High School Photos Of Marvel Stars Before They Became Superheroes And Villains

With the end of an era, some people wonder where the heroes and villains of the various Marvel universes started. The truth is, these prominent actors had lives before becoming superheroes; some of them are even known for things other than being part of the MCU.Since we invested so many years watching these characters grow… More »

Rules You’ll Have To Live By To Become A TLC Star

TLC was originally branded as ‘The Learning Channel’, but it’s really made a name for itself thanks to reality TV. It’s no secret that the reality aspect of reality TV might be more acting than you think, but exactly how much of it is fake?TLC is notorious for creating shows that fit in with their… More »

Celebrities Who Got Rid Of Their Relationship Tattoos

Take it from these celebs: relationship tattoos are a no-no.

These Evil Women Are The Greatest Female Villains In Cinematic History

Some of them were real-life people, too!

Wendy Williams Candidly Opens Up About Her Complicated Life

The world knows Wendy Williams for many things: a radio DJ, a daytime TV host, and a notorious roaster of celebrities. Whether or not you’re a fan of her outspoken personality, it has made her a massive fortune. Recently, Williams’ name has been in headlines for a string of unfortunate events.First, a Graves’ disease diagnosis,… More »

The Ultimate Gift List For Millennials

There’s always something new that’s trending with millennials. After baby boomers, they are one of the most influential generations of people. When looking to buy millennial a gift it can be difficult trying to figure out what they’ll enjoy.Something unique about millennials is that they’re tastes vary across numerous topics, but they tend to appreciate… More »

This Makeup Artist Transforms Himself To Look Like Celebs And The Results Are Insane

Some people love makeup, but some people love makeup with a capital L-O-V-E. Alexis Stone is the latter. The drag queen from Manchester, United Kingdom uses makeup to transform himself into virtually any celebrity — and we really mean any. From Johnny Depp to the Queen of England, there is seemingly no one Stone can’t… More »

Man Builds A Massive Shipping Container Dream Home After No Designer Would Help

“If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” That’s exactly what Houston, Texas-based designer Will Breaux was thinking when he was contacting designers to build the home of his dreams. The designs they came up with were in your classic townhouse mold, and Breaux wanted more. So he built it.Over the… More »

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