39 Of The Funniest Signs At Restaurants – Restaurant Had The Guts To Put This On Their Sign
Nowadays, advertising is all about capturing our attention and making someone stop, think, and laugh, and that's exactly what the best restaurant and bar signs will do. Advertising companies spend millions crafting ads that aren't nearly as good at the phrase or drawing that these bartenders scribbled on a sign in minutes.
Even a sign across the border is throwing shade at America to get people through their doors. These bar signs might hit a little bit too close to home, but that's what makes them work. Let's take a look at these hilarious signs that are sure to uplift your spirits! Read on to learn more.
Finally, A Helpful Yelp Review
Authentic Thai food that's also one of the best dining spots in D.C.? This sign has me sold.
And Alexa really hit the nail on the head with her comment that she's probably "too white" for this Thai restaurant. Most Yelp reviews are just people complaining about service. This one is a bit different and possibly helpful.
This Is Why You Can't Take Cats Anywhere
A lot of me think cats are Satan's curse on the world, but this bar sign perfectly explains why cats are misunderstood. Cats aren't trying to break everything we own. It's just their way of relaxing after a long week of eating and sleeping.
At least you know this bar likely has an endless supply of whiskey.
This Soup Has A Little Too Much Salt
Not only is serving the tears of your enemies sound way too salty but if its soup of the day then you're going to run out quickly.
How many enemies does this restaurant have? Whoever wrote this sign must have some serious beef going on with all the nearby bars.
East Coast Represents
It's not the advertising that I ever thought Biggie Smalls would end up being used for, but it works surprisingly well. The rapper was known for being Notoriously overweight, so Biggie the Piggie isn't the worst comparison you could make.
A nice lean pork chop with a twice baked potato can be pretty hypnotizing.
Send That Beer Straight To Voicemail
Beer is like that person you hooked up with at your friend's birthday that doesn't understand it was a one night stand. And your response is always the same.
You avoid the annoying texts all week until they call on Friday and you say "hey, it's the weekend, why not?"
What About The Tall People With Low Standards?
This bar sign starts sweet, turns savage, and ends with you standing there wondering why you're excluded from something you don't even want to be a part of.
Just because I'm tall doesn't mean I don't deserve to have free water like dogs and short people. Justice for tall people!
I Usually Don't Like Croutons But...
I'm not the biggest fan of croutons in salads. They are so hard you can't even pick them up with your fork. But water croutons in whiskey soup is a different story.
This soup of the day sounds like the perfect Friday night dinner to finish off a long workweek.
Flashback to the Poetry Unit in Grade 9 English
In all honesty, this bar sign could have been written by me. If a poem doesn't rhyme, it doesn't make much sense in my mind. I still don't even know how many syllables are supposed to be in a haiku.
I'd go into this bar solely because they probably don't understand Shakespeare.
Nobody Exists On Purpose, Except To Get More Tea
What better way to attract a customer to your boutique tea shop than with a boutique reference?
David's Tea is smart enough to know the way to get any millennial into your store is to make a Rick and Morty reference. Fans of the show love to brag about how only smart people will understand the humor. Typical millennials.
They Make A Very Good Point
Okay, this sign is spitting some serious truth. I'm going to start basing all my friendships off of how long they can go without a drink.
Fact: dogs can last 4-5 days without water, but a cat can last almost two weeks. Coincidence that one is man's best friend and the other is plotting to take over the world? I think not.
The Only Math That's Useful In The Real World
In life, basic math is really all you need to know. But what if you start throwing in variables? Will the unknown value of gin and tonics you'll drink over the night effect when you crack your phone screen?
That's when it gets confusing, and you have to bring out your phone calculator. Oh, wait, you might not have one by the fifteenth drink.
This Is A Way Better Gift Than Frankincense
Anyone who knows the story of Jesus' birth knows that frankincense and myrrh were both awful gifts in comparison to gold. Nowadays, skip the symbolism and give the people what they want.
John, Johnny, and Jimmy are the heroes that baby Jesus truly deserved.
Everyone Love Cheese!
Everyone loves cheese. I feel terrible for anyone who can't eat it! There is no love that between a person and their block of cheddar. Or brie. Or Swiss. Whatever you're favorite cheese is, but a block and eat it tonight.
Cheese goes great with just about everything. Except for seafood. If you put American cheese on your baked salmon you should probably see a life coach.
It's A Simple Question
The question seems simple enough. Would you rather walk in the rain, or go into the pub and drink a nice cold beer. Like the question about the bear earlier, this one seems like there is only one answer.
I am going into the pub until the rain dies down. Yes, even if it takes all night. I will not allow the rain to ruin my day!
No Luck For The Irish
I have no proof if this is an Irish pub or not, but whoever owns it has zero luck. The weather report must not have been very promising that day. Unfortunately business is business and the sign must go out.
Now that the sign is out, the patrons must come in. That's how running a bar works. When it rains hopefully enough patrons will be inside the bar enjoying their drinks and it won't matter!