Adults Who Have Mastered This Whole Laid-Back Parenting Thing
Being a parent is chaotic, it's messy, it's rewarding, and it's stressful. You're raising tiny humans and the responsibility of making sure they turn out as good people isn't an easy one.
Once you've been doing it for a while though, you realize that it's actually a lot harder to mess up your kids than you originally thought. And you start to relax, which is exactly what these parents did.
All's Fair In Parenting
You might as well take advantage of the one thing you know they want the most and use it to your advantage. They prey on your weaknesses, so you might as well do the same.
The Liquor Store Handled The Punishment
While some parents might be upset to find their kid's confiscated fake ID on a "Wall of Shame" at the liquor store, this dad realized that since his son didn't even have the ID anymore, he might as well just laugh about it.
Lying Is Not Encouraged, But It's Tolerated
Every parent knows that they should play the "you won't like it" card as long as possible. Tell your kids that pop actually tastes like medicine and that candy is the same thing as broccoli.
Not Exactly What He Pictured
If you grew up with clever parents then you know you have to give them very specific instructions for things like gifts, otherwise, when you ask for "cold hard cash" for your birthday you're going to get a block of frozen money.
These Parents Play Favorites
Imagine taking your girlfriend home to meet your parents only to discover that they've replaced the photos of you that used to hang on the wall with photos of your dog.
A Last-Minute Decision Is Usually Best
Things like Halloween costumers just cause further stress in your household if you plan too far in advance. This mom knows her daughter is going to waiver between a princess, astronaut, and dog for the next three weeks, so why make a decision now?
You Don't Have To Like It
Those don't exactly look like the faces of children who are getting along, so we're guessing that they're not thrilled about their mom's new invention, but we're willing to bet mom is thrilled about it.
Rest Up
The more sporting events you go to as a parent, the more they're going to blend together — no matter how good your kid is. Take a page from this man's book and always bring snacks.
You Have To Earn The Big Stocking
You might have grown up with nice parents who told you that they don't have a favorite child (even if you knew they were lying) but in this household, these parents make it very clear who their favorite is.
Time To Go Keith
Sorry Keith, but the message couldn't be any clearer on this one. They've stopped cooking with cheese, mom has stopped doing your laundry. The subtle hints are gone, we're being clear on this one.
It Wasn't Even The Original
Sorry Matthew, but you have plenty of birthdays ahead of you. Parents can't be expected to tape every birthday party you have and they certainly can't be expected to keep every tape when Ghostbusters II is on TV.
Joke's On You
Oh, you thought your parents were going to give you an iPad for Christmas? You thought wrong. Instead, you're getting trauma and laughed at because you have to be able to laugh in life.
A Feat Of Engineering
When you have parents who are engineers and there are double the babies to tire them out, you can't blame them for using their technical skills to fashion something to make their lives easier.
Only Pick Books You Want To Read For A Month Straight
Never turn down advice from other parents. Remember, you all have the same end goal which is just to make it through bedtime, so take the advice when it's offered.
Calm In The Face Of Adversity
When you become a parent you have to develop quick reflexes if you don't have them already. Kids are clumsy, they're going to drop things or try to fall down the stairs, and you need to be ready for anything. While those around him flinched, this dad was ready.
It All Makes Sense Now
Some of those things your parents did that didn't make any sense to you suddenly become clear when you have kids of your own. They'll be fine for a few minutes while you pretend to count receipts.
Don't Panic Just Yet
The key to staying calm in a situation like this is before you panic or freak out, figure out what room the smell is coming from and try to think about if you care about any of the furniture in that room or not.
You Brought This On Yourself
You know he's not going to freeze outside. You gave him a blanket and you know that after one night of sleeping in the car he's going to learn his lesson. So what's the harm?
Multitasking Is A Must
Mastering multitasking is basically your key to mastering parenting, so if you're able to have two conversations at the same time with the same little person while also trying to pack their lunch, you'll be good.
Play Up Your Strengths
You know what your strengths and weaknesses are, but to your kid, you only have strengths until that first day they realize you do, in fact, have flaws. All you can do is accept it and hope you're better at them than something else.
Reality Check
Parents want to love and support their children whenever they can, but your job as a parent is also to make sure you don't raise a jerk. So sometimes you have to knock your kid down a few pegs.
We Don't Blame You For This One
You're excited to see your kid graduate, no one is denying that. What you're not excited for is having to watch every other kid walk across the stage, so you have to spice up convocation.
Comfy Or Bust
What your kids don't realize is that you are absolutely wearing what you slept in last night, and if they put up a big enough stink you'll probably cave and let them wear their pajama shirt to school.
Putting The Hunt In Easter Egg Hunt
If you really want to spice up your kids' egg hunt this Easter and make the event last as long as possible you could do what this person did and make their easter eggs camouflage. Sit back, relax, and happy hunting for your children.
He Just Needs A Little Encouragement
You're trying to make dinner for everyone and your son has decided to tell you a 30-minute story about something that happened at school that probably has nothing to do with the question you asked him, but if it makes him happy then you're good to just smile and nod.
Just Agree And Move On
While it may not have been the rule you were thinking, this is one of those teaching moments where you realize that's an equally important rule, so you can just leave it at that.
Please Keep All Hands And Feet Inside The Vehicle
It's not perfect but all his limbs are secured and he's not going to slip out any time soon so it's good enough. Everyone is happy which is really the only priority.
The Perfect Dining Companion
You managed to get all your kids to the restaurant, they finally picked a meal after deliberating between mac and cheese or chicken fingers for twenty minutes, and no one has cried yet. You don't have the energy to fight this battle.
Make 'Em Work For It
Remember to enjoy the opportunities and take advantage of your kid's gullibility while they're still little. You're not saying the Tooth Fairy is never going to give them money, they just have to earn it.
There's A Strategy Here
Is there a better feeling than having someone else brush your hair? You may have to remind your daughter occasionally to gently brush, but you'd still rather that than have to brush your own.