These Pictures Are Here To Make You Laugh And That’s That
When 3:00 pm hits, it's not uncommon to get a serious case of the 'I'm over its'. It doesn't matter what you're doing. You can be at work or at home, it hits hard and heavy and there is no escaping it.
Almost entirely out of habit, whenever this feeling hits me, I pick up my phone and head to a dark place, usually the office bathroom, to see what funnies the internet has in store for me.
The Barista Did Their Best And I Think We Should Be Happy With That
It isn't the barista's fault that Marc's name is so boring, they couldn't make sense of Mark with a "c" any other way. The barista probably would have a better chance of spelling Xander correctly.
This Looks Like A Person Who Is Trying To Prove A Point
This is what it feels like when I put on sad music knowing full well I'm going to make myself cry. It's foolish, but in my own mind, it's necessary.
I Swear When I Saw This Photo, My Soul Left My Body
The dog looks like they have the teeth of a person who only drinks Coke and has never in their life encountered a toothbrush. I can smell it from here.
If I Was The Photographer, I Would Consider This My Best Work
If you're quiet enough, you can hear this picture. The defeated squish and groan that comes with the realization that a huge mistake has been made, followed by the faint echo of 'look what I can do...'
You Gotta Love Someone Who Can Have A Laugh At Their Own Expense
Real talk, this would have been a missed opportunity if he did anything differently. She looks like she's fondly seeing the rest of her life flash before her eyes...for both of them.
That Is One Thicc Pikachu
At least he looks good, though. Very cuddly. We all eventually lose our good looks and are left with only the charm the traumas of our life may have left us with.
Well, This Is Terrifying, But Not The Way It Would Want
Somewhere in a gutter that creepy clown is disgraced by this Wal Mart lookalike abomination. I guess you're not actually famous until someone makes a lame attempt at dressing up as you for Halloween.
This Is A Little TOO On The Nose For Me
Like, if you're driving this truck around, you have to know that something like this is going to happen to you. You can't tempt fate like that and hope for the best.
The Dog Sitting On The Table Is My New Hero
That is a MOOD. You show your humans, sweetie. Who really owns the house? That is some seriously direct eye contact with that camera. Side note, what is the dog on the couch looking at...?
I Like How They Just Left The Scooter Abandoned
Life got too real, too quickly, for whoever this unfortunate soul was. You can see the moments of panic forever set in the concrete. With any luck, they'll keep it that way and the story of this epic wipeout will be passed down in urban legend.
Apparently Funny Signs Are An Art Form
You've got to work with what you're given and Hungry Howie is serving us true superiority and owning it. I would love to know how the sign got so stooped, though.
We Truly Do Not Deserve Dogs
This little squished face from heaven made me chuckle to myself. That's quite the situation they've gotten themselves into and hope whatever it is they're staring at is worth it.
Why Fix What Isn't Really Broken?
Of all the stupid smart things I've seen, this one takes the cake. If someone was going to go to all the work to TAPE a new clock on the clock that no longer works, you think they could have just changed the batteries.
Whoever Made This Sign Deserves A Raise
Dat Ash? Seriously? This might be the funniest thing I've ever seen. I think everyone who works in comedy needs to check themselves because not coming up with this joke will clearly cause wreckage.
I Feel This Picture In My Soul
Every morning after my alarm, I lie in bed and practice the mean things I would say to my boss if I had the guts and a lot of money. JUST KIDDING... I totally love my job.
He Looks So At Peace With His Situation
This guy is living his best life and he isn't letting anyone stand in his way. Who are we to judge him for being this comfortable, not only in his own skin, but on the subway no less. A true hero.
Rules Are Rules!
This teacher has their priorities in check, so there is that. At least we can rest easy knowing that these students have their education in good hands. Unless Jason Momoa shows up, but that's pretty true for most people.
Those Students Better Start Every Statement With 'I Mustache You A Question...'
Real talk, having a mustache is a lot of work. It's like it shows up overnight, all at once, and then you leave it for another week because no one but you notices it, right?
Shots Fired, Mojo...
They are not kidding around with this sign. It's kind of genius, though. Either people will come in who hate pumpkin spice to triumphantly eat their burger, or people who love it will come in to rage eat a burger. It's a win-win.
