30 Home Renovation DIY Projects That Went Horribly Wrong Too Funny Not To Laugh At
One of the best parts about owning a home as an adult is that you can do whatever you want with it. You get to make every design decision, and you can take on all the projects you want.
The problem is, not every design decision is going to be a good one and not every project is going to be as great in reality as it was in theory. Some designs should have stayed in the hypothetical and never been given the chance to exist.
Add A Little Drama To The Dining Room
Who doesn't love having a water feature in the center of their kitchen table that takes up half the usable space? It seems like there'd be absolutely zero issues with a piece of furniture like this.
Always Measure Twice
There's a reason that people tell you to measure twice and cut once with any home renovation project. Otherwise, you end up with a grate over your vent that's twice the size of it.
You Can Crouch
His parents renovated his bathroom while he was away at college and now they wonder why he never wants to come home to use it. It could have something to do with the fact that the showerhead is shorter than he is.
That Must Be Damp
There's a big difference between innovation and abomination. Any form of carpet in a bathroom other than a bathmat is an abomination, and you can't convince us otherwise. That bathroom would never be dry.
Now You've Got Two Things To Fix
While trying to install a new microwave in the kitchen, this person slipped and dropped it, shattering both the microwave and the glass top of the stove directly below it.
You Did This...For What?
I can't think of any reason that someone would need to cut a hole in their wall in order to install their toilet. Can you? It's never been a problem in any other bathroom, but okay.
What's Behind Door Number 3?
Now you might be thinking, "Why would someone want to make a fence entirely out of a repurposed doors?" We don't have an answer for you. We're thinking the exact same thing.
You Didn't Say The Outlet Had To Work
When they signed the lease, the landlord informed them that there would be an outlet installed in the bathroom before they moved in. Apparently, they forgot to specify they also wanted it to work.
The Tiniest Of Handrails
Clearly, someone had a health and safety inspector come by who informed them they needed to install more railings on the premises, so they did the absolute bare minimum. I can respect that.
Brace Yourself, And Your TV
Clearly, whatever you used to mount the TV over the fireplace mantel was not strong enough. Now you get to go buy a new TV along with a new bracket for it!
This Is Why We Needed The New Package
So you needed to buy the new scissors because your old ones were bad quality, but you can't access the new ones because you have nothing to open them with. Talk about a catch-22.
Your Ride Is Here!
You might have been putting off that living room extension for a couple of years, but thanks to the school bus driving through the side of your house, you can move up your renovation timeline!
A Wading Pool / Lunch Area
This school was doing renovations and decided to give students an outdoor patio area for eating lunch. The problem is that the new patio area is slightly below ground level, resulting in it turning into a wading pool every time it rains.
An Indoor Porch Party
Many people dream of having a house with a patio or a large porch so they have a place to spend time outside on a nice day. The key word here is that it should be outside, not randomly against a wall in your home.
Oh, So You Want To Break A Leg?
Having a staircase that's directly outside of a bedroom door is already a risky move for someone designing a house. Choosing to put one that doesn't even have a solid landing at the top is even worse.
Plant Your Own Palm Trees
Oh, you thought that palm trees couldn't grow in Indiana? Well, you thought wrong. This person brought the palm trees to them, proving to all of us that you can always create your own tropical oasis.
She's Holding Strong
This person never imagined that removing the nails would be the hardest part of their renovation project, but this nail managed to take out two hammers and she's still standing!
How Elegant
This woman went over to her boyfriend's house and discovered he had recently added a few new pieces of decor, including bowls made entirely out of hot glue. An interesting design choice.
Clothesline Yourself Every Morning
First of all, glad your son had that realization on his own, but it's unfortunate that it wasn't before you made him the custom bed. Second of all, this definitely seems like a hazard for when you're trying to get out of bed every morning.
Seems Like A Hazard
Of all the places in the bathroom that we would expect to find an outlet, built into the toilet is not the place. Where does the power source for this even come from?
A Lawsuit Waiting To Happen
Coming up the stairs, the black and white checkered pattern looks great, but going down? You might as well just close your eyes and hope for the best because you are flying blind.
This Doesn't Seem Sanitary
Not only does this not seem sanitary (because, how the heck do you clean this?!) but it also doesn't seem like it would be a terribly comfortable experience to try to go to the bathroom here.
Clean Up On Aisle 3
You've been saying for weeks that you want to reorganize your kitchen cupboards to sort through all your mismatched Tupperware and dishes... Your cupboards were just getting a head start for you.
Keep Your Mail Warm
It feels like a bit of a waste to use a microwave as a mailbox, but I'm sure the mailmen appreciate it when they need to heat up their lunches while driving around.
Don't Walk Under It
People tend to get a little crazy at Christmas, especially when it comes to decorations, but building a "tree" out of a ladder and a string of lights seems like a bad luck gesture.
Imagine Trying To Clean These...
What do you mean you don't think that dozens of pairs of old jeans should be used to re-do the stairs in your home? Just look how nice these distressed denim steps are!
Feel The Wind In Your Cans
How desperate are you to have wind chimes in your life that you would go to the effort to make your own out of soda cans? This doesn't really feel like a necessity.
The Reflections Aren't Real
Why anyone would want to have the reflections from a window on the wall in the house without the actual windows is beyond me, yet here we are. Embrace that unnatural light.
Some Upcycles Don't Need to Exist
There are plenty of products around your house that you could upcycle into something else, but a vintage meat grinder is not one of them. Your candles deserve better than this.
Raise The Roof—Literally
When you told your wife that you thought you should get a new roof, this probably wasn't what she was picturing... I guess you can save money if you skip the demolition part and just build on top of the old.