released; you have the advantage of someone who was. Your film knowledge is encyclopedic, and while people have strong opinions about who wins Best Picture each year, you have strong opinions about what movie won it 50 years ago. Very impressive, and we hope you’re still finding new movies to enjoy.
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