I Would Love To Know The Story Behind This
I truly cannot even begin to guess what happened. Why just Oreos? There had to be some sort of scandal with the icing involved. There was a meltdown involved and some sort of existential crisis, to be sure.
This Kid Is A Real Sucker...
Hahaaaa. For real, though, this poor little guy. One moment he's enjoying his green sucker, the clearly superior flavor, and then the next moment it completely disappeared and something is pulling his hair. Life is tough.
This Is How I Imagine Nicholas Cage Would Look Like As A Tim Burton Character
This is kind of funny but low key terrifying...then again, that's kind of what he already looks like now. Regardless, this weird peanut butter and jelly sandwich looking Nic Cage will haunt my dreams.
So This Is What The Future Looks Like...
I'm so terrified of dropping my phone that I would never let it hang from a charging station like that. He's a braver human than I am, and much more dedicated to his stories.
Oh Joshua, Sweet Prince
Aside from the fact that Woody Allen and Woody Harrelson pretty much come from different planets, how was this even possible? I really question a person's taste who cannot tell the difference between the two.
Well, I Can't Be Sure, But I Don't Think This Person Knows What A Giraffe Looks Like
Every single limb other than their neck is outrageously long! This almost seems personal. Someone with a squat neck is out here getting their revenge one weird stuffed toy at a time.
If Monday Were A Moment, It Would Look Like This
I wish that I could say only an idiot would let this happen but I'm pretty confident we've all been here. Putting a mug upside down? This person got off easy.
Can Carlos Not Also Be A Mayan Virgin?
We shouldn't make assumptions about Carlos and his life decisions. At the end of the day, I don't care who makes my taco as long as it's delicious. Am I right?
I Should Get This Stitched Onto Every Piece Of Clothing I Own
I also make my mom sad with my choices, but hey, such is life. If you aren't bumming someone out with your life decisions, are you really living your life to its fullest?
Check Out Those Sassy Cheeks!
This is Halloween done right. Why carve pumpkins when you can be cheeky with them? Imagine being at the store weighing out pumpkins to find two perfect butt cheeks... what a great way to spend a Monday night.
Some People's Children... I Tell Ya
It looks like she's duct-taped it to her ankle? Did she think that was going to make it less noticeable? I would love to know what she got arrested for other than her crimes against fashion and decency.
I'm Pretty Sure I'd Have A Heart Attack
Nothing says "I'm the middle child" as clearly as dressing up like an upside-down version of herself and making her parents think she's possessed as she walks down the stairs.
You Heard It In Sean Connery's Voice, Don't Lie
I respect a grocery store that has an entire aisle dedicated to biscuits, and that they know that they should separate cheese biscuits because they are, above all, the most important things in a grocery store.
There You Go, You've Got It
We all love to use a label maker, but it's important that we learn that we should use its powers for good and not for evil. Unless this a whole new type of sprinkle that we haven't tried yet...
Genius Marketing Or Spelling Error?
I'm pretty sure that if I saw a sign that said "yard sard," I would be tempted to check it out just to see if it would be different than a yard sale.
No One Looks Happy With This Situation
This kid insisted on being dressed up as a clown for their family picture that year, and faced with the fact that he wouldn't be in the picture otherwise, they relented. But no one was happy about it.
"Hey, Come Check This Out"
What reason could someone possibly have to take that many snacks with them on a trip? Did they even pack any clothes at all for this trip? Honestly, I respect it.
The Mask Is Taking Over
She looks cute! How does someone put these bubbling masks on their face and not find them to be super ticklish? I feel like the popping bubbles would feel weird on your skin.
We All Have That One Friend
Remember when it was cool to take pictures of your feet with your friends? Looks like these people got on that train and were even kind enough to include their peg-legged friend.
"Can I Pet This Dog?"
Seven legs or not, a dog that I can see will forever be a dog I want to pet. Someone should make a Panorama Hall of Fame that will just be pictures of pets that look like caterpillars.
"Who Is She?"
This little girl is going to go places in life, you know why? Because she took a bad situation and made it into something that was kind of horrifying but works anyway. Welcome to adulthood.