While many people can count their weddings as one of the happiest days of their lives, that makes it easy to forget how stressful most of them were at the time. Based on the stories that arise from the struggles of planning weddings, it’s a testament to the strength of some relationships that they made… More »
When someone is about to propose to their longtime partner, it’s natural for a lot of nervousness to creep in before they pop the question. When a relationship is going well, it’s understandable to fear that a big step forward in it will change it forever. And even if the idea of proposing itself doesn’t… More »
People often say that it’s the thought that counts when giving gifts, but that thought isn’t always matched by the person receiving them. This can be especially disheartening for those who make their gifts themselves, only to learn that they put hours of care and a lot of love into them for nothing. But at… More »
Although it’s entirely possible for married people to have wonderful relationships with their mothers-in-law, it is nonetheless sadly common for that relationship to be fraught with friction. And while the specifics of each conflict with in-laws can vary in a wide variety of bizarre ways, most of them stem from the common issue of an… More »
Start Quiz Araya Doheny via Getty Images Araya Doheny via Getty Images The only thing more American than Muscle Cars is the Bald Eagle and the Red-Blue-White Flag itself. While the European and the Japanese were chasing concepts like efficiency and precision, the American car industry had a race for putting the big-honking V8s in… More »
As each New Year passes, we can generally expect to hear our friends make passionate resolutions for how they’ll do things differently this time. And since we’re such good friends, we won’t bring them up when we see them blatantly disregard them two months later.But while some people never bothered making New Year’s resolutions, the… More »
It’s not coincidental that the entertainment industry lives off of connections and family ties. Sometimes if a person wants to make it in Hollywood, it might just be a draw of being lucky enough to be born into a famous family. “Nepotism baby” has become a buzzword and refers to the rising stars in entertainment… More »
One of the reasons why Netflix is one of the top streaming services across the globe is because they have a vast array of original content.While many titles have been renewed for this year, there have unfortunately been many cancellations as well. Continue reading to see which Netflix series will stick around and which ones… More